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  1. Even Steal Inquisitors like to make snow ash angels! Thanks @sheep!!!
  2. I don't recommend anybody making suggestions along this line to skaa, because the worst part of the vicious circle of this behavior is expecting something more to happen, then being disappointed when it doesn't. The healthy way out of this is to minimize expectations and stop feeling ownership over a situation that nobody owns.
  3. Random thought: Batman is all about "me". I (or my social clique, whether that means friends or superheoes) know best, and aside from key exceptions outside that group (work colleague, commisioner Gordon), everyone else is wrong, and you are the only one who can make things right. Superman is about "you", and the idea that other people have their faults, but ultimately are good people. You don't have to do everything yourself, because other people are fundamentally decent, and will do things to help you. (And okay, maybe I just wanted an excuse to post this, because this is great.) Because seriously. Everyone who is reading this thread should go read All-Star Superman. This story makes me cry everytime, and this is why I storming love Superman.
  4. Hi! I just created this account so... yeah, I'm new.
  5. I'm sorry to hear about everyone's rotten experiences. Maybe some pictures of cat hugs will help.
  6. A few things I'd like to throw out there: You've dated. The number of times you've been rejected no longer matters. Also, you're thirty, so high school definitely doesn't matter. You've been many slightly different people over time since then. There's no need to kick yourself for things you did thousands of days ago. Another thing I wouldn't file under Mistakes - asking her out. It happened in the moment, you had the confidence, it's all good. Her saying no isn't a defeat. Just a voluntary association that didn't happen. It's not a competition. Speaking as someone who did stalky things myself back in the day, I understand the urges. The worry. It took time and varied experiences to drift out of that mindset, but the most optimistic way I can put it is you don't need to get her apology. There's just no association between the two of you. Wanting to ask her out is not a connection. Being friends or doing things together often voluntarily is an association. Neither of you owes the other anything. But in general, don't stare at legs and stuff. Just with anyone. People can see you, so it becomes an action you are performing against them. "Playing her game" is not a real thing. There's no game, there's no chase, there's no win state here. You're just people. You should not approach or engage her at the party. You may be getting close to either "mace in the face" or "company disciplinary action" territory. You don't need to "pretend" she's not there. Just keep this in mind: Her presence isn't relevant.
  7. @skaa It sounds like you've completely lost her trust. 1. She told you no to a date and you have not accepted this as a no. 2.You then made her feel unsafe by ogling her, I bet that one time at the meeting was not the first time she noticed. 3. She non-verbally told you to leave her alone but you didn't stop. 4. She asked you to stop sending notes and yet you are still trying to apologise when she has clearly told you to back off multiple times. Skaa, this is when 'no means no'. This isn't a slight abberation of good behaviour, this is intense creepiness that sends out literally all the red flags of 'here is a guy who does not respect your boundaries, he is not respecting them now and he will not respect them in the future RUN FOR THE HILLS'. She wants you to leave her alone. So leave her alone. She gets you're trying to apologise but you're still doing all the wrong things and I bet you're scaring her, probably badly. At the very best you're being an intense nuisance. Leave her alone. Try avoid her. Don't talk to her if you can help it. Remember that she doesn't owe you her attention. Aside from all the creepiness, to begin with she said no. Accept that, leave her alone. And next time, when a woman sets a boundary, pay attention. If you've gone into other dates with a similar attitude, I'm sorry but its unsurprising that it hasn't worked out. You've got to respect a woman's wishes even if, particularly if, they do not align with your own. Does this make sense to you? Edit: also, a hexaflexagon of pictures is intensely creepy in the context. I think it's kind of weird in any context but definitely not appropriate here. Edit 2: She probably didn't read your second set of messages because she blocked you.
  8. I'm getting bored with my current haircut, so I'm planning on getting a new one at my next appointment.
  9. Well, it makes sense now, thanks. I will continue avoiding her. I also plan to work from home as much as possible from now on, just to make things easier. Edit: I guess so. I had just rediscovered hexaflexagons at the time and was trying to actually make one, when the idea popped in my head. I guess I didn't think that through. If I'm not mistaken, blocking me would mean I wouldn't have been able to see her Facebook profile. I was in fact expecting her to block me or at least unfriend me (I checked daily; yes, I'm a creep), but she never did. I'm pretty sure she just muted our Facebook conversation. I guess it's a good thing I saved her the hassle of unfriending me in all the social networks we shared. Edit2: She's 23. I don't think the seven-year age difference really matters, at least according to XKCD (okay, just kidding). I think she just doesn't like me, probably for similar reasons as those other girls who rejected me in the past. I might try that at some point. Right now I think I'll just keep myself occupied with work and hobbies. For example, I'm currently optimizing my Rubik's cube algorithm. I might also go back to learning Japanese. Who needs girls when you have a few thousand kanji characters to befriend, amirite? Also, man, I can't wait for The Dark Talent and Arcanum Unbounded to be released.
