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  1. Night 2: The Accusation Fortunately enough for us, as it were, the inclusion of this Inquisitor only served to spread the seeds of distrust between the various factions. No one could any longer be sure of who to trust, or who could betray them. Of course, it also meant that none of us could trust one another. I pity Vin, who Elend had tasked to search for any traitors in our midst during those nights. They were dark times indeed… any yet, they only got darker. The guests from the previous night’s ball hurried into the keep -- the former Keep Hastings -- in order to enjoy the holiday. The holiday was supposed to celebrate the Lord Ruler’s conquering of the Deepness, hundreds and hundreds of years ago, but honestly, who cared anymore? The Lord Ruler was dead. Business went on as usual. “LOCKE!” a voice shrieked from across the ballroom. “Show yourself!” Locke winced at the sound, rolled his eyes, and hobbled over to the source of the shouting voice. “Silk,” Locke growled. “What do you want?” “What do I want?” Silk chuckled to herself. “Nothing much. It’s only that I happened to get a drink at the punch bowl over there, and something seemed a bit off.” Locke crossed his arms. He could not stand such youthful and obnoxious nobles. Talked like they owned the place. Talked like they were the only ones who mattered. “What is it?” Locke asked, struggling to keep the exasperation out of his voice. “I was just wondering… did you happen to spike the punch bowl?” Locke blinked. “Uh… what?” He looked around at the other nobles, who seemed equally as confused. “Is this some kind of joke?” “Of course, my dear Locke!” Silk laughed for several seconds, then went silent. She tentatively put an arm on Locke’s shoulder. “It’s only that… well, you know.” “What are you even going on about?” “Well… you’ve been influenced by the forces of the Deepness!” “What in the name of the Lord Ruler are you even going on about? There is no ‘Deepness,’ Silk. Have you not figured that out yet?” “On the contrary,” Silk said, smiling slyly. “I’ve been mulling over what’s happened to the Steel Inquisitors after the Lord Ruler’s death. If you haven’t noticed, they’ve been quite absent from Luthadel.” “Wonderful.” “Ah, but haven’t you heard about the mists in the northern dominance? The mists that kill?” “Sure, but I don’t see where…” “I’m a seeker,” Silk rolled her eyes. “I followed a set of Allomantic pulses last night to a very peculiar location. And I seemed to spy someone who looked very much like you helping to--” “Enough!” Locke shouted. “Have you gone mad? I was sleeping in camp Penrod last night. I don’t even have any Allomantic abilities, you fool!” “Wait,” someone said from the side. “Did that man just admit to being from that loser Penrod’s squad?” “Ferson Penrod sucks!” another shouted, and several more rushed in towards Locke, carrying him towards the punch bowl. “Let’s plunge him in the punch bowl!” “Wait, what?” Locke shouted, thrashing wildly. “What’s even wrong with Penrod, anyway? You’re all ones to talk! You… following the vile Straff Venture or Ashweather Cett… you are nothing but hypocrites! We will not stop until you are all extinguished from this planet!” The mob of partygoers threw the thrashing follower of Penrod into the giant punch bowl. It wasn’t until the thrashing stopped that some of the partygoers finally realized that the punch bowl had not been spiked. - - - - - Locke (OrlokTsubodai) was lynched! He was an unspiked non-Allomancer from the Penrod faction! Vote Tally OrlokTsubodai (11): Elbereth, Amanuensis, Arraenae, Straw, Araris Valerian, Nyali, jaimeleecee, dowanx, TheSilverDragon, TheMightyLopen, Conquestor Amanuensis (6): OrlokTsubodai, Mailliw73, Alvron, Master Elodin, Kipper, STINK The Only Joe (1): cloudjumper Alvron (1): The Young Bard Burnt Spaghetti (1): zas678 jaimeleecee (1): Burnt Spaghetti dowanx (1): Sart STINK (1): Bugsy6912 Night 2 begins now and will end in 47 hours. Your faction information will be updated with the boxings you’ve received during the day shortly. Good luck!
