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  2. If the fabrial tech progressed quickly enough in Era 3, it wouldn't surprise me if all modern military rifles were hypersonic. Maybe something similar to AAI's flechette rifle prototype.
  3. We must distract them and feign weakness. I have a solution:
  4. Here’s a rusty nail. I have 21 pilots.
  5. I haven’t heard of it before. TPBM has watched Community.
  6. Claim it as my own creation and try to get it to catch on. WWYDIYF a crumpled soda can in your pocket?
  7. A small child entered the court and declared that it was time for a recess.
  8. *whispers* pssst, Captain, the propaganda campaign is going great, everyone totally thinks we're coming to destroy them instead of to steal all their gelato, but also I think it may have worked a little too well because they also think we're all-powerful and I don't know how to live up to that expectation, sir, what do we do
  9. Who’s that guy that loves chicken? Eenie meenie miniee mo.
  10. I’m not a botanist, but what the heck, sure! Don’t let your dreams be dreams! What’s the best submarine color?
  11. I think I'll pass, but thanks for offering! Best wishes to the darker-haired cult
  12. You know your not wrong. Maybe Autonomy is using misdirection and playing the long game. Giving Harmony and those allied with him an obvious target, the Set and Trell, all the while slowly corrupting a pre-existing religion that has become the most prevalent to her own ends. Sounds almost poetic, the religion created by Kelsier to give the Skaa hope and the will to rebel against tyranny, becoming slowly corrupted by a tyrant far worse than the Lord Ruler to control the masses. In fact:
  13. Today
  14. Mythwalker's Prologue has a third person omniscent PoV https://www.brandonsanderson.com/warbreaker-prime-mythwalker-prologue/ But, yeah, Jerick and Frost are who i was thinking on the first two as well. Not so sure on the last one
  15. AHHH I'm late but those are so good!! (also the second one looks so Utah-y...I love it...)
  16. Ahhhh I'm so busy right now but I was enjoying it so far, I'll read them all at some point and let you know what I think!
  17. Pic collapsed on the floor, and began to drift off to sleep.
  18. Happy birthday!

  19. I went on a walk with my gf this evening and it was amazing!!

    Pictures tomorrow.

  20. I kinda need him to... Ok, culprit is 19, but everyone thinks they're 16, and they're small and frail so everyone finds the fake age to be credible. And it's someone we know. Actually, even my theory that the culprit might be some strange mix of the three falls apart as per Knox's rules, I think. So it has to be Kanon. I... don't know how to reconcile this with Kanon being a new guy. Well, I'd be perfectly fine with it not being him if it means his relationship with Jessica can happen... Oh yeah, so the sisters are real. Or this is the other "ingredient" that was used to create them rather. That's some crappy treatment they're giving Culprit-chan, it figures they'd become her servants in the game. Waaaaaait a second, I'm still missing the piece of who Battler even is. Virgilia ruled him out as the culprit but, well, he is in the age range to be the baby. And I mean, he's literally redhead Kinzo. Gah, I'm lost again. I'm just gonna keep reading.
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