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  1. Nope. Just when you play too much Overwatch.
  2. My twelve year old daughter came up with a short story using sleeping beauty as the background idea, but all twisted: A young lady, looking no older than sixteen, lies in state on a bed of soft cushions, encased in a chamber of glass. Her bed rests in the middle of the throne room where all who come before the King and Queen must pass to gaze on her inert form. She is perfect. She is flawless. She is beautiful. She has been asleep for eons, millennia. Nobody remembers how she was laid so peacefully in the glass chamber or by whom. The writing on the outside curtain of stainless steel and on the etching in the glass is in an ancient language, unspoken and unknown. The stories told in the kingdom range from wild rumor to passably plausible. She is an angel from heaven. She is a princess whose heart was broken by a mean prince. She is a victim of a witch's deep magic. No, it was an evil fairy. No, it was her parents who were jealous and couldn't stand that she was so beautiful. She can be rescued. She can be awaken. But nobody really knows how. For thousands of years the people of Grimmundy have peered at her perfect shape, her perfect hair, her peaceful face, and wondered: Who is this Sleeping Beauty? The prince of Grimmundy thinks he knows the answer. He has discovered a tale of love and deceit. Where this young lady was to marry a handsome prince, just like him. But before they could be betrothed, an evil fairy, who was jealous of her love and who wanted to marry the prince herself, came and cast a spell on her. On her sixteenth birthday, she pricked her hand on the needle of a spinning wheel, and fell into a deep, deathlike sleep. But she can be rescued. She can be awaken. The young prince, only just sixteen himself, conspires to break the glass and awaken the sleeping lady whose name he knows not, but whose beauty has captured his heart. One night, while the rest of the kingdom sleeps, the young prince makes his way to the throne room in the heart of Aurora Castle. In his trembling hands he holds a torch and a knife. Nobody has been able to scratch the glass or dent the steel. It sits as unblemished as its occupant while the prince shuffles close in the midnight hour. He takes his time. No rush. He stares at her face, at her smile and wonders, "what does she dream of?" Setting the torch on the floor, prince holds the knife above his palm. Strange shadows begin to play on the columns of the room. But the prince doesn't notice. He is focused on the prize. He knows this will work. It is what the story requires: sacrifice and love. He can offer both. Without hesitation he pulls the knife across his left hand, drawing a thin line of blood. He squeezes his hand shut tight and holds it over the glass just above her chest that still rises and falls in that slow, hypnotic way. Blood is required, the story goes. Only one willing to spill his own blood for her can destroy the glass barrier. One drop reaches the glass and he sees a sizzle. Two drops. Three. And the glass shatters. Not onto the princess. The glass simply parts in pieces around the container. The prince is cut. He is bleeding now from many more shallow cuts from the exploding glass. But he does not notice. His gaze is transfixed on the beautiful sleeping lady. This is it. The moment of proof. Is the story real. It must be. The glass broke. And now, the kiss of one who loves her. The prince bends down and kisses the sleeping lady softly on the lips. He pours all of his love, passion and hope into the kiss. It is a sweet kiss. Softly done and steadfastly made. The prince opens his eyes to see the lady staring at him. It worked! The lady rises, causing the prince to step back. "I saved you, my lady. With the kiss of true love you awake! Please let me help you down." The lady stares open mouthed, as if in awe, at the prince and then her eyes scan the room. The prince can see intelligence in those eyes. She is taking in the sights and sounds, the aromas and the feelings in the room. Her hands caress the soft pillows of her mattress and then the fabric of her dress. Slowly, her hands rise to her head and her hair. Her mouth turns from awe to... annoyance? With surprising speed and grace, Sleeping Beauty slides off of her bed of over a thousand years and stands before the bleeding prince. Her savior. The man who woke her from the sleep of death. She looks him up and down and notices his smile, his good looks, his desire for her,... and his knife. Without hesitation, she grabs the knife from his hands and stabs him in the gut. In perfect Grimmundy, without a hint of an accent, she tells him, "Thank you for waking me. Your services are no longer needed." She jerks the knife out as the prince slumps to the marble floor. She steps over his writhing body and walks towards the two thrones at the head of the room. The prince manages to look up at her and gasp, "Why? I saved you." Sleeping Beauty does not turn to look at him until she sits on the throne... the King's throne. "Who are you?" The prince asks, not believing the cold, hateful gleam in her beautiful eyes. He knows now that she is a killer. She is not good, but evil. And she sits on the throne of the kingdom as though she is familiar with it. Now the prince knows, but it is too late. Blood is required, because nobody would ever bleed for her. A kiss is required, because who would love and kiss the devil. "What have I done?" he thinks as his life grows dim. "Who am I? I am the bringer of death, the true fear. I am Aurora, daughter of Eve. And I thank you for waking me. My kingdom is at hand."