  10. Long Game 22, Day 11: TheTowers of Midnight --------------------- TheMightyLopen was attacked by Wolves but survived! Day 11 will end at 12AM EST Saturday the 23rd, so just under 48hours, more like 45. Player List: Meta Lopen Elodin Bugsy
  11. Recently, while looking through Theoryland, I found this WoB on Glys. (source) I started thinking about why Glys's appearance might be important, and I came up with a few possible reasons. 1. We have seen Truthwatcherspren before. I'm not sure where this would have happened, though. The only unknown spren I can think of is the suspected captivityspren Kaladin sees in jail. 2. Truthwatcherspren have a significant feature in their appearance. The Truthwatchers are the order directly opposite of the Bondsmiths, who bond with godspren, so I could see Truthwatcherspren being different from other spren as well 3. Glys looks different from other Truthwatcherspren. I don't know why this would be true. Maybe since Renarin is the first Truthwatcher in a long time, they didn't send a "normal" spren. 4. Glys is not a Truthwatcherspren. Personally, this is my least favorite theory. I don't think it is true, but I felt I should put it up here. If Brandon told us that Glys has glowing red eyes, that would definitely be significant. Tell me me which theory you like and agree with, or if you have a theory of your own.
  12. A woman this elegant was uncommon in this part of the city, and many people underestimated her. They were right. She was far more dangerous than they had thought. "What are you doing here?" a man asked. This was a notorious crimelord hangout, and those who frequented this area were either criminals or simply stupid. Mahogany did her best to look embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I must have took a wrong turn." She turned around, but he grabbed her by the arm, eyes gleaming. She spit on him and he slapped her Or at least tried to. A vine sprouted through the concrete, growing inhumanly (inplantly?) fast. It wrapped around his arm and sprouted another tendril. It pulled him into the air and slammed him against the ground, then released. The vines quivered, as if eager to finish him off. "I am an Epic, you stupid human. Get in my way again and you will be know what it feels like to have a vine strangle you from inside your throat." The vines feinted towards him, and he tripped backwards, then ran." One more human afraid, she thought. Always a good thing to have.
  13. I'm no writer, and I definitely will not be writing anything about this, but I had a cool idea for a world. So you have this planet (or possibly moon) that's like Europa, the moon of Jupiter. It's got a solid crust of ice but a shallow ocean underneath, which is kept warm by geothermal/ tidal forces. There's a race of people that have naturally buoyant bodies, so they mostly live on the inside of the ice crust, upsidedown from 'normal.' They tie rocks or heavy weights to themselves to ascend to the rocky core of the world for farming and gathering natural resources. Nothing grows on solid ice, so it all has to be done on the 'ceiling' of the world.
  14. I feel seriously disrespected by work. So, I got my rota the other day. Our bosses are aiming to sort us at 30 hours a week. By the end of August, I will have done 300 hours, and am pulling 10 shifts more than anyone else. Which...bothered me. But last night, I got called in to cover someone who was sick, and got an updated rota, and I'm working even more hours now? 318. You had to let aguy go, and couldn't distribute his hours a bit more evenly? Or you did so in a way that the guy pulling 300+ hours, doing more shifts than anyone else, gets even more? I am storming convinced that those guys view me as a workhorse or a dog at this point. They say "Do this," and I do. I was trying to be reliable and helpful, but...
