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  2. Exploding Chicken Nuggets!? Also Thaidakar could you do me a favor and make a post in the hair-color cult please? I need to send Stick her list of people she makes happy (she insists she doesn’t make people happy but I call false) and I don’t want to double post. Thanks, man.
  3. The bots start coming and they don’t stop coming. They’re breaking the rules tryna take our money. Started reporting spammers for fun, they make me feel smart cause they act so dumb. At least I think that’s how it goes…
  4. Gotta say, just found out about y’all, but if y’all put in the effort, this cult could be fire.
  5. . . . When your 85lb GSD makes "Wayne Trades" with the toys
  6. Ash "Oh really? What makes you think that?" Insa Insa frowned and took off the cloak and handed it back to Bookwyrm. "This is yours. You should be the one using it."
  7. That is not what I was saying (only you can verify if that is what you believe) - what I am saying is that "godmetals" appear to be based on the Vessel - not the Shard. Or, at least not just the Shard - It seems to be the Shard's power and Intent as filtered through the Vessel; hence Vessel-based naming Which implies that Raysium will no longer be the Godmetal of Odium, because Taravangium will replace it (who knows if they will be similar or not) and TOdium is not quite like ROdium was Wax could not do that with the electric current alone - it always failed. . . until he brought Trellium into the Equation It was not the Lerasium and Atium that cause the explosion, it was Trellium and Harmonium. Trace amounts of Lerasium and Atium were discovered in the residue left behind after the explosion. We have not seen it because it is in the Southern Continent, but it might not be as Violent because it would be in liquid state and Shardic Investiture only becomes metallic when manifesting as a Solid in the Physical Realm (Where most perpendicularities are "pooled" investiture piercing all three realms) Hope that helps
  8. Will do NOOO MY LIST GOT ERASED CRAP dude I lefr for like 5 minutes I need someone to reply so I’m not double posting ._. sorry
  9. What? Of course you do. Example: You made me happy just five minutes ago by asking about pineapples! I AGREE!! (see above example)
  10. lies. You make people happy, trust us. (I say us because I’m sure many people agree) You’re welcome!
  11. *yawns darkhairedly* Y'all ima go to bed at 9:12 my time... gn
  12. That makes 1 1/2 of us. Me over the past three days. Of course it was fairly easy because I don’t see the people but also because they’re still my friends (even if both of them are kinda not intelligent, not being rude or anything but dang… mistakes have been made) Also I say 1 1/2 because I wasn’t fully serious I just wanted to slap them both really hard, sit them down and explain where they went wrong, then walk away. (I may or may not have shot a target arrow clean through a cardboard box 8 inches thick with several super dense sheets of styrofoam because I was upset at them)
  13. I shall PM you as well! *copy paste from stick's message* Okie done. ONLY IF YOU'RE WEAK!!
  14. BTW, I forgot to mention, but the map has some special stuff going on with it. The thickest lines, that make up the most noticeable shapes, are the landmass that make up the continents. Inside them, the lines are the countries(obviously). The slightly thinner lines outside the continents are actually what the people of Diranell classify as the oceans. These are where the water-dwellers(like the merpeople and aquestrians[might change their name]) live and where they set up their kingdoms. There are 5 continents, and 9 oceans. Just some interesting world building tidbits for whoever is interested.
  15. "Alright, Sugar." She dumped in some blueberries and started heating the oven.
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