  3. BEHOLD!!!!! https://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/8kB2qBi.gif&v=8ZcmTl_1ER8
  4. I realize this is a little outdated, but: [loses Adolin in a crowd] Me:[uses hands as a megaphone] Me: THE BLACKTHORNE IS GOING CRAZY AND LOSING HIS EDGE Adolin: FIGHT ME! RIGHT NOW! YOU DUEL ME THIS INSTANT YOU CREM EATING- Me: Oh, there he is.
  5. I played a lot of Warcraft II back in the day. I enjoyed clicking on the background sheep until they said, "Baa raa mew" and exploded. Yes, the sheep explode if you click on them too much. It's fantastic.
  6. Namely, alive. Does anyone else think that Kaladin is in trouble? Just hours after Sadeas' murder--and likely before the murder was even discovered--Kaladin takes off with a bag full of valuable spheres. Kaladin has a known grudge against Sadeas, has demonstrated publicly that he's fond of the idea of revenge, and has proven his fighting capability and his resourcefulness. It seems like he is the obvious culprit. I think Dalinar trusts Kaladin too much to immediately suspect him. But the other highprinces? And if Kaladin gets delayed on his trip to Kholinar (much like Shallan's extended stay in the Unclaimed HIlls), then it may seem more and more like Kaladin split. And will Adolin use this as an opportunity to divert suspicion from himself? Or will he feel guilty about betraying someone who has repeatedly saved his life?
  7. James turns 42 in slightly less than three weeks. Clearly this calls for a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy themed birthday party. Imma make Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters and see if I can find a bakery that will decorate a cake to look like a neatly folded towel.
  8. 3 likes
  9. I'm a fan from Taiwan and I've got this clue for a long time (over a year) When Brandon came to Taipei last spring, I asked him the Vessel name of Cultivation and I got the reply like this: Q: Please tell me the name of holder of Cultivation A: Hoid calls her SLAMMER... but that's not her real name As we've known that Tanavast had used some way to prevent Odium from escaping Greater Roshar (solar system), mentioned in the Letter in WoR Would it be possible that Cultivation inherit, or engage in the captivation plan to seal Odium? Ps: yeah the Roshar at the bottom is my own recreation XD
  10. A while ago I saw someone mention the possibility to make some facepalm memes with that official Szeth art drawn by Mr. Inkthinker. Considering this, I almost laughed like an idiot because Szeth's pose is just so perfect! Then I began to draw other SA characters, using exactly this pose. Till now, we have Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar and Jasnah facepalms. The most interesting part must be the sentence below the title. I'll probably do more because people are asking... So, perhaps a set of Cosmere facepalm memes? Should be awesome. (And I can't wait to do a Sazed/Harmony facepalm.) Full size: https://1.bp.blogspo...palm+Meme+s.jpg
  11. (Bah. Got distracted, and now I've got to do other things) Heh. This game has generated 1067 posts as of Day 3. For reference, the most posts in a game so far is LG15, at 1692 replies. The second most drops to 1301 replies, in LG12. So 3 days in, this games already has the 7th largest number of replies in SE history. I think that's pretty awesome. Okay, now to actually get some stuff done. Thoughts on Fain: Still working on suspicions on who I think could be Fain, although I’m thinking Elb isn’t (I’d like to think she’d have converted me by now ). I’m willing to wait to see what happens with corruptions over the next few cycles. We’ve gotten stupidly lucky so far. While possible, I’d be highly surprised if we happened to detain Fain by chance. I’d probably be more of a mind to believe Fain just decided not to corrupt someone this cycle. Or that they tried to corrupt Jaimee. Beyond detaining Jaimee every cycle and seeing if there a no more corruptions, not sure what we could do. Thoughts on Players: Mailliw73 Hasn’t had a good idea of Fain works – on the one hand, makes him less likely to be Fain, but on the other, he played the original version of this game. I’d probably lean on him not being Fain though. His other posts have contained advice for the village that I’d agree with. Has put votes on me for Mayor a few times, for some reason. The impression I’ve got from is that he’s village. Has also made a claim that he’s going to be 100% honest. I do have some questions for him regarding that, but they may have to wait till the night. Seonid Suspicious of Meta D1 due to quick vote on Sart, although backed off after Sart flipped Forsaken. From his other posts, I’m undecided. I’m sorta neutral. He has contributed some good thoughts, but nothing that stands out to me. I’d be surprised if both he and Meta were eliminators though. As far as the rest go, here's my reads off the top of my head: Elb: Slight village Aman: Village TheOnlyNyali: Slight village Meta: A bit DF Lopen: Neutral Everyone else, I've not really established an opinion on.
  12. Brandon just talked about it on Twitter. It's moving slowly, and it might still happen.
  13. While I enjoy having the largest threads and highest level of activity, let's try and keep discussion as focused around the current game and as relevant as possible, please and thank you!