  2. After a brief conversation with Brandon on the matter, I think I might be onto something. This theory revolves our current understanding of Physics so it would be some time in the timeline before we could confirm these theories. However I cannot stop thinking about these ideas and Brandon confirmed a couple of my speculations. But if the skills that Shallan has displayed, along with the words of Pattern, we can extrapolate incredible future abilities. Now I could be wrong simply because we don't have an understanding of all the radiant groups as of yet, but here me out about this. So what do we know are Shallans abilities? Well the first and probably the most powerful (that we KNOW of) is the soulcasting. Shallan can separate her cognitive mind from her physical body and interact with shadesmar directly. Once she masters this skill she will be able to use storm light as a bargaining chip to convert matter and form. I'm excited to see what this entails and if there are any real limitations to this power. Like can they only soul cast into one essence at a time? Why do the soulcasters in the Alethkar army look like they have stone for skin? So many questions, but despite this ability, I want to focus on lightweaving itself. i just feel that transformation is "more powerful" than progression. No the ability to manipulate light is the real power here. Although "Lightweaver" is a deceptive name. Remember how Pattern said that Shallan could manipulate sound as well as light? When I read that the second time through I did a double take. I mean, on the surface these two are vastly different. Light is a collection of photons, where as sound is a vibration in moving particles. The only thing that these two truly share is that the nature of light and sound is determined by the waves and wavelengths that they maintain. So how could this be? If Shallan is creating false light barriers, then that should be the extent of her abilities. it would still be amazing and incredibly versatile, but that's it. Including the ability to affect sound waves tells me that there is something far greater going on. If Lightweavers actually shape the wavelength of physical particles and energy waves, then her powers become nearly unlimited. First I'll start with sound. If Shallan as a Lightweaver can control waves of vibration to create sounds, then what else could she do (Assuming stormlight were no object for the sake of speculation) Well she could most likely stun people with powerful sound waves. Especially in the water, large enough shock waves can actually stun of kill. Remember a noise is simply a managed vibration in particles including liquids and solids. If you can manipulate shock waves and add enough power, stunning people would not be too far fetched. Even Earthquakes are effectively massive shock waves that travel through the soil. They seem vastly different from a verbal shout, but on the large scale they really operate on the same physical premise. And we now know Shallan uses her powers to effect shock waves, so far just on the small scale. So we can presume that with enough stormlight, Shallan could cause an earthquake. Now to the real power. Light manipulation. Often times we get comfortable in our spectrum of light. We have the colors of the rainbow and every shade in between. Shallan had displayed the countless applications of light manipulation in stealth and espionage. However we are not so limited in Physics. Visible Light is a tiny part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The levels of light along the spectrum are only different in their wavelength and frequency. This is where things get exciting. First lets go to the large end of the spectrum. So if we have two lightweavers, perhaps standing on the peaks of two different mountains. If the lightweaver can manipulate radio waves, using stormlight to create a variable radio broadcaster and receiver, we would have the perfect way to communicate without anyone being able to listen in. This could be very useful, although span-reads honestly are better at this, so this is less exciting. More likely Lightweavers would become radio hosts in the future as they transmit music and voices into the homes of radio owning families in the future. I can imagine Lightweavers as traveling radio performers sharing their skills as actors of comedians across the radio waves. But it's the other end of the electromagnetic spectrum that gets really crazy. Imagine how soon x-rays for medical diagnoses could be used when your doctor can literally create x-rays out of thin air? Crime scene investigators will have a local Lightweaver create UV lights to help reconstruct the crime scene and look for trace evidence. But the ultimate form (That Brandon said would be too much to be practical both in needed stormlight and application) would be the control of Gamma Radiation. If this could be harnessed, Lightweavers could literally become mini nukes, or death guns. The biggest downside to making Gamma radiation would be the damage the lightweaver would most likely suffer. So gamma radiation is impractical but its a fun thought experiment. So that's the end of my thoughts, I just see people talking about how Lightweavers are cool, but not as powerful as Windrunners. Now you know the possible future of lightweavers! The best part of this whole speculation was how excited Brandon was about my train of thought. I don't know if anyone had brought up this train of thought before. But he was happy to remind me that things will get pretty interesting when Lightweavers discover lasers and start using them in combat. Seriously, he said that, I couldn't ever make this up. Hope you enjoyed!
