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  1. I think it's safe to assume that the one "I am a stick?" is when Shallan attempts to soulcast it, as the rest of the time it is very certain in its stickiness. It foreshadows a potential danger of soulcasting-- what if the stick loses its sense of identity, yet is not convinced enough to change into something specific? Once it gets to the "I am ???" phase, the stick could be highly vulnerable to outside influences (think Odium, voidspren). I can understand why it was removed from the book though, as Brandon usually likes to introduce things more subtly.
  2. Yup, what I've read from similar topics is that the blades are described differently, so we know they are not the same (in addition to spren screaming). Also, someone mentioned that Hoid accompained Talenel on his trip partway, so if Hoid didn't take it, he's seriously slacking. As for why? Either for the power, or for safeguarding.
  3. "I am a stick!" "I promise to put you out after I light this pile of kindling." "I am a STICK!" "You can be a hero. How many sticks become heroes? You can become the stick that all other sticks aspire to be." "I am a stick" "Fire or excrement. I think I see a beaver."
  4. Wit seems to have his favorites on who to harass / not to harass. Looks like Kaladin is going on the naughty list.
  5. Hoid's purpose is to make readers buy more of Sanderson's books. Dump them all in a blender, and you have a smoothie of Adonalsium.
  6. It's more likely that the fabrials have flaws, namely, that the users cannot communicate with the cognitive aspect of objects the way Radiant soulcasters can. I can imagine the fabrial forcing a transformation without any subtlety or precision, and alter unintended targets as well.
  7. We've seen how Shallan has a habit of repressing memories, so my theory is that she already knew about the death of her brother Heleran. Why is this relevant you ask? After Shallan finds out that Amaram is responsible for Heleran's death, she seeks revenge. However, Amaram is somewhat of a tough opponent for the untrained Shallan now that her shardblade advantage is canceled out. But wait, there is a juicier target, one that is far, far more defenseless. He has guards you say hesitantly. He has an entire army, with a number of shardbearers. She could just bypass the whole lot of them. "I could get close, summon the thing, have it through a man’s chest before anyone knows what happened", Shallan mused. He only has shardplate, and no one wears that 24/7. The highprinces and their retinue only brought those out when they were headed to battle. She could do it. She could kill Sadeas, the one who ordered Amaram to the battlefield that fateful day. ======= After slaughtering Sadeas ======= Shallan reveals her mastery of the arts of Illumination, and creates a perfect (autonomous) copy of Sadeas, undetectable through sight, sound, or touch. Though a few commented that the stench hanging around camp lessened after that day. Mysteriously enough, those around Sadeas always seemed to have a few dun spheres as well. Unfortunately for Shallan, this little murderous episode reminds her of that *other* memory, and her brain decided it was expedient to just repress the whole lot. Her astounding mastery of the surges is linked with unpleasant memories, and so that is forgotten as well. Shallan moseys off into the sunset, unaware she is now in control of one of the princedoms of Alethkar. ======= Sadeas' disappearance ======= After the great migration to Urithiru, the camp suffers from a lack of stormlight that has never before been seen. Even during the weeping they had some large spheres hold their light, but the fabrials seem to have taken a lot of juice to transport the entire army. Sadeas is able to subsist off of what stormlight he has left, but unable to obtain any more, the Sadeas-illusion dissipates when no one is looking. The question is, do you think Shallan is going to own up? If she never mentions anything, I think she gets away scot-free.
  8. Oh jeez, when I started reading this thread, it seemed like light-hearted fun, but you guys have convinced me. We have WoS* and this passage looks more suspicious everytime i read through it. *well a really vague WoS
  9. Ooh I like those ideas Shale. I've always found it odd that they're following this plan of extreme++++ intelligent King T, when all the examples of intelligent and intelligent+ King T's ideas were noted to be too crack-pot worthy for him to be given leave to implement them. There's certainly something fishy with the Diagram.
  10. For now, I am just heavily urging known associates within signing locations to drop by. Though in this case that makes only 1... I have failed in spreading the word of Sanderson. I have some ideas of how to wrangle a code out of Sanderson when he's in my area.
  11. No, it's not odd at all, once you think of the scale of what these guys can do (looking at you Conflux: telekinetic city-scale battery). I'm still curious to what Meghan made the guards see though, since they said something along the lines of "oh the noise was just, you know".
  12. Hmm, given what we know about her random location reincarnation out of light, her immortality-weakness is probably just being tossed in the ocean. Endless reincarnation + drowning doesn't sound too good for her mental function since she loses some memories after each time. If you want to be extra safe, get her a tank of oxygen, and weigh her feet down so when she dies, she's not anywhere near the surface anymore so she's without light (and to prevent her from dying in the upper ocean and then getting lucky + reincarnate onto a passing ship or something).
  13. I'm sure there are plenty of uses besides just simply extracting power from DNA. They already have Epic detectors that work off of DNA presumably (blood test), why not go a step further? More samples for research could eventually lead to a power / weakness detection scheme. How about understanding Calamity? I'd be interested to know what made the Epics so special to be the ones affected.
  14. IIRC, her reincarnation was described as her being formed from light? I'd have to reread, but I think it was also stated that her respawn location was somewhat random too, though probably has a max range. Perhaps she is vulnerable during reincarnation. Edit: Yep, she says she is "reborn from light" and that she spawns somewhere "nearby" but the location is random.
  15. I'm not sure what you're trying to say. No, no one said creating technology based on Epic powers was impossible. Yes, the books said the green-energy gun was based off of Epic powers. What i'm saying is that since the tensors/ jacket/ healer were revealed to be a gifting of powers, and not tech, that it is *possible* that the other techs are also giftings. Because I'm pretty sure the books never mentioned how gifting works, so it might not require direct physical contact, and can instead use technology as a medium. Edit: But yes, you're right about the graviometrics since Meghan used one.
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