  15. I read your situation, skaa. From your perspective, it may seem like you're trying to do the right thing and she isn't responding, but here's what it may look like from her perspective. There's a girl who, through a quirk of genetics, is physically attractive. She's worked with this guy for about five years, and although she can tell he has a crush on her, he's never acted on it. She is not interested in him, so she has never flirted or given off any sort of "I'm interested in you, make a move" signals. By now, she's concluded that he isn't going to act on his feelings toward her, and so assumes that they've settled into a good working relationship. He asks her out. She says no. She expects that to be the end of it. It's not. He watches her, stalks her on social media, and she pretends not to notice. Sometimes, ignoring things makes them go away, so maybe if she ignores this unwanted attention, it will go away…. ….or maybe he'll just sit there ogling her legs. Great. She covers up and makes an exit as soon as she can. She wants to forget about it, but he sends her an apology over Facebook. What do you say to something like that? She, like any other girl in that situation, doesn't know, and so she says nothing. The apologies keep coming. It's starting to seem like this guy feels he's entitled to something, like he expects her to accept. But if she does, will he keep flirting with her? Ogling her? What sort of strings are attached to this apology? Oh Great Noodly One, it's a geometric figure with her face on it. Nope nope nope that is a big barrel of Nopefish. He keeps trying. Why does he keep trying? When will this stop? Again, reading the situation from your perspective, it's clear that you mean no ill toward her. But she doesn't know that. She can't see your thoughts or your intent. All she sees is your actions, and from an outsider's perspective, your actions come across as creepy. She's hoping this whole thing blows over, because she probably wants to forget the ogling incident and move on. Let her forget. Keeping your distance is the right thing to do here.
  16. Oh man, Lark, 100% of this post is awesome!! I super super love birds, especially owls, so I am like totally jealous that you get to work with the raptors up close. Do you get an employee discount or free yogurt at your workplace? What instrument do you play in the band? (Marching band, right?) Today's been an exciting day for me. There was some good and some bad, but I think on balance it turned out mostly good. Bad things that happened today: I was involved in a car collision--first time it's ever happened to me while I was the driver. Good things: I and the other driver involved in the collision both walked away from it completely unharmed (I didn't even scrape my neck on the seatbelt or anything), and the damage to both our cars seems to be pretty superficial, even though she T-boned me right in the passenger door. There was also no shouting or apparent hard feelings in the aftermath while we exchanged insurance info and waited for a police officer to arrive after I called 911. The officer, once he arrived and heard both our sides of the story, determined that I was not at fault, which I'm hoping means that my auto insurance rates will not go up and that repairing the dent in my door will be paid for by insurance. More good things: I found a fledgling robin in a flowerbed after work. They are so storming cute! <3 I also attended a book swap at my local library and came home with Richard Paul Evans's entire 5-book series The Walk, all in pristine condition and four of the five in hardcover. And when I got home there was a very friendly kitten waiting to greet me and jump up in my arms and cuddle.
  17. Oh nice. Good luck man, I know it'll come out great. Oh and also, what's basically been my life right now. - I've dyed my hair blue because you can only be young once. - I went to Alaska and have seen amazing things. Beautiful tall mountains covered with snow to vast cold oceans filled with whales and dolphins. Glacier ice as blue as the sky. Too. Many. Eagles. Moose. Made life worth living. - I got my driver's license and a car - I have a job now! I work at a fro-yo shop. Its not very glorious but hey. - I have found a new volunteering gig. Basically this story is wild anyway. Because. I started looking for instructions to get a falconry license. And decided: hey. There's this center not far from here that rehabs birds of prey. Maybe I should... I did. I am currently training to do shows with the education birds and have been even helping with vet tech work! I love the American kestrels. They are so cute and tiny little babies. Hawks are nuts, too, I had a redtail literally fall on top of me. Owls will click their beaks if you get close, but you can hold them by the back of their head and have full control. Barn owls also hiss and its scary. I have learned so much about raptors already and one of the volunteers offered to help me find a falconry master when I'm ready to keep my own bird! - I'm about to start my last year of band camp - oh and i passed physics yay for me
  18. Well, officially signed and now complete with release date. Mind boggling.
  19. Sure thing. I did mean to let Ren do my actual death, but I got a little carried away. Ruin shall reign...
  20. No one seems to know how tall or buff Kaladin is, since his exact height is never mentioned and "fingers" is a completely arbitrary unit of measurement. There have been lots of questions asked about how Kaladin is so muscly if he lives off a slave diet. There have been lots of questions asked about how much Rosharan gravity and stormlight induced good health affects average height. In this picture, I drew Shallan as 5'6"/168cm and Kaladin as 6'5"/196cm and he is slouching slightly. To anyone who ships Shalladin, how would this ship even work, logistically. She is eye level to his armpits and we all know Kaladin is lucky to bathe once a week... Some other artwork to aid in your scientific research: Kaladin at the Gym Fanservice for Adolin
  21. Yeah, it sees my name and takes suggestion to sleep over the problem of learning it xD
  22. On the bright side, I have Deathwish down for "chokes to death on an olive after making a suggestive comment directed at a room full of pretty nurses who know CPR."
  23. Nothing else was to be expected here XD
  24. I find it fitting that I shall strike the final blow. Don't ask me why, (There is really not a good reason.) But I do. Heal Kaladin, Hurt Marsh. 1. Kaladin 125 HP 2. Marsh 0 HP And Death Retreats to his realm.