  3. Much hipster, I see. You should start posting thoughts before you think of them. It's what politicians do.
  4. Below I give an update on the situation of my temporary home for cats. If you're not interested, scroll on.
  5. What did Fleet say to the Highstorm? Want to Rayse? How ow do you cook chouta? Braize it.
  6. Argon didn't have such a good time in weeks. Exchanging jokes and stories about his cake summoning powers was fun, as Rick had great sense of humor. They were just finishing their food and slowly getting ready to continue their walk, when a young woman approached them. “Good day, you two,” she greeted them with a polite nod. “I take it you just arrived in the city?” Argon looked at Rick to see if he knew her. Surprise on his face revealed that he didn't. Argon knew that they didn't look like Epics, sitting on some old boxes, chewing on pieces of cake and laughing. There were two options. Either she was an Epic, walking around the city, having fun with regular folks by showing her supremacy in some way, or she was a normal human, looking for some company. It was hard to tell in this city, because even the servants had relatively nice clothes, so they didn't differ much from lower Epics. Obviously, Epic or not, Argon was safe from this woman. However Rick wasn't and it wouldn't be nice to have a new potential friend killed on the day they met. Having friends was important for Argon. It's always easier to be liked if someone speaks well of you. He shifted on his box a bit, getting ready to intervene is this woman tried anything funny. "Hello! Yes, I'm new in town, arrived just hours ago. My friend however is local. Would you like to join us for a snack?" he asked, while materializing a piece of apple pie with whipped cream and a strawberry on top (including a paper plate and plastic spoon) on his hand. He reached out to her with an inviting gesture.
  7. Here it is! Basically, at the rate he's going, and with no tours or other interruptions planned, the first draft should be finished around mid-October. He's finished up through Part Two, as well as all of the Dalinar flashbacks, and the word count is 247k of an estimated 400k. Also, he's trying out a new process in an effort to speed up revisions. After he finishes each part, he's sending it to his team to do continuity and editing while he keeps writing, which means the second draft should be finished more-or-less at the same time as the first draft. As for actual content: Any speculation on who the "unexpected and interesting" viewpoint characters might be? Personally, I think it would be very interesting to learn more about Tezim, the Tukari god-priest.
  8. I know, I know. Photoshop is not circle-friendly. Resize an avatar to LJ-size 100x100 pixels? Easy peasy! Try and crop something into a circle? UNLEASH THE ELDRITCH ABOMINATION! SUMMON CTHULHU! THE MORTAL DARES TREAD IN THE UNHOLY SACRED REALM! Also, I feel like since our corners got cut off, our avatars should be made slightly bigger to make up for the lost real estate.
  9. When you notice your Malatium decal is missing a spike and after tweeting Peter about it someone at Brandon's store sends you a full sheet of new decals, a cartoonish koloss sticker, and a hand written note!
  10. Throughout the past year in a half I have read or listened to all of Sanderson's works (except the Alcatraz books, which I couldn't get into, and his electronic only fiction). I'm obviously a big fan and Sanderson is one of my favorites along with Glen Cook, Steven Erikson, Joe Abercrombie, Pierce Brown and Jim Butcher. My favorite series of Brandon's is a toss up of Mistborn or Stormlight. My favorite character changes, but currently is Lightsong.
  11. I listened to the Stormlight Books, but own the physical copies mainly for the beautiful artwork. I will probably read them some day, but I love how Krammer and Reading present the story. Krammer is my second favorite narrator behind James Marsters (Dresden Files).
  12. Also I think all you guys are overreacting to Orlok and just trying to bandwagon him, probably cause he's not in your faction and your worried that he'll get ya like a bogeyman or something. Know what I mean?
  13. *hops on a bald eagle and rides around waving the star spangled banner whilst eating a hamburger* IT'S MURICA DAY! But I think we all know which American patriotic song is the best. Ever.
  14. Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans! Here are some patriotic pugs and an equally patriotic German shepherd.
