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  1. Shallan finding her drawing of Bluth on his body. Jeez, that hit me hard.
  2. A scene that stuck out to me was Shallan and Adolin talking on the terrace while waiting for the highstorm. Adolin admitting to messing in his Shardplate had me in stitches. The final duel between Szeth and Kaladin above the clouds was simply stunning to read. Boulders and storming PLATEAUS flying up at them while these two flew among them was something I never dreamed to read. The Lift interlude was pure awesomeness. Adolin fighting Eshonai. The mini-flashbacks to Adolin bonding with Sureblood were heartbreaking. I really enjoyed Rysn's interlude, too. Anything about greatshells, I find fascinating. Between gemhearts and the way the santhid rescued Shallan, there has to be something important about them. And what's up with the larkin? Nightblood making an appearence was entirely unexpected, and I loved it. All of these secret societies popping up like cremlings. Ghostbloods. Sons of Honor. The Diagram. I want to know more! There were so many scenes that had me shaking or tearing up or both. Impossible to name them all. Absolutely loved reading this book.
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