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  1. My current speculations/musings: The personality that the Three call "Shallan" was the first personality created by Shallan in response to her childhood trauma. Her next Truth will relate to the recognition that she's been creating personas since childhood and the person she thinks she is not necessarily who her "true" self is. The Radiants, without a Bondsmith bonded to the Sibling (or perhaps the final act of the last Bondsmith bonded to the Sibling), tried to imprison the Sibling in the gemstone core and turn Urithiru into the "modern" Rosharan form of fabrial. Alternatively, if the Sibling already or typically resided in the gemstone core, the Radiants changed the nature of that relationship and converted the gemstone core to more of a prison and less of a "home." I would like to learn about the role (if any) of Dai-Gonarthis in the scouring of Aimia. I like the reasoning that Dai-Gonarthis is related to depression or nihilism, so I'd like to know how that lead to the scouring.
  2. In Chapter 4, Dalinar remembers Kadash vomiting in response and associates the incident that drove Kadash away with Rathalas. It seems like there is more to come.
  3. Kadash was still a member of the elites for this battle, so I don’t think we’ve seen the act that drove him away.
  4. I forgot about Szeth thinking about hiding the sphere in Jah Keved, that's a good point.
  5. Since Venli went to buy Szeth, I wonder if she ended up with Gavilar's black sphere, bonded the spren inside, and that caused her strange behavior in "scholar"form.
  6. Peter, What about TomR's bonus prediction and chouta? If I deep fried a hot dog bun and made a chili dog, how close would I be to enjoying a Herdazian delicacy?
  7. Maybe not immediately, but it is a possibility over time. Nothing is stopping a lighteyed Shardbearer from taking your Shards. There could have been a slow accumulation of lighteyed Shards. More importantly, however, there are Alethi highprinces without Shards. How did they become or maintain their status as highprinces without Shards? Your argument assumes, at least in part, that no Shardbearer can be ruled by a person without Shards. I think it is possible that after a period of time, the Alethi conflated the eyes of the Radiants with "lighteyes." Some darkeyed Shardbearers submitted to lighteyed rule; some darkeyed Shardbearers were bested by lighteyed Shardbearers; and, before lighteyes largely refused to wed darkeyes, some darkeyed Shards descended onto lighteyed offspring. You are assuming that knowledge is perfectly preserved. It isn't—Jasnah's studies are proof enough of that. I would say that one of the more interesting themes of the book is the way that history blurs memory and gives rise to strange beliefs. People could eventually forget that the Radiants had "unnaturally" light eyes once surgebinders disappeared. After a time, the memory of Radiants' eyes could give rise would devolve into a belief that blue- and green-eyed individuals are leaders.
  8. I am not willing to say that pre-Recreance only the Radiants had lighteyes. I would be willing to guess that pre-Recreance only the Radiants had unnaturally light eyes. "Light tan" sounds like the female's eyes were originally brown; "light blue" sounds like the Radiant's eyes were originally blue. The eyes becoming unnaturally white could be related to the blade, or it could be related to surgebinding. In any event, the association of Radiants with unnaturally light eyes could have devolved into an aristocracy led by people with blue or green eyes.
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