  14. I saw Warcraft last night. It was solidly pretty good and I enjoyed it a lot. It absolutely does not deserve its Rotten Tomatoes score. People comparing it to Battlefield Earth are utterly full of crap and being dramatic. It was fun. There are laughs. It isn't the next Lord of the Rings and obviously isn't trying to be. Other reviews called it derivative. Yeah, uh, Warcraft 1 was derivative about 30 years ago. But still, the only thing derivative about Warcraft is that there are traditional fantasy races in it. The plot is totally different. Anyway, Warcraft was solid. I would recommend. I don't have too much knowledge of Warcraft lore. I just play Hearthstone. Never played WoW. I did play some Warcraft 3, whose lore is great, and sometimes went on the wiki. I don't think you need much at all of a background to enjoy the movie. They did a good job.
  15. Honestly, I don't care where the Gate is so long as we get more Greyview in the meantime. "Gate not important. Nod head. Get treat."
  16. A brigeman who was wounded in battle and was left behind to die slowly of starvation and thirst surveys the plateaus as Sadeas' army marches away.

    © Clay Wilson

  17. Yes, why are you even asking?I like Tarantino in general and I rarely watch films. I also thought of another clock analogy this morning! Twimom is like a slightly glitchy digital clock: sometimes showing symbols vaguely resembling the correct time.
  18. At the time of the murder, Kaladin was standing at the top of the Tower with Dalinar, Shallan and Renarin, all revealing into them being Radiants. He promptly announced his desire to return home in order to warn his family of the upcoming Everstorm. When he left them, he presumably went to prepare his bag, presumably at his quarter which are surrounded by bridgemen. All in all, Kaladin simply was not available to be the murderer: he was acquainted for the whole time. There was no time for him to get back down from the tower, down into the tunnels and up to kill Sadeas not to mention nobody even knew he was there in the first place. He has an alibi. Providing anyone even wants to blame Kaladin, they are bound to be faced with the fact he simply was elsewhere at the time of death and thus not physically capable of having done it. Besides, I have a hard time thinking why anyone would even think of blaming Kaladin... Adolin is the one having uttered public threats towards Sadeas: chances are other people heard him. Besides, the death of a Highprince is a golden opportunity to try to undermine the Kholin: Kaladin is not a Kholin and being a Radiant, he is unattainable. The way I see it, chances are the prime culprit will be the right one: Adolin. He was around at the time of the murder, he was unacquainted for a long period of time. This being said, nothing is ever completely impossible, but my particular feelings on the matter are it would be poor plotting. It would feel too contrived as there are no valid reasons to blame Kaladin others than wanting to create an artificial difficulty for him. This isn't Brandon's writing style: he much prefers having his characters face difficulties which are within themselves as opposed to invent ones for them. Kaladin issues lie with himself: he has dealt with his selfishness when it came to decide who needed to be protected and who didn't. Now I suspect he will be more open-minded: it was a great moment for him. His future struggles have been highlighted towards the end of WoR when he became a lighteyed, even if momentarily. He will now have to deal with his increased status and learn how to navigate in a world he hates. For my part, he has more than enough with just that: being accused of murder is not required. It shouldn't be his arc, that one should remain within the Kholins. For my part, I certainly wish for the "murder arc" to be relevant for the Kholin family. As a whole, I feel as if we haven't spend enough time with them, so I am happy about this particular plot. The way I read Adolin, there is definitely an aspect pertaining failure: the way he always tries to be someone he is not. The Adolin we see from third person's perspective and the Adolin we read whenever we are in his head sound like very different person. He is always striving to be whatever it is he feels others expect to see, somehow fearing if he were to let the mask drop, it would admitting failure. A failure to conform, to be exactly what is expected of him. There are various words I could use here, but this is, I believe, the essence of the character. There is more than meet the eyes and one shouldn't judge based on first impressions, as Kaladin later learns. I also read a lot of fear built in Adolin, though they aren't the kind of fears you typically expect out of a fantasy character. In other words, he does not fear battle nor armed conflicts, but he does fear not being up to his father's standards which are quite high. Therefore, for Adolin to confess, it would require him being ready to face one of his worst fears: being deemed insufficient by his father, admitting he has failed and potentially lose the love of his closest ones. It is harsh. In fantasy, we tend to spend more time with physical struggles and not enough with psychological ones. Adolin, I think, is a great character for this as his struggles are extremely relatable: the pressure to perform, stress, some anxiety, trying to fit in by being someone he is not, rejection... Those are very modern issues which is part of the reason why I dig so much in the character. Everyone, no matter their background, whether they are neurotypical or not, have dealt with some of those issues. As for Dalinar, I do think you are right in stating his code of honor will demand retribution against his own son whom he loves (but he may momentarily forget about that through his anger). Honor is a hard one. I enjoy honor when it means doing as you said you would do, keeping your word once given, being fair towards others, but I strongly dislike honor when it is used to blindly apply a set of rules without any