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Rhythm of War Statistical Analysis



I took the time to update the statistical analysis of Rhythm of War today and wanted to share some fun charts!


Word Count by Character
Self explanatory. Kaladin, Shallan, and Dalinar lead the pack in that order, as I think most people would assume.

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Word Count by Character (excluding the big 3)
Zooming in a bit better on all the characters besides Kaladin, Shallan and Dalinar... Navani and Venli both leaped up tremendously in Rhythm of War. Adolin kept his title as top secondary character though, with his biggest word count yet. Lezian is the newest character with smallest word count. I guess I should also note that this has the numbers from Dawnshard as well, so you can see how high that pulled Rysn and Lopen.

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Big Three Word Count by Book
Turning attention back to the three main characters, here's how their word counts stack up for each book. Kaladin had a bit more than OB and Dalinar barely squeaked by with more words than WoR. Rhythm of War was Shallan's lowest word count yet (barely). On the whole, you can really see how Navani, Venli, and Adolin dug into their usual numbers (overall) this book.

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Flashback Word Counts
Here's how the flashbacks have gone so far. This is JUST word counts of these characters' flashback sequences. (Always surprises me how little word count Shallan's flashbacks got in WoR. Brandon packed so much punch in those for me.) Individually Eshonai and Venli would be the lowest. But together they give Rhythm of War the 3rd highest word count on flashbacks.

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Rhythm of War Word Count by Character
Here's the word counts for each character looking only at Rhythm of War. Kaladin led the pack, but only by a little. Navani had more than Venli and Eshonai combined.

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Word Count by Book Part

Here's how RoW's word count is distributed among each part compared to the other books.

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Word Count by Location
One thing not captured on the statistical analysis pages on Coppermind is that I've done my best to note where everyone's PoV happens.This admittedly gets a bit arbitrary... But whatever. :) Nothing particularly exciting or notable about this graph, but here it is.

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Rhythm of War Word Count by Location

And here's just the RoW data. I think the time in Tukar was just that one Dalinar chapter. And I think the "unknown" is Lezian when he wakes up? Seems like it didn't give any clear indication where he was there.

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Word Count by Gender
This is a breakdown of PoV character gender (in terms of word count) for the entire series...

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Rhythm of War Word Count by Gender
And here's the same thing but only with Rhythm of War numbers. Girl power running the show in RoW.

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Chapter Word Count Distribution
Okay, these last two aren't super exciting. This is a distribution of chapters over different word count ranges, so it gives you an idea of how long the chapters tend to be. Hard to see much of a trend with these ranges... But it's a pain to tinker with the range. Nothing particularly notable about this compared to other books so far I think.

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PoV Word Count Distribution
Same idea here, just breaking it down by PoV instead of chapters. The short snippy PoVs during "avalanches" brings things down.

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Recommended Comments

It's a bit weird to see how much more time we spend with Kaladin, Shallan and Dalinar compared to other characters. Wow, part 1 made amount of time spent in Alethkar way longer than it seemed.

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Awesome work


Happy to see Navani getting the spotlight, I always liked her and getting a book from her perspective was truly satisfying. I'm really curious to aee what Szeth as main character will look like, I don't like him but find their chapters perspective and reasoning intriguing, plus he's such a grey character I never tell for sure what is behind his actions and what he truly feels 


I've come to realize Shallan, Dalinar and Kaladin as the 3 main characters of first five books while reading Words of Radiance and was thinking Eshonai to join the party in 3rd book, but it didn't quite happen plus Venli didn't enough POVs in Oathbringer to "promote" her to Big4


Even with Venli, Navani and Szeth getting more and more plot significance it's hard to regard them the same as the big 3, specially Szeth whose chapters are always present, but they are only few viewpoints and we still not seing him truly uncovered, I'd say they are alongside with Adolin the "Mid 4" of the series

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On 11/26/2020 at 1:15 PM, LiftIRL said:

hmm... This is rly cool! was the "other" in the gender count pecifically the sibling or am i missing something?

Sibling didn't get any PoVs. I believe the only one falling in that category was Sja-anat. Pretty sure the text uses she/her for Sja-anat, but I didn't feel comfortable labeling her "female". :D

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Really neat data, @Jofwu!  

Is it me, or is Raboniel missing from the overall list...?  Oh, now I think I see; they are word counts by POV character.  Odd how some relatively unimportant characters have viewpoint chapters, while much more central (and interesting) characters, like Raboniel and Leshwi, have had none.

I wonder if there is some deep truth to be inferred from that.

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On 12/13/2020 at 9:48 PM, Stormrunner1730 said:

This is awesome!  What tools/programs did you use for this?

Sorry I must have missed this.

I manually pulled word counts from the ebook and entered the data in Excel. That's all it is. :)

Might be some smarter way to automate getting the word counts, but it would be tricky (at the very least because of mid-chapter PoV changes) and require some manual work regardless (seeing who the PoV is and entering that). Takes a few hours of work, but I'd spend far more trying to do something "smart". :D

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On 5/19/2021 at 1:08 PM, Jofwu said:

Sorry I must have missed this.

I manually pulled word counts from the ebook and entered the data in Excel. That's all it is. :)

Might be some smarter way to automate getting the word counts, but it would be tricky (at the very least because of mid-chapter PoV changes) and require some manual work regardless (seeing who the PoV is and entering that). Takes a few hours of work, but I'd spend far more trying to do something "smart". :D

No problem!  

How does the ebook let you pull word counts for POVs?  Or is that not the right question? Haha.

And that's cool!  Did you generate the graphs and charts in Excel as well?

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1 minute ago, Stormrunner1730 said:

No problem!  

How does the ebook let you pull word counts for POVs?  Or is that not the right question? Haha.

And that's cool!  Did you generate the graphs and charts in Excel as well?

It's been a while so I don't recall precisely... I think I've done word counts different with different books. I think I opened the ebook in Calibre and downloaded a word count plugin?

Graphs and charts all in Excel, yep. All pivot charts I think.

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8 minutes ago, Jofwu said:

It's been a while so I don't recall precisely... I think I've done word counts different with different books. I think I opened the ebook in Calibre and downloaded a word count plugin?

Graphs and charts all in Excel, yep. All pivot charts I think.

Okay!  That sounds pretty cool.  And ohh that makes sense as far as pivot charts go. 

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