  15. It was good to be home again. Granted, it was a bit rough, what with the holes all over the place but that’s what they’re here to fix and even in this battered state, the white walls still gave her a sense of security. Soon it would be her own little castle again… and maybe Voidgaze could even get some friends to stay over. She was making some of them lately after all. Voidgaze explained the basics of the needed repairs, trying her best not linger on how the damage actually happened, to Funtimes, who listened intently. The way she tilted her head in thought actually made Voidgaze think of the pug that was running around her bedroom and excitedly sniffing everything. She looked eyes with the animal and was just about to try and coo it over, when Funtimes asked her if she wanted polka dots on her walls. “No thank you,” Voidgaze answered. “I like my house white. It just feels right to me that way. And why would you just turn parts of my walls into polka dots? Although they are dots, so I guess only having them in some places would make sense. Still, that seems like a weird design decision, breaking up a pattern like that. Not that it really matters; I mean I want it to stay white anyway. Um, can I maybe do something for you while you work, like preparing some food or watch a movie… no you couldn’t really do that while working, unless we maybe pull the television behind you, no that wouldn’t work with the cables, so… maybe I can keep you entertained?”
  16. This is so incredibly offensive to me. Screw macho d-bags like that. Macho masculinity has done so much harm to the world. Some people shouldn't own firearms. I'm one of them. It is a very bad idea for me to own firearms. Access to firearms in homes increases suicide risk by a lot. But macho men don't understand that suicide is a really huge part of gun violence, presumably because they do not understand how emotions or feelings work. Also, please, the power fantasy that you're going to defend your home or stop a mass shooting with your gun is irresponsible. Not only is it statistically unlikely for you to ever be in that situation, but when your adrenaline is that high in a situation like that, how good do they think their aim is? Probably not that great. Unless you are ex military or police, you probably have no idea how to shoot straight under insane stress. If your brother wants some masculinity I will happily punch him in the face repeatedly. I'm infuriated just hearing this. Screw people like that.
  17. Hmmm it seemed pretty obvious it was her... if only because of the hair. It is interesting to note how often Dalinar comments on golden hair: back in WoK he refers to them rather often whenever he thinks of his son. In the flashback, it may be the first thing he notes from the strangers, their hair. Shshshshs walks into the room, Dalinar may have been thinking about Navani, but his eyes were on the newcomer and he refers to her as a "candle into the darkness" or something along those lines. The timeline is also spot on to have Dalinar meet Shshshsh, then court her for three years. The left-handed comment comes from Navani describing Shshshsh as clumsy, always trying to eat with her left hand, which undeniably marks her as left-handed. Also, it has been implied in the books Adolin's mother was Iriali, so to have Iriali strangers arrive during the right time frame pretty much confirms it. Finally, the last argument is Dalinar himself. He may not remember his wife, but he remembers he loved her. The scene when she walks into the room, the one where Dalinar states she was like a candle, is very reminiscent of the scene where Shallan walks in. Dalinar's eyes, just like Adolin, are locked onto the beautiful stranger and both father and son note the hair. If Dalinar is intrigued by the golden hair, but Adolin is relived to find no black hair onto Shallan. Therefore, I'd say the hair, the hair comments pretty much, all by themselves, confirm we indeed have the right person. Not to forget, they had a stolen Shardplate they were willing to use as a bargaining chip to ensure their safety. My personal theory is Toh got the upper hand: he outsmarted Gavilar. The Plate was supposed to be given to the king to be, it wasn't.
  18. But that won't help me remember my baking measurements. D:
  19. So Sky Colors are a thing on Darkside that are mentioned a couple of times but never really explained but I think I've figured it out. OlanValesco over on Reddit went to the White Sand release party and asked about Darkside. One of the things that Brandon revealed was that on Darkside everyone's eyes, teeth, and fingernails glow. I'm willing to bet that the color a person fluoresces is their Sky Color.
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  20. First-time submission: complete short story at 3036 words. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I'd love to hear back from you with comments, critique, etc.
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  21. @Darkness Ascendant, I don't think we're ever going to guess it. Better just tell us so we can either facepalm and go, "Oh, duh, that's so obvious!" or blink and say, "Huh. Never heard of it."