discernment which is exactly what I believe Dalinar is doing. The codes are Honor and therefore must be maintain, no matter the cost. It is a bizarre way of thinking which I do not approve of: it divides the world into white and black while refusing to acknowledge grey exists. My reading has it Dalinar has not progressed far enough, as a person, to forgive Adolin and to avoid being too harsh on him. I do think poor Adolin will suffer greatly through out the next book. As his typical with Brandon's characters, his struggles are going to be mostly internal: him dealing with his guilt, with failure, with inadequacy and the increased stress/anxiety which will arise in consequences. The cocktail of emotions into Adolin is bound to be toxic which may push him to take risks he wouldn't have taken: anything in order to regain what he has lost up. In my time spend within the fandom, it has become obvious, since the release of WoR, that Adolin was a highly anticipated arc. Sure not everyone digs into the character as much as I do, but the seer number of discussions he has created and keeps on creating certainly indicate a high level of interest within the readers for this particular arc. In essence, the latest SA3 Update Brandon posted on Reddit has been a severe disappointment for the numerous Adolin fans. He published a great, long and very detailed text with no mention of Adolin whatsoever. He named him once, in a one sentence, together with Navani whom is considered, still be the readers, as a less important character. From my perspective, this is a problem which has been nagging me greatly. The readers talk a lot about Adolin (the character's popularity has only increased since the release of WoR, he has since turned into a fan's favorite), but the author doesn't. There seem to be a real disconnect here which is why I keep fearing "Adolin's arc" won't be satisfactory. I have yet to find another series with such a clear chasm in between what I perceives as the "readers views" and the "author's views". Usually, it is obvious within any given series who is a main character and who isn't, but Adolin is a special case... The readers read him as more important than the author admitted he was. It is problematic for those of us who really love the character. What is his status within the story? And why is it the author never mentions one of the most discussed character since the release of WoR? Why does he always talk of anyone else, but not him, him who holds on to one of the most anticipated read for SA3? Why no words at all? From my reader's perspective, it is hard to understand, but I am sure Brandon has his reasons. However, up until I finally get to read the book or up until I get re-assurance I will get to read a decent Adolin arc (by decent I mean a larger one than he has had so far, an arc which would not end up in climaxes being transferred to Kaladin) into book 3, I will angst over it and I will fear all of my expectations will be crushed over. This being said, I do agree whatever happens here will also happen within Dalinar's arc. Both characters have growth to have here, my main point of contention is I don't want to read it solely from Dalinar's perspective. I want to read what happens to Adolin, what he feels about it and what is he going to do about it. A lot of people expect Ialai to be dangerous and I tend to agree though I would say to be careful. It is also possible she is a Red Hearing and she won't make up a threat as great as we have envisioned. So all in all, I am partial about her implication. I say it can happen, but I also say it may not happen. Providing it does happen, she could try several actions: working in the open does not strike to me as her style, so I would wager on her trying to get Adolin assassinated. Poison, perhaps. This way you have Shallan trying to soulcast again in order to save him which would be a neat arc for her. Ah I am glad to be the "Ultimate Adolin Info Source" Based on my reading of the character, I do think he will talk. Not right away though, but eventually, he will talk. He won't be able to keep in such as secret inside, it will eat him up. I suspect his behavior will be very erratic, he will suffer from heavy stress induced illnesses (my take are stomach aches, loss of appetite and probably sleeping issues), in between the beginning of SA3 and the moment he is found out. People may notice he doesn't look as if he is feeling right, sick perhaps, but they may also not notice as nobody ever thinks twice on how Adolin feels about stuff. For my part, the question isn't "Will Adolin talk?", but more "When and to who?" and "Before or after the snare starts to close on him?". I would thus rate the likelihood of Adolin confessing as medium to high, but I admit there is a way for him not to confess... If his fear of facing his father (and the consequences) supersedes his desire to remove this pressure from himself, then he may keep quiet. However, since we are talking about life changing murder and not just a broken jar or a messed up car, not dealing with his guilt will probably trust Adolin into a negative emotional loop where he probably will try to make himself justice, unknown to all. The stress, the anxiety, it will take its toll on Adolin: even if he doesn't talk, he will burst at some point or he'll do something very stupid such as sacrificing himself or thinking he needs to. These are more or less the reactions I expect, in part or in fullness, but something along those lines.
  19. I have a theory that the guards aren't technically stopping the shardblades. It could be that the guards somehow pinch to the flat of the blade, in such a way that the edge never actually touches the metal. Pretty much how lastclapping works. They'd still be 'magical', since they change shape and would need to pinch really tightly to withstand the force of two blades clashing, but the metal itself wouldn't be what stopped the blade. Though if this was true it would be a hassle to put on the guards, so that would probably have been mentioned...