  25. Next crappy Sandersomething meme.
  26. Yeah, Hoid being human is probably complicated in similar ways to questions like "was TLR human?" or "are inquisitors human?" though, as opposed to him turning into a part-dragon suddenly. All the stuff on Dragons is either in Brandon's unpublished version of Dragonsteel, which is a thesis available (at least theoretically) at the Brigham Young University library, or directly from WoB. It only became relevant that the Recipient of the first letter was a Dragon because Hoid explicitly calls him an old reptile, which of course resulted in a question about whether he meant that term literally or not.
  27. Hey guys! I've seen a bunch of stuff about 17th Shard and finally decided to join! I have read The Reckoners and the first two books in The Stormlight Archive. I own Mistborn but haven't gotten around to reading it yet!
  28. Are they any more unnatural than Jupiter's Red Spot, though? A massive, unending storm that circles the planet isn't incomprehensible. Keep in mind the geography of Roshar is insane: a single continent set in a massive sea, no other land on the rest of the planet so far as we know. With those conditions, nothing would ever completely stop a storm like that, even if the part over land broke as it does. It might be of magical origin, but I'm not convinced it absolutely must be. jW
  29. Well, as an attempt to forestall the inevitable: Keep me alive, and I'll use my kill to target the village's best guess at Jeskeri. No strings, no frills, no subtext, and no lies (I'm not Aman, after all). If I'm alive at the end of the day, I'll take requests in the night cycle for the Derethi kill target. As a gesture of trust, I'll take credit for the Aman kill - I found the arguments in favor of his Cultishness more convincing than the arguments for anyone else. (He's wrong about Elb, by the way - she isn't Derethi. I tried to kill her N2, but due to poor Doc communication, I missed that Mail was going to protect her. I didn't get on towards the end of the cycle, after all.) If not, well...I'd say it's been a good game, but I haven't even been active enough to really play it.
  30. @Radiant Returned there is an "Events & Signings" forum here: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/forum/27-events-and-signings/ It generally has transcripts of most events. The good people of the 17th Shard record the events and then transcribe the recordings. As far as I know, Theoryland is the closest thing we have to a WoB database and learning to navigate that can be a bit tricky. Of course, one can always google Brandon Sanderson and certain keywords to try and discover a WoB. Last resort for me is usually to beg in a thread for someone to look it up for me haha. There are some real pros on the site who have a great knowledge of WoBs.
  31. Welcome @Storm! Glad to have you! If you have any questions about Sanderson books, the forums, or anything else do not hesitate to ask. The community here is pretty awesome and people are always willing to help out. If you haven't read them yet, it might be a good idea to glance through the forum guidelines found here: Also, please be careful when reading in some of the forums; there are a TON of spoilers. I would seriously stay away from the Cosmere Theories forum, the Coppermind wiki, and the Mistborn forum until you have read more of the books. The ending to the first Mistborn trilogies is one of my favorites and I would hate for it to be spoiled for you.
  32. Jezrien - Windrunners Nale - Skybreakers Chanarach - Dustbringers Vedel - Edgedancers Pailiah - Truthwatchers Shalash - Lightweavers Battar - Elsecallers Kalak - Willshapers Talenel - Stonewards Ishar - Bondsmiths
  33. Any suspicions, anyone? Or thoughts? Or anything? Edit: By the way, I will not be active Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
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  34. I recon there is no way you could avoid her physically? Change rooms so you would limit the exposure? Destroying a crush is already hard without the other person being constantly nearby, I can tell you. And I don't see another way but to seal off that feeling and dump it in volcano. It will be hard, it will be painful, but there is no other way if you don't want to go insane. Also personal experience.
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  35. You make a fair point. I have to bow down. I sincerely hope you are right but I am, unfortunately, terrible at dealing with anticipation. I'd rather know what to expect, hence my endless dissecting of WoB, trying to figure what the "plan" is precisely. Also, it isn't I am totally dismissing the possibility, but I fear if it doesn't happen in book three, after the massive cliffhanger of WoR, then it seems unlikely to happen afterwards. Spook indeed was an unplanned character which Brandon thought needed more page time, but Stormlight seems to be a different beast. I have no idea where the story is going nor am I am capable of actually knowing what makes a good story or not, but it definitely sounds as if it needs a given string of events to come to fruition and this string of events passes through specific characters. Also what one considers a "full satisfying arc" may strongly differ from one reader to another and from the readers to the author as well: I a not entirely sure what I would consider such myself. I certainly consider Kaladin and Shallan to have full arcs which aren't completed, but have already come to fruition so often they certainly will continue on the same pace.