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  22. Just seeing this now, but yes, go for it! Take advantage of that empty slot.
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  23. I think it's just rampant speculation... I'm not sure why though. I mean, yeah, she's mysterious because we don't know anything about her, but we do know enough to be able to assume she's roughly who we've been told she is. I'm interested in her personality and what exactly happened to her (and her brother!), but I think her origins as an Iriali exile are pretty clear.
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  24. This is an interesting project. I've been thinking about how to tackle the problem with newcommers to the Cosmere being overwhelmed with information, and a structured series of... any kind of media really could work well. I don't know if I can offer you any kind of useful feedback because of how familiar I am with much of the lore, but hopefully you'll get some from others. It's a good contribution to the fandom
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  25. ...I think I've made my language too perfect. This might sound like boasting, but it's not. The thing is, languages are messy, senseless, and lack any kind of logic or order. The thing is, I started making a language on the basis that each phenomes has a specific meaning, and that you combine these phenomes to get a word which means something specific. In this way, even someone who's never heard the word before will know the rough meaning of what they're trying to say. But, the problem is, that it means my language can't grow and develop. The modern letter for 'a', if you go back far enough, came from the Egyptian hieroglyphic for the 'a' sound, which was a resemblance of an open human mouth (which makes an 'a' sound if you voice something in that position). With this system, it's just... simple, yet efficient. I can't think how this language came to be. Was there a revolution for the lower classes to better be able to understand the language (which is what happened in Korea in the 13/14th Century, making it one of the easiest to understand.) Is this a language that has somehow remained unchanged throughout the years? If so, why? Is it some sort of holy language? Was it invented by humans, or the gods? The thing is, this hypothetical language would be easier to speak than English, unless I'm missing any major flaws. The fact that I did a better job of creating a language in a single afternoon then humanity did in 5000 years is kind of bizarre (and now I sound like I'm boasting again. That's not the point of this... I can't get the words to speak out right. Maybe I should try Bard's language... ) Of course, I'm also yet to create sentence structure, dialects, and any other fine details besides the words themselves, but... it's weird. Also, I really should be focusing on a bunch of other things, both in-universe and in real life as well... But this is fun, and I don't want to... #whoneedsadulting
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  26. For sake of balance in feedback when you get to revising, I have to mention I disagree with this. There are a couple sentences here and there that are a bit winding with unclear antecedents and such, but typically, your sentences are structurally sound. Making every last one perfect is very late revision work; letting a few slide by until you're 100% sure you're satisfied with your content is fine. Otherwise, you could spend hours laboring over edit level work only to cut them in a huge swath due to a revision choice. My two cents.
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  27. CV's are updated and completed, am I an adult yet?
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  28. Actually that might be along the lines of controling tension and cohesion. We don't know much about that yet, but I'm excited to see what Stonewardens can do. I think breaking down cohesion in it's simple form will be similar to using the tensers from the Reckoners series.
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  29. Every Sanderson meme I have on my phone:
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  30. When you have a ton of empty folders on your phone and computer named after Sanderson's books.
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  31. When one of your life goals is to achieve the same post-to-upvote ratio as Sheep.
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  32. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Basically, put people who's names you find suspicious in red, and try to get them voted off. Unless you're the suspicious one, in which case try to keep you and your team-mates alive and put everyone elses names in red.
