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Mac 2



His hands clenched, Mac eventually forced out the words in a bare whisper "What do you mean he forged the planet?"

The denizen wanted more then anything to slink away into the alleys, except that the alleys were in chaos right now. They were swirling around them faster then wind in a tornado. He knew Mac wouldn't take the news well, but in he hadn't seen Mac this visibly angry in several decades. No one had. "Yessir, the whole p- planet sir." The words came out in a stuttering flood, maybe if he just told Mac one bit of information that he liked he would end up being spared when the man snapped. "Th-thats why it seemed so nice and uh er we seemed so weak. There is good news [BIG REDACTED SECTION HERE FOR POTENTIAL SPOILERS]

A little, miniscule, appeared in the back of Mac's mind. [REDACTED] He zoned in on that thought, letting it grow and consume him, slowly pushing the anger away. He forced a small smile onto his face as he loosened his hands and consciously slowed the spinning of the alleys. Without the red haze consuming his every thought, he regained control of his body, and the alleys. "No dead friend, I wont kill you." With a small, however fake chuckle, he added, "Haven't shot a messenger in 20 years, I'm not about to start now." He turned to the denizen, "Thank you for letting me know, though I do suppose, given this information, the city, and the DA will need a little check up so to speak. And who better to preform one then the Gentleman Hemalurgist himself. You are dismissed, thank you."

Without a second word, the denizen melted back into the alleys. As he melted away into the infinities of the Dark Alleys, he noticed that for a brief moment, all the illusionary monsters and beasts seemed to be gone, and as he had that very thought, they slowly started to melt back in, as if they had been scared away, and were gaining the confidence to return.

And with the beasties there would be significant annoyance. It seemed like it might be time to get his old bowler hat and monocle back.


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