  20. I highly recommend his magician drama The Prestige.
  21. yeah but knowing Mister Sanderson, this may mean... "everything XD" ... May be "Yeah the Guards are made of Alluminium" or "You are right searching on thing that may resist Investiture". In the end, and I am an idiot to think it just now... the guards may be everything high invested, for example Metalminds with the right form. For years I joked with a Friend of mine of a Duel between a Shardbearer and a Windwhisper (Tin Ferring) who fight with a Tin Sword while he store all his Smell sense... He may create alone a tons of Anti-Shardblade weapons or objects. My first question to mister Sanderson:
  22. I have a couple of minor things that I want to say, and I will try and tie them into some actual suspicions and a vote a bit later in the cycle. The first one is something that has been bugging me a bit, and that is when people say that we need "focus on Fain" or "focus on the Darkfriends." As far as I can tell, both of those statements are equivalent to "play mafia as a villager," since we don't really have any way to distinguish the corrupted from the Darkfriends. And nobody that has made a post along those lines and then gone on to say what sorts of changes we should make to go about hunting one team over the other. So when I post my suspicions later, people with posts along the lines of what I mentioned will be higher up than others. The other thing is much less important, and I just want to agree with Mailliw (and disagree with phatt) about vigilante roles. I have a different reason though. It is often implied that we should not kill this person or lynch this cycle or use vigilante kills or whatever because of roles. Roles are important, I acknowledge that. But we can't let roles be a reason not to kill people. We have Troll GMs, if you hadn't noticed. And vanilla roles can totally win a game by themselves, and probably have much more fun than a game where everyone gets scanned by a protected person. Okay, so that's what I wanted to say, and I know that both of those points are more meta/gameplay related as opposed to being useful for finding Darkfriends. What I said is also just my opinion. But I feel like they have each come up enough that they were worth mentioning.
  23. Update! These are the professional pics I had taken at Costume Con. First: the Jean Grey armor. Can I just say, ugh? Yeah, I'm still not happy with this. It's getting better, but it needs lots of improvement before WorldCon. I think I need to drop the faux leather and learn to do worbla. (Also, he totally tried to get me to look like I'm flying, and it sorta almost worked. I think maybe it'd have worked better with the greenscreen cloth draped over a chair so I could actually angle my lower foot down more. I don't even know what's going on with the fire being green, though.) On the bright side, at least I DO genuinely look like I'm about to ruin someone's day. Second: Full sorceress outfit. (Hee. They used visual effects to try to make my crystal glow. It actually DOES glow, but it doesn't show up well in pictures.) Third: A different Sorceress pose. I like this one so much it's now my Facebook pic.
  24. Those of you who think Dalinar might be a good alibi for Kaladin are forgetting of course that Dalinar has his own strong motives for eliminating Sadeas... Plus, Kaladin has become a kind of enforcer for Dalinar, hasn't he? I would think a lot of Alethi would think that Kaladin was just Dalinar's hatchet man doing his wet work for him. Need a better alibi.
  25. Would be interesting whether the Alethi would even be capable of holding Kaladin. And I suspect Adolin would own up in those circumstances
  26. This thread is for posting all of the little memes, jokes, and lists we Oregon RPers have created. If you're new to this RP, this thread should help explain some of our quirks. First off, the And Then They Died (ATTD) List. This list is for Epics so vile players have begun posting "And then [Epic name] died" in response to their latest atrocity. And Then They Died Revised as needed Criteria: To be placed on this list, an Epic must exhibit not only callousness, but a longstanding commitment to atrocities. The Epic in Question must be not only consistently portrayed as ruthless, but as enjoying their ruthlessness—taking typical Epic corruption so far past the bounds of morality that they are unquestionably irredeemable. Said Epic must glory in things decent societies deem reprehensible, including (but by no means limited to): torture, murder, sexual harassment, psychological manipulation (including subjecting a family member to reprehensible acts in order to gain control of someone), stalking, etc. Epics on this list must have demonstrably crossed the Moral Event Horizon, preferably with an evil laugh and/or creepy remark as they plummeted into the abyss. Members: Oregon Chapter Repeat offenders given multiple entries Nighthound Lightwards Nighthound Electro CorpseMaker Quota Lucentia Nighthound Lightwards Lucentia Koschei Electro Quota Bloody Mary Neverthere Timeport Nighthound Blackwave Lucentia Nighthound Timeport Miner Nighthound Timeport Ironmonger Quicksilver Electro Nighthound Quota Nighthound Blackwave Quota Deathwish Impact Timeport Iconoclast Hypno Bloody Mary Drainer Nighthound Nighthound Lucentia Countdown Iconoclast Impact Quicksilver Ivystorm Necropathy Pain Taylor Swift Nighthound Lucentia Bioterror Nighthound Foodstock Metronome* *We didn't want him to feel bad.
