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Stuff I have so far

Stuff (to be delved into in greater detail later on): How to leave a planet: Bad: Rockets (dumb, clunky, and inefficient) Good: R A I L G U N S (much better, but still require tons of energy) Good: Trebuchets (used in tandem with railguns to yeet stuff through space (i.e. the Skyhook)) How to enjoy a planet: Don't fill the atmosphere with CO2 Don't fill the oceans with plastic Don't kill literally everyone else Constantly improve eff

Ruining the Alphabet

I decided to compile ways to spell the names of each letter so that I can ruin your day. A: Ay, ey, e (as in "egg"), ee ("yeehaw" but REALLY dang western), aha (if you don't give graham fifty extra syllables) B: Be, bee, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, bea (as in bean), being (if you're british), and beh (if you're britisher) C: See, "joe mama" ( @Atusiff hijacked my keyboard ) D: Dee, di, (this one's boring) E: Ie, ei, ee, e, i, y, ea, ey, ay (as in "cay"),

Mac 3

Mac walked his way through several alleys, his shredded soul giving him constant sight into the alleys and their horrors. Admittedly, being able to see all the alleys was nice when actively alley traveling, it was just that being able to turn it off was also very nice as well. Thats why he needed the monocle. While generally they helped restore stability, mental stability spikes were ineffective once a soul was too damaged. He had figured out however, that a single spike, hooked up to a monocle



Mac 2

His hands clenched, Mac eventually forced out the words in a bare whisper "What do you mean he forged the planet?" The denizen wanted more then anything to slink away into the alleys, except that the alleys were in chaos right now. They were swirling around them faster then wind in a tornado. He knew Mac wouldn't take the news well, but in he hadn't seen Mac this visibly angry in several decades. No one had. "Yessir, the whole p- planet sir." The words came out in a stuttering flood, maybe




Mac sat carefully behind the threshold of the alley. To his right lay an open street, to his left the alleys. Usually he wouldn't be so cautious about physically staying in the alleys, but on a day like today, in a place like this, he wasn't taking any risks. He was meeting a spy, one from his private network, whom he had sent back to check on The City. Mac more or less trusted the man, but one never threw caution to the wind when dealing with the DA. He glanced to the right, where he had s



TLT/CBST Metaphysics Lesson #3: Fundamental Substances

As discussed prior, the energy of the multiverse can be divided into four quadrants. Each quadrant has its own mechanics associated with it, including a solid form of that energy. These solids are known as fundamental substances, for it is from them that the worlds are made. Chaotic-Darkness: Mordite Unlike other forms of chaotic-dark essence, mordite does not destroy things it comes in contact with. Under most circumstances, it is inert. It can even be alloyed with other materials.Thi



World Bio #1: Nautilus part 1

Nautilus On Nautilus, water is life. The liquid that elsewhere in the multiverse is merely a combination of hydrogen and oxygen here acts as a reservoir for mystical power that sustains the many fantastical beings that call this world home.   The Southern Continent The entire southern hemisphere of Nautilus is covered with land. At the south pole is the one and only mountain on the continent, from which all rivers spring. These rivers act as conduits for the great storms of t



Measurements are Weird

It is absolutely no secret that the imperial system is kinda dumb. Like, did you know that the foot was divided into ten "thumb-lengths" back in ye olden dayse? Heck, there are records showing that inches were defined by the width of a man's thumb rather than the length of it (that are presumably incredibly precise for the time!). And all in all, it turns out that feet are defined by twelve times an inch, not the other way around. And the mile? Five thousand two hundred and eighty feet??? W

Cynthia Cerelius #3

Here we go, said Cirrus as Cynthia jumped over the edge. For a moment, she felt weightless as she fell. Then with a flash of blue, Cirrus's power kicked in. The winds gathered around Cynthia, slowing her descent - then redirecting it upwards. Cynthia let out a laugh as she rocketed upwards. It was shockingly cold, but what did that matter? She was flying. All of a sudden, a Hyxali was directly in her path. Cynthia yelped and tried to dodge out of the way. She wasn't quite fast enough.



History Lesson #1: The Dies Luxfrang.

The Dies Luxfrang It all started with Xinoehp. He was a young luxsprite; at only sixty-four years of age, he was the youngest noble to ever sit on the King's Council. This unique situation came about due to his parents waiting until their early nine hundreds to have a child, right before their millenium of life elapsed.  This backstory gives context to his actions that fateful day. In pursuit of power free of limitations, he inadvertently opened a crack in the defenses of the luxsprite



Character Bio: Rekaerb

Rekaerb Cerelius Rekaerb does not know how he came to be. The very first memory he has is waking with two pieces of knowledge in his mind. The first was his signature ability: replicating himself. Rekaerb can split himself into multiple bodies that all share a single consciousness. This ability makes him practically impossible to kill - and, therefore, very, very dangerous. Thus the second knowledge: he cannot interfere with the course of history. He is an observer, nothing more.



Coming "Soon"

Stuff I wanna talk about: YA Fantasy and Why I Stoped Reading It Are souls real? What about robots? [Feat. Brandon Sanderson's accidental obsession with Plato] Solving every problem And potentially other things. We'll see. Follow if ya wanna hear about these things!

TLT/CBST Metaphysics Lesson #2: Withergeists

Withergeists Withergeists are entities of chaotic darkness. Originally of the Void, they are enraged by the Light of existence. Their presence in reality is based in one goal; the destruction of everything. They make their way through the cracks in reality, taking form as incorporeal spirits that decay all that they touch. But existence in reality is painful for them, especially the light that fills it. In addition, most are no more intelligent than animals in their goals of destructio



Cynthia Cerelius #2

Cynthia awoke to a colorless world. Walls, floors, ceiling, bed- all were formed from spotless white. She sat up, raising her hands in front of her face. They looked normal. It's just the room, then. That was a relief; she rather liked color. Where are we? she asked Cirrus. Your guess is as good as mine, he responded. I passed out when you did. Apologies, Cynthia replied. I will limit myself next time. Don't worry about it, Cirrus replied. I've never gotten knocked out before



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