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  33. I had had similar thoughts. Here are few of mine: 1) Either he is asked to forfeit his Shards or he loses them through battle, but in any way he ends up separated from them. The gemstone is most certainly broken and he most certainly releases the bond, but nothing can shatter the "other bond" he has started to have with it. There are several ways this scenario could play down. One of my favorite is having Adolin starting to struggle controlling his Blade: he is stressed out, he is emotionally very unstable and learning his Blade is a dead-spren which he is torturing each time he summons it, truly incapacitates him. He has a hard time maintaining it in the physical realm, he has a harder time summoning it, each command requires him to concentrate, immensely. Thus, he loses a fight, because he can't control his Blade as well as he should. He has to unbound it and then, he struggles even more. Whether he is asked to give up his Blade or whether he is forced, the action of unbounding it is very difficult for him. Dalinar has once stated it was the hardest command to send, you had to force the Blade to unbound you and it requires heavy concentration (which is why he is surprised at how easy it was to unbound his second Shardblade at the end of WoR). I suspect Adolin, Adolin who has struggled in throwing his Blade, who has shown us being emotionally unstable impacted his ability to send commands, would struggle to the point he will need time to force the command in, right under the prying eyes of either his family or an arena full of hateful lighteyes booing him. 2) Shardless Adolin would give us the chance to glimpse at how Shardbearers have to adjust when they lose their Shards. It has been sated, in the books, how difficult it was for former Shardbearers to fight again, how they had to re-learn everything because being a Sharbearer requires different techniques. Adolin has been a Shardbearer at a ridiculously young age: he never fought without Shards, he never learned. It would be very interesting to read him cope with this, to comment on how heavy and constraining a regular armor is, to run out of breath because he isn't used to pace himself and armors have a way to basically strangle you, to see his fighting ability lessen because a regular sword need more than one hit to kill, to be faced with a much more horrible battle because let's face it hacking people with a sword is bloody... all in all reading him adapting to this would be interesting, tragic even. 3) Of course, Adolin can't remain Shardless forever so in the ideas I have had, he would indeed end up re-forming a bond with his Blade. Maybe he kills its new owner or he manages to steal the Blade from him, but whatever happens Adolin just refuses to re-bond the Blade once it is his again. His family thinks he has gone insane and worry about him and his insistence on refusing to bond a 6 foot Shardblade he keeps on his back at all time... or perhaps he manages to send it back to the cognitive realm, but can't re-summon it again. I have all kinds of scenarios of how he may bond it, but I sure think it will be a slow progression. He will say the words because he needs to say them, but he won't have the immediate result. The result will happen once he says enough word... I have no idea about Kaladin, but I have noticed Brandon loved over-powered main protagonist, so it is highly possible Kaladin will simply keep on growing in strength. I do not see him as an antagonist though.
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  35. Got the wrong end of the sword in your hand there, amigo. Goodbye.
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  36. We have contact with the outside world. I can e-mail my family and friends. Besides, I knew about all this when I signed up for it. I read and agreed to the terms and conditions. All of them. I'm not being cut off from the outside world as much as separated from it. I'm basically agreeing to spend two years in service, and the restrictions just help me to accomplish that. Besides, the worst punishment for breaking the rules is being sent home, which is only a last-resort action that nobody likes to implement.
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  37. Here's what my wife and I asked and what Brandon said (lots of Warbreaker questions- I just finished a reread of it the other day so that was on my mind) Warbreaker spoilers: Mistborn Spoilers, up through Shadows of Self:
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  38. This is less a peeve, more a source of anxiety: When I'm the last to post in a topic, or say something, and no one says anything,and my post is just...sitting there. I start thinking "Oh no, I've killed the topic/offended people/they don't say something because they hate me now," and... Yeah. Not fun. And a major reason why, I think, I come across as needy or clingy, or... I dunno? For which I apologise. (and now the worrying begins)
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  39. Alright, this is my first post, and I don't know how to work with spoiler tags or proper quoting, but I have a pretty good theory to propose! There will be spoilers for WoK (mild) and Mistborn: Secret History (strong spoiler), so prepare, or leave, as you see fit. To the Theory! First relevant quote: Now, Brandon said this wasn't necessarily important, but I think it is. Sanderson rarely includes this much detail for something with no importance, and the fact that it was RAFO'ed means there's something more there. [spoilers!] Reading Mistborn: Secret History, we see another sphere that reminded me of the sphere in the pouch the Radiant had: the sphere the Ire has, that can capture the power of a weakened Shard and contain it. This made me think of another quote, about the black sphere Gavilar has in the beginning of WoK: (Emboldening my own.) "Something like that." I don't think think Odium invested in the sphere, but rather part of his power was taken from him and placed in the sphere. I thought of this largely when I saw this question: Odium is referred to as the "Broken One", in the epigraphs. How is he broken? I propose he was broken by the Radiants stealing a portion of his power using the sphere--possibly given by the Ire?--shown in Dalinar's vision. With the power of Odium in it, it turned black, and became the sphere Gavilar had. This would explain why Gavilar needs to keep the Sphere out of Parashendi hands. If they give the sphere to Odium, breaking it as Kaladin did in Secret History, and giving the power, Odium might become un-"Broken". This might even show why there hasn't been a desolation in so long, as Odium is Broken and doesn't have enough power. It seems difficult to prove or disprove this with the amount of information we have now, but it feels right, and it seems like a Sanderson thing to have! Also, thanks for enduring my first post.