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  36. Normal eyes, as I mentioned in my first post, also cannot see through walls/obstacles. Someone running from a regular soldier could hide in some kind of bolt hole but an Inquisitor would see right through that. Also, while Steelsight does have the disadvantage of metal dust not many people would know that and regular eyes have a ton of ways to be blinded, no? I think Steelsight is a superior sense for what Inquisitors are designed for. It, like anything, has drawbacks but Inquisitors are highly specialized resources and I think the tradeoffs work for them.
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  37. ^That's what I was going to say.
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  38. I think you should pretend she's not there. She gave clean signs that you made her feel uncomfortable and then you creeped her out with trying so hard to apologise. It would probably went better if you didn't try so hard to apologize, but what's done is done. What's the age difference between you? Unfortunately I don't think it's possible to go back to previous relations. She knows you're attracted to her and it seems she doesn't like it. I'm sorry but I really think you should let her be. Have you tried your luck with dating sites? They may sound lame, but they're a good way to find someone you'll like and that will like you back.
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  39. I'm not super sure of spren dynamics, seeing as I'm only 1000 pages into WoK.
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  40. Marsh was added in the Final Empire, well before Ruin was released at the end of Well of Ascension. I think the question was "After Ruin was released did Ruin craft new Inquisitors or did he simply power-up the ones that were already available?"
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  41. No, that is very much not a good thing. You should have gotten this guy instead.
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  42. You know what? Nothing made me question so much stuff as trying to sum up the things we know about cosmere (I'm currently writing an article about Realmatics and Investiture). It's like that: I write one sentence. Then I start to wonder whether it's true or it's a factoid or generally approved theory. I check the internet. I find little. I start to question. I dig more. I ask on the forum. I watch the discussion and if I'm lucky I have an answer. If it gets worse I'm gonna start questioning whether there are really only three Realms or whether Hoid actually exists (cause maybe we haven't seen him and what we have seen is actually programmed Lightweaving projection, sent by the real Hoid?). Anyway, a great way to find so much questions to ask Brandon which I have zero options to do Hm... programmed Lightweaving projection... that could be a thing. EDIT: Hm, my post comes off as complaining. Not my intention. It's just that I find so many things I thought of as "surely true" and now my convictions are not so sure.
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  43. I tried to grab some Preservation but I Mist. I thought about being an Inquisitor. I didn't see the point. What do you call a fat, tyrannical king? Lard Ruler When shall I make another bad Mistborn joke? Ten...Soon. (I should be pun-ished. I'm very sorry)
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  44. His increased metabolism isn't at the point of superhuman, still quite noticeably useful but more akin to the Flash, now that I think about it. I thought it balanced nicely seeing as he would be forced to consume lots of food, and seeing as food probably would be a little hard to find in the amounts he needs. So an enemy can easily take advantage of him when he is tired or fatigued, so if a fight is long and drawn out, the more weaker he will get. I will explain his ability to make instant connections in deeper as I have developed the ability to be alot more than it is. I cannot believe you were bothered to research that wow. The drug cartels could of course be different in the Reckoners series. I thought this was meant to be in a realm different to our own, If they have Epics, then why not gold-mining criminals? Oh as for "lost the will to live", I just relised that was a mistake, what I was meant to write was that he went on a rampage killing lots of folk and then Diablo killed him.I also press that DIablo is at heart an EPIC, not like you, any show of weakness could be seen as intolerable to him.I rectified the whole can combat the darkness and will update the post.
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  45. #SundaySanderson is here. Another one from Way of Kings. I LOVE Syl! I kind of drew her already in another fanart, but I think she deserves a piece just for her.
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  46. A hundred Voidbringers. If they're singing odes to me, I'm sure they can be persuaded to bond with a creationspren in the next highstorm and rediscover artform. Would you rather know every detail about the Cosmere, or live in the Cosmere as a worldhopper?
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  47. Feeling an absolute wreck because when I come back to the shard I read over my old posts and have 75% of my digestive system shoved out my storming cremhole by the sheer cringe
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  48. *loses Kaladin in a crowd* Me: *uses hand as a megaphone* Me: AMARAM IS THE MOST HONORABLE MAN THERE IS. *Literally hears teeth grinding and feels rage radiating from one direction* Me: There he is.
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  49. Adonalsium for ~0.5 seconds, then Chaos goes and "updates" the rep system. Coincidence?
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