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  1. There are numerous threads that have mentioned this. These are common questions/theories that arise. http://www.17thshard...s-hoid-and-syl/ This is a thread with some stuff about Hoid, as well as some spren discussion. I just read a thread discussing the other three men, but I believe one of them Captain Demoux, the captain in the Mistborn Series. I forget who the other is but I'll try and find the thread. Also, Yes Hoid is a worldhopper, he uses Shadesmar to traverse between worlds. He has appeared in all of the books relating to the cosmere. In Mistborn he was a beggar/informant. He is Wit in Way of Kings. He makes an appearance in Elantris, as well as in Warbreaker. I'll edit this post if I find more threads relating to your question. http://www.17thshard...91-cosmere-101/ The general "Overview" of the Cosmere thread. http://www.17thshard...ion-and-answer/ Many questions and answers are given here. http://www.17thshard...-is-hoid-up-to/ Some discussion involving Hoid, and the WoK epigraph letter http://www.17thshard...ing-characters/ Other characters that hop worlds. http://www.17thshard...letter-in-twok/ This is about the letter that appears in the epigraphs in WoK. The letter is posted in it's entirety below. http://stormlightarchive.wikia.com/wiki/The_Way_of_Kings's_Epigraph_Letter Edit: More on the visitors: http://www.17thshard...want-from-hoid/ http://www.17thshard...planet-hoppers/
  2. Your post is slightly difficult to understand, but I'll try to give you an answer. The Kandra propegated through new spikes, that gave sentience to mist creatures, creating new Kandra. These spikes were provided by TLR, and as such was a form of propegation. The Inquisitors wouldn't "propegate" so much as create new ones. The new ones were created by spiking mistings or mistborn. I'm uncertain if the spikes could be "reused" to create a new inquisitor, but I don't know for certain. As to your last question, I believe you misunderstand how Feruchemy works. Both Allomancy and Feruchemy can be given to a person via Hemalurgy. Hemalurgy is of Ruin so maybe this is what you meant. In HoA Marsh taps speed, a Feruchemy ability, implying that he had been given that power of Feruchemy through Hemalurgy. Hope this helps!
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  3. I believe the first sickness was his headache in Baerlon. I didn't actually go back and count the days, but I was pretty sure that I remembered it saying a week or a week and a half or so (it was a month or two ago that I read it, so I don't know exactly what I believed). It says somewhere that the first time the sickness is ten or so days after, then it gets closer and closer until it happens almost concurrently with your channeling, I'm pretty sure I decided that the book showed us the farmer giving the scarves, then went back in the past and showed what led up to the farmer giving the scarves, then showed us the farmer giving the scarves again. It seems like It started out talking about the past and then suddenly we were in the past without even changing sentences.
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  4. Turns out all I have to do is read 1/4 of a book a day to finish on time. Easily accomplished .
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  5. Soooo... I guess I'm the only one who thinks it sounds a little like a decongestant? When colds, allergies and other sinus problems get you down, Adonalsium gets you back on track! Ask your doctor if Adonalsium is right for you! Adonalsium: your solution for sinus relief! Anybody? No? ... Please don't fire me. -EDIT- Bad punctuation makes me twitchy.
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  6. The Taravangian reaction was hilarious.
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  7. Ah, yes, I was looking through those a while ago. I should look at the newer ones as well. ALSO, she has completed Way of Kings as well There are a few posts for this one. Her first one was basically: "30 pages in The Way of Kings and Brandon is already blowing my mind and making me feel inadequate. Well done, sir." And here are the links for the rest (SPOILERS): Second Third Fourth Fifth
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  8. I definitely don't have all of the answers here (especially regarding how the Reod selects its candidates), but I might be able to offer some clarification on the original question Here are the premises (ie - the facts): 1) We need to keep in mind the difference between the Shaod and the Reod. They are 2 separate things. They're not even 2 sides to the same coin, really, but 2 independent processes. ---a) The Shaod is (for the purposes of this discussion) timeless, existing independently of the Reod. --- The Reod is temporary; because of the landscape of Arelon changing, the Aons that the Elantrians draw (and have drawn) became incomplete (and therefor ineffectual or, at worst, corrupted) spells. Really, the best way to look at the Reod is an event in which all Aons no longer wrk properly. ---c) The Reod is not the changing of an Elantrian into a bald, sickly, hairless creature that is unable to heal from pain, etc. This Sickness is a consequence of the Reod, but not the Reod itself 2) Brandon has referred to Elantris as an amplifier (Ch. 62.2 annotation). If I may, I believe that the most precise way of saying what he meant to say was this: Elantris is an amplification spell. ---a) Aons (with a capital A) are spells. These spells have 2 requirements: an aon (lower-case a) and an someone taken by the Shaod (i.e. - an Elantrian) hand to draw them. --- An Elantrian can use any tool to create an Aon; it doesn't have to be a finger (p. 505) ---c) It follows that the City of Elantris, which is a big aon created by Elantrian hands, is an Aon - a spell. And, as Brandon has stated, it's an amplification spell, targeted to amplify the powers of those taken by the Shaod. (I know I'm dwelling on this point, but it's very important.) 3) The key to understanding the Sickness is the "control experiment" that Brandon has given us: Seala (Dilaf's wife/significant other) This is crucial. Seala was not an Elantrian (in the proper sense of 'someone taken by the Shaod'), but she did get the Sickness when a spell-went-wrong targeted her. And here's the rest of the reasoning (ie - the conjecture): 4) The Sickness can affect anyone (Elantrian or not) who is targeted by an Aon-gone-wrong (and it doesn't affect people who aren't targeted by an Aon-gone-wrong) 5) The City-of-Elantris-Aon targets Elantrians (to amplify their power) 6) During the Reod, the City-of-Elantris-Aon (and every other Aon, for that matter) was an Aon-gone-wrong 7) During the Reod, the Elantrians had the Sickness because they were the targets (for 10 years) of a mal-formed Aon. The Shaod didn't fail; it still happened normally (remember premise 1). It's just that for 10 years, in addition to the Shaod, there was also the Reod which targeted anyone taken by the Shaod. To put it in another way: Pre-Reod Elantrians = Shaod Reod Elantrians = Shaod + Reod (and the Reod includes the Sickness) Post-Reod Elantrians = Shaod Did any of that make sense? I feel like I've digressed into rambling. I'll stop now.
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  9. In mist triolgy, the power of the shards are accessed by metals. In elantris, power is accessed through symbols. So in WOK, it stands to reason while the shards are different, they too would work in a similar maner. They are all dependant on gemstones to store shard energy, or they have their own form of stormlight nor gemstonees?
  10. Originally using allomancers and their blood to create steel inquistors and others, created the creatures who can be influenced by ruin. Now, eating the ruin metal form you gain the power of ruin without having to get spikes. So the koloss can propergate similar to mistings, due to this. I wonder if the kandra or steel inquisitor propergated. Also if it is possible to force ruin arts on someone, can preservation arts be forced on a person, a ferochemical version of steel inquisitors.
  11. There are likly four oath gates in this region. THe king of the blood letters had most of those incharge removed. The religion of the vorin venerate the warriors of the land. If dalinar can move his army quicklu through the gates, he could strike in the confusion and assume control. THat would increase the number of shard wielders, if they give a deal to them. vorin renerates the light eyes, so an army of them restoring order would actually not be that opposed.
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