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  27. All right. So. If you're here, I'll assume you've finished Calamity and, as a Reckoners RPer, are ready to discuss what this means for the game. If you have not finished Calamity, read no further. Objectively speaking, there are some things that have the potential to cause problems. Partial redemptions will still be canon, though it seems as though full redemptions won't be possible. Calamity didn't seem to rule out any existing power types—no more than Firefight did, anyway—but it looks like we can continue without too many major changes. Now I'll add my opinion. I didn't like what Sanderson did with the weaknesses, and I didn't like the way he tied them back to Calamity. Firefight made them into PTSD triggers, which was so deep and complex and added so many more layers to the Epics we knew….and then Calamity shifted the focus back onto Epics being smug and imperious because Calamity was smug and imperious. And the way Calamity could just take a normal fear and punch it up to insane levels felt shallow. So, if we're going to deviate from canon, I recommend we stay with the assumed definition of weaknesses as tying back to an Epic's past trauma, and being resolved by the Epic facing that trauma for the sake of someone else. I confess: I suggest this partly because the way I have Funtimes' redemption sequence planned, it wouldn't work nearly as well if the "to save someone else" caveat were observed. But I also think that the canon definition risks making Epics more shallow, and it plays into the way we've been writing our Epics better. Thoughts? Opinions? Angry rants for the Dark Lord Zorblag?
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  28. Thanks Edgedancer! Another question though- why is this written in (what I assume is) Rosharan Glyphs, while most of the other pictures are in the English we are familiar with?
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  29. Conversion roles are always hard to find a balance in. On one hand, they want to get. A large team quickly. On the other, they want to make sure their conversions aren't just going to die and that they have helpful roles. So it's about finding a balance in between.
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  30. But waiting seems like a bad idea, given the whole they could be lynched/Darkfriend killed at literally any time. EDIT: Elb. that was very bandwagonningy of me. sorry.
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  31. Okay, confession time. [deep breath] I don't know anything about shards. There. I said it. All I've heard is about Odium from the SA, and from the last WoK review by CassJayTuck on YouTube. She's great, by the way, you should totes check her out. Of that, at least, I'm not ignorant. But i digress. Are the shards explained through an interview with Sanderson, or is it from a book? Just answer that and I'll work my own way further into Cosmere nerd-dom. Many thanks, and may you feast on chouta and bay-wraps.
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  32. Considering that Roshar is more advanced, people live longer, and ash doesn't choke the sky on a daily basis, I'll take my chances with darkeyes. Plus, there are chulls. I like chulls. Would you rather be bound by Harmony's complete lack of willpower, or Odium's complete lack of empathy?
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  33. So two things to this. First we see Ham walking around in just a vest, shirtless while it is snowing, yet he shows no ill effects. Not only that, but he has done so on numerous occasions for long lengths of time. So no, a pewter burner would not suffer for hypothermia. Secondly, that wouldn't be an issue to begin with because as stated per Sanderson, bronze ferrings are insulated against the extreme use of their own power. So although they can be burned by fire, they can raise their body heat far above what would normally kill a human being. Same stands in reverse. So if anything you proved that the mistborn wouldn't be shivering while storing and also wouldn't even need to burn pewter to be ok during it. 1. I agree 2. without Vin having access to medallions like in my example, then I agree, for reasons I will bring up regarding the alluminum armor. The way I see it, is Tony has two ways of targeting/finding Vin. Heat signature and locking on. Heat signature can be countered with the bronze storing as I explained above. Lock on can be thrown off with a bendalloy bubble. This can still be countered however as I will mention in a later response. Thank you for both compliments So assuming it was possible to make an aluminum composite armor that would hold up to blows (using a composition that Landis brought up below, thanks btw!), I feel that would counter her steel pushes and iron pulls directly on him. She could still shoot pieces of metal at him with regular pushes and pulls and duralumin pushes and pulls, but that would then depend on how durable that aluminum composite is. Having aluminum armor and weapons would negate atium I believe. So aluminum darts would not be affected by passing through a bendalloy bubble, however the targeting system trying to aim at her would. So basically from outside the bubble, it is a blur and would be a guess on his part where to shoot, while from within the bubble she would see the trajectory of the darts to move out of their way. Which is why we get to an aluminum shrapnel grenade. That can be shot with air pressure too, just it would reduce the range. But basically Vin puts up bendalloy bubble, toss in aluminum shrapnel grenade and it doesn't matter where she is in the bubble, she still gets hit. Magnets to pull on her metals might be a problem as aluminum itself is not magnetic. Putting it in a strong enough magnetic field will make it slightly, but from what I know, it would be very difficult to either make an electromagnet without the overheating issue, or a natural magnetic field with aluminum. Aluminum mesh nets could potentially catch her as they would cover a large field and she couldn't push it off. Hmmm trying to think what else. OH! Toss out every so often little speakers with strobe lights. That way Vin can no longer use Tin to locate Tony as the loud noises and bright lights would blind and deafen her, while Tony could have noise canceling in his helmet and hear fine. The aluminum suit blocks emotional allomancy. So yeah I think that covers everything. Now you see why I feel letting Tony build a mistborn killing specific armor would be unfair if Vin wasn't allowed to do anything to counter it? Without the medallions, and Tony with this armor, even with the limitations to weapons and flight, he would still neuter her. She would have to have something to compensate to make it a fair fight. Since Tony in metal armor makes the fight unfair in Vin's favor, so you give Tony aluminum armor to try and balance it, then Vin needs something so the fight isn't then unfair in Tony's favor. But don't get me wrong, I know your post was just in an effort to only figure out what Tony could do to counter Vin, and what I wrote above is at least how I would go about it assuming I had access to such resources lol. Thanks for the info for possible alloys for the armor! Shame Sanderson never hinted or included information on how the bullets or guns were alloyed to know how much aluminum you need to still be effective against allomancy.