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  40. When BBC News assumes its American readers are idiots raised under the heaviest of rocks. I found one (which vanished the second I went back for another look) purporting to be information about the EU referendum for US readers. Opening paragraphs included things like "If you're from the US, your probably have questions....like 'What does EU stand for again?'" It went on the explain, in the most dumbed-down way possible, that the EU is a European organization with its own flag and everything! Wow! Isn't that neat, Americans? Are we going too fast? Yes, I'm American. I already know what EU stands for and what the referendum is all about, and why it's controversial. Tell me what will happen if one side or the other wins. I might live across an ocean, but I'm not an idiot. I'm one of your readers, actually, and you'd think that'd buy me a little respect.
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  42. MY DUDES. I am back, and I am signing up as Kipper.
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  43. Of course we have to see the DarkSide Magic yet but maybe Kenton may develop a "perk" from the mixing of Dayside and Darkside Magic. Of course we have no proof of Kenton be able to access DarkSide Magic...but in the end he would be Connected enough to be lowest tier Darkside's Magic User
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  44. And by that extension, what happens when you get "half breeds" like twin born, or Kenton who is born of a darkside mother, and dayside father.
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  45. Good point is good.
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  46. To me the sunlight have nothing special (or at least magical proprierty) and the whole ecology/magic is Plant based. My interpretation of how magic on Taldain work, is this: We have some tiny organism in the sand. These organism are plant like and do the photosyntesis. This organism are vital to Taldain ecology, because they are the food of Sandling (and after bein digest some trace of them may grow again with enough Sunlight). The Sand Masters insted put this organisms under mind control, using their own water as "menace" because like Sandling that organism are killed by water. What happen when a Sand Master stop to use the Sand (and it became Black) is about their control over the Sand became no more and the "water put in the Sand are no longer keep separate from the sand itself). In my own opinion also Darkside have plant based magic and more flexible but rarer than dayside. Because while on Dayside only 2 kind of plant life form may survive, on Darkside potentially many species may grow... but of course they have very less light to proprerly grow. Slatrify work with a "humidy control", after all with my interpretation is quite the base of Sand Mastery. To me Sand Mastery is of Authonomy because you use your own vital reserve to perfome it (your water) and pushing to hard with your own limit (in the and you refuse to accept external source) you may improve your control on the sand. PS: I never considerated the Terker like raw alluminium, nice catch
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  47. I doubt Kaladin will not be part of the main story plot in the book 3... just as I doubt both Szeth and Eshonai will be major major players. So far, they have been featured into simple interludes. I suspect their importance will arise because Brandon wants to do flashbacks on them, but I do not see the currently major characters losing much plot time for them. There is much going on in Urithiru and in Heartstone, I do not see the next book main plot not taping in this. Perhaps Szeth going back to Shinovar will be included within the major plot, I dunno. He is not a character I like reading about so whatever page time he gets, I hope it won't come at the cost of any other character However, my petty wishes do not matter much As for Kaladin, I am hoping he will get slightly less page time, not because I dislike him, but because I fear he may be getting overused. I believe having his plot into one part out of two, similar to Shallan in WoK, would work best, but again, this is my humble opinion. The plot time he is not using could then be used by other characters such as Szeth, Eshonai and Renarin. Either one of the three or a combination of two or all. The only thing I hope is for Adolin not to lose any page time. In fact, I hope he'll get more, but again, petty wishes Sadly, probably won't happen.
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  48. I had a lot of fun making this. You can't see it in the photo but there are lights that make the jewels glow.
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