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Arthur of York

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  1. It is Kaladin for me, I followed his progress most eagerly. Not a surprise really since he is the main focus so far. I do think BS has done an excellent job on maintaining Shallan's uncontrollable tongue, and she became more interesting as her development increased pace. Jasnah I feel has a lot more in her to reveal ....... but I'm very curious about Veil and where she might impact. A strange comment that was from Mraize ,"I think not" ....... or just a tease, eh.
  2. I am open to suggestions on what the most informative order there could be? I'm not a cookie person I'm afraid but the offer was thoughtful, and appreciated.
  3. Thank You Your Highness. (Capitalised because I'm not sure if you are a Goddess or not - playing it safe) I'm in the UK, nearly always in the UK, but I have been to Chicago and so had this inkling you might just be there? My first reactions are that I have a lot to absorb before being conversant with what goes on here. I have a lot of reading to do to discover more about Brandon's Cosmere. Again my thanks ...... it was welcoming. i think Kaladin is Troy Polamalu in a parallel dimension. Never realised that Troy could breath in Stormlight before, but now the explanation is clear.
  4. Hi All; I've just returned from the Admin page, or is it Lighteyes Appreciation Society, not sure but there did seem to be a lot of Alethi born BrightLording going on. From that you will gather that I am here as a result of the StormLight Archive and eager for more (abuse - I'm darkeyed low born). I discovered BS (not that, not the bovine thing - Brandon) through the WoT books, and am grateful for that experience. I've only today finished reading WoR (after WoK) and need to keep the dosage going .... so I'm here. (I do hope BS is careful with his book titles ...... these acronyms could cause embarrassment) Well that's it ........ not a lot about me, but then there's not a lot tell that will interest you.
  5. Whilst I agree that there did seem to be this element of surprise, I am not convinced he was. I rather think that Hoid was aware of Shallan and was there to 'check her out' so to speak. His purpose for being there isn't clearly stated except that he carried a message from her Brother which doesn't quite fit with me as the real reason - Hoid a messenger for Helaran? I don't think so.
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