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  34. That Harmony had distinct intents does not exclude the possibility that Adonalsium had no concrete intents prior to shattering. Take, say, an urn. Smash it; you have 16 pieces. There were any number of exact locations the fractures could have appeared at, but you already broke it and here's where they are. You then glue it back together. It won't be the same anymore, and while it's basically an urn again the pieces are forever clearly visible. It might even influence the fractures you get if you smash it again; the original lines will likely give first, as glue isn't as sturdy. We cannot everything will just be fine and dandy if we fuse shards together. The Shattering of Adonalsium could very well be irreversible even if every investiture-ounce of power is reclaimed. We don't know how it works.
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  35. Hey Eagle, I was pretty tired when I decided not to be do LBL’s last night, but I’m refreshed now, and on top of that, the keyboard key has returned to normal function, making it much easier to do side-by-side critiques. Yay! I agree that the opening line is still too long and doesn’t do anything to hook me in, not even visually. However, I do like the last line of the paragraph a lot, especially if it’s really going to be a defining characteristic for Lasila. Maybe you could consider reworking it slightly so that’s the first sentence… “warren of bureaucracy” – This is a fabulous phrase. It says so much with so little. “Probitus Senector was going to teach her everything” – Hm, again, I feel like the most important bit of information was given at the last sentence of the paragraph when it might have lead the paragraph and given it more direction sooner, perhaps. Shell towns…like Hoovervilles. I like it. Adds some real depth to the world without going on and on and on. “The first sight Laurea had of…” – I don’t like this line. It took me backwards when I really want to go forwards and it doesn’t seem to be adding anything to the narrative since you started the whole thing with a description. You could keep the content, perhaps, but maybe draw it in in some other more novel way. “bouncing down the gangplank” – Is she an upbeat, perky person> That’s what this suggests. Also my question mark key isn’t work now…so I’ll > in place of it. (sigh) Unique language is unique language. There’s not enough context to really help me as a reader to do anything other than think, “Oh, look. Fantasy language.” “just so radiant” – This makes me cringe inside. This kind of language is one reason I don’t read romance, but even for romance context, it’s probably over-used. I’d like to see you be a little more creative in painting attractiveness. Lictor, lictor, lictor – Considering the conversation is hinging a lot on this, I’m really feeling the deficit of specific explanation of what a lictor is more and more as it goes on. “beautiful young woman” – Gosh this is forward for strangers. I hope he’s trying to pick her up or it’s just weird or he’s a little chauvinistic… “scared off any number of unwanted suitors” – This feels contrived to me. I hope there’s a twist of some sort involving Janus because I really need some right now to keep this from feeling cliché. Symbols,etc. This still feels maid & butler to me. “a woman as skillfull and intelligent” – Yikes. “mute gesture” – gesture is enough “pause as Remissus” – Wasn’t this third limited in Laurea’s head> Same complaint when the Praefact “noted her haste” Dandy – this word felt really out of place amongst all the latin derivatives… AFAIK, dandies are a very 17th century thing… (etymology dictionary agrees). Granted your fantasy world can have whatever stylings you want, but having recognized the cultural background behind the word, it shoved me out of the narration and drew attention to the fourth wall for me. “first in her class” – I’m getting an unfortunate Zootopia vibe here. “fibula” – Again, I wish the narrator had clued me in to what a thing was before it was important. “you’re a prideful one” – Gosh, that’s called displacing, Probitus. If you want me to see the arrogance of this character quickly, it’s working. I’m rather he turns into a Rex Harrison sort—proud and abrupt at first, but likeable afterwards, rather than being flat. I guess we’ll see! “Fury Priest” – You already gave us this info in the prologue. Why repeat it here Isn’t that what you were setting it up for> “She didn’t see his concern” – 3rd person limited slip
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  36. I just never feel like I've got anything ready, or that anything that I'd be willing to submit was publishable. I see Pitmad's requirements include 'polished', so that's enough to put me off. Also, good advice in the guidance to lead with what makes your story unique, but I just don't feel that anything I've written is unique. How many of us can says that? After I finished Waifs and Strays Draft 1 (about December), I set myself the goal of writing and submitting shorts, but I'm not there yet. Helpfully, Pitmad runs 4 times a year, so I'll catch it net time - promise. But, Kaisa, really appreciate you putting this post up, I think we all need this kind of boost and targets to aim for to take things forward - thank you!
