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  2. Hi All. This is an issue Ive had in the back of my mind since I read era 2 and I'm hoping you all can reason me through it. We see in Era 2 that spikes made from Trellium are able to shield Kandra from Harmony's sight. This is a huge revelation that leaves the Kandra and Set investigating further into the Metallic Arts as clearly there are things they haven't figured out (what secrets of Rashek will we never know?). My issue is this - why, in all of these scientific experiments did no one try burning Trellium or using it as a metalmind? The Set would know the history of Lerasium and Atium and were given Trellium by Autonomy. It seems like a plot hole that they would only use this new metal in one of their three Metallic arts. If it has no function in the other two, why not mention that quickly either in text or ars arcanum or in person? There were no mistborn, did they just not try because of this? The Atium retcon was put in because God Metals should be burnable by anyone. This seems like a plot hole to me. Sorry if this has been discussed before.
  3. Sharpo was in a warm place. There weren't many warm places, but this one was familiar to him. He was snuggled up against her and she was singing softly, pulling her fingers through his hair. "Mamma," He mumbled, slowly coming more awake, "Did you finally remember me?" She stopped singing. "No." Sharpo was in a very cold place. There were many cold places, so, he was lost. He pushed back against the cold. He didn't want to be in this place. His mind ached as he stretched to remember the warm place. The warm place. Sharpo was in a warm place. There weren't many warm places, but this one was familiar to him. He was snuggled up against her and she was singing softly, pulling her fingers through his hair. "Mamma," He mumbled, slowly coming more awake, "Did you finally remember me?" She stopped singing. "No." Sharpo was in a very cold place. There were many . . . cold . . . places.
  4. Welcome! If you could bring any two Brandon Sanderson characters back to life in a room for an hour, who would you being back and why? (Open the spoiler box before replying Would you like another cookie?
  5. I wrote this for my writing class. I think I was going to call it Ether, but I don't really remember, it's been a couple weeks. But anyways...
  6. Problem is the actual site has PII, I'm not concerned about the link. The real question is where I can post a full script or not.
  7. How did you get the quarter out of the Aldi cart without another one? A. CARDBOARD. BOX!
  8. Kurtis smiles, "Alright, the fortress only has a few entrances, but each is heavily guarded. I'm still working on a way to break in."
  9. *hugs back* it’s ok, I’m all right today <33 *hugs tightly*
  10. This is so beautiful! I love all the details! Adolin is always my favorite lol
  11. Goose also appears a lot in the district RP thread's when someone goes to a train station, and he's the goop monster guarding the cornucopia at the beginning of Smedry.
  12. I just don’t care about presidents, I will say that the reason I did this was so you could send them to one of the Cosmere planets. Skip me
  13. Thanks… I…don’t know. Words are just…a part of me? They always have been. And my thought start to spiral, and so I let them spiral out onto a page, because then it’s not inside me. And it all looks so much less scary when it’s out of my mind. When it’s outside.
  14. Lundyn smiled softly. "I like gardening" @Spark of Hope @Cash67 @TheRavenHasLanded @Edema Rue
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