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  37. The first sentence is a giant turn-off. Calling out that she normally never thinks of this is just painting long and loud that it's shoving info at you. Same with the paired compound words in the first sentence. The poet line too is very very telly. 'In a world where' is, again, not great POV unless there's other worlds they encounter. I feel like you'd have a more solid start if you cut the first paragraph entirely and did something about the first sentence of the second; it's extremely bulky. Page two paragraph 1; past, not passed dawn. Later in the paragraph you're already 'it was unlike her to' and this is the second time thus far, this is our introduction to the character, you don't want to be having her do things and go 'but actually this was not like her at all'. We should be seeing what she's like, not what she's not like. I like paperwork, and I like bureaucracy. You fall into the construction "(verbing aside), (main clause)" a fair bit. Nothing wrong with this construction in a vaccuum but it's coming up often enough that I'm noticing it. Comma splice on Laurea's initial line to Janus; makes the phrase feel a lot more awkward than it actually is, I think. 'It was very recognizable' is kind of a cop-out. I feel like nothing would be hurt by the loss of that sentence. 'Laurea's raised eyebrow...' is a very very passive sort of description. You're tossing narration out the window once dialogue starts and your frequent drop of any sort of dialogue tags means there's a couple points on 3 where I'm just counting lines to determine who's talking. Not big on ending dialogues with '...' either unless they're actually trailing off midsentence. As I go onto 4, I'm not buying the flirting so much? They're very rote lines.` These comma splices are a big big problem for me. I'm definitely more sensitive to them than most but they absolutely will pull me up short and they're everywhere. Yeah, when I hit page 6 and it's all just untagged unnarrated dialogue, I kind of checked out until the scene ended. There's a couple points on 8 and 9 where the narration breakts to stress that something's Laurea's opinion; this is kind of unnecessary if we're using her POV because all of that should be a given. If we're using her head stuff being her opinion is the default state of things. Page 11 on the sentence starting with 'Clupean was a' you dive headlong into a spliced run-on. By and large you have me a lot more once they actually get to Laurea's workplace. I don't mind going on about the dhe so much here because it's relevant to the matter at hand but pretty much any time I hit a comma splice my train of thought gets lost. I like the Roman-esque deal, and I am a sucker for that sort of ritualized symbolic magic but the description thereof feels kind of shoehorned here. I'm still feeling like you c/should be able to just relabel your prologue as 1 and this 2.
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  38. Joseph, the Former Fortman, and only survivor of the last Threnody game is signing up. At Ripple's request, I'll be keeping a player list.: Players: Master Elodin: Xailen Dava Alias Sheep: Kelen Taldar(?) TheOnlyJoe: Joseph phattemer: Exisa Mailliw: Ialim Cloudjumper: Lark Conquestor: Lorien Winter Cloud: Kae and Cleo TheMarvelousLopen: Lopen Elbereth: Crepuscula Sart: Sam Trudite Mckeedee123: Mekel Moss TheYoungBard: Yon Zas678: Zas Deathclutch19: Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein Bugsy6912: Beckett TheSilverDragon: Peter Amanuensis: Innocent
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  39. Go to two book signings. I get to meet Sanderson twice, without throwing anything at him! Would you rather go for a month without being on the Shard or go for a month without reading any Sanderson stories?
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  40. I think that mistings can burn their metal if it's off. So long as it's close enough to produce the effect.
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  41. It's been canonized that time bubbles will move alongside a big enough object. Wayne's bubbles move with a train. I think they would be able to move with a space ship. Only problem might be make large enough, long lasting enough bubbles. They'd probably need insane amounts of bendalloy, nicrosil/duralumin to attemp this. Maybe the Allomancy grenades will help things along though.
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  42. Realive that it doesn't really matter as long as you can derive happiness from your existence. Also, it's not such a big deal if all of reality is an illusion as well.
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  43. No worries, the other day I meant to say Star Wars and I accidentally said Star Trek. Don't tell anyone guys, the nerd-cred I would lose if my other friends found out....
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  44. When you spend your free time reading EVERY SINGLE PAGE of; "You know youre a sanderfan when part 2".
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  45. More Khriss, more Khriss, more Khriss, more Khriss, more Khriss, more Khriss!
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  46. This was inspired by the "Later that night, he performed the Great Transfersion, an awesome display of power by which he transformed most of Chicago—buildings, vehicles, streets— into steel. That included a large portion of Lake Michigan, which became a glassy expanse of black metal. It was there that he built his palace," portion of Steelheart's prologue. Before Steelheart built his palace on the lake, I'm sure at least one person tried to go skating on it.
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  47. First of all let me say that I love this theory. I hadn't the slightest guess who she could during either of my readings of WoK. But I'm not bumping this old thread just to say that. I noticed further evidence for this theory. From one of the "death quotes" given at some chapter starts. References to a female vandal stratching out her own eyes... and didn't Baxil's mistress destroy the eyes of a bust during her vandalism?
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  48. erm. Title says it all.

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