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  1. Don't worry, I am sure Adolin has a spare dagger somewhere in there, he'll handle it.
  2. I always looked at the final events in the book associated with Moash as setting him up to move from Kaladin's to Shallan's department. He seems to regret those actions, but doesn't have a way of just going back, his hatered and actions will never go away, but some good lies could cover them, and if Mister T is involved with the Ghostbloods, they could have possible business relations. He looks like a good candidate for a squire of hers, or at least a supporter.
  3. I think your suggestion could be true only if Vasher himself didn't know the whole truth about Nightblood's origin. The fact that he thought the knowledge that was used to create Nightblood was too dangerous to be popularized, and I recall reading the knowledge in question being how to awaken steel, suggests there was nothing otherworldly about his creation. Additional question comes to mind immidiately - do we know the physical composure of a shardblade? I assume the WoB that Nightblood is a shadblade of sorts was meant in more general sense: as in, both objects are swords that have great powers and minds thanks to investiture. You could say that their creations were arriving at the same place by two different roads - Nightblood was made by giving a sword an idea (well, a command) - basically, receiving additions to its cognitive aspect, and shardblades are the result of an idea (a spren) getting the ability to turn into a weapon - receiving additions to its physical aspect. That being said, Nightblood's whole nature has always been bugging me, too. It feels like his mind and his command are too disconnected, considering his intent (or rather, command in this case?) is capable of literally shutting down his mind and completely overwriting it. You might be onto something here, although maybe not exactly what you suggest - perhaps the sapient mind was the result of an effect explained in another WoB - that all magic must be in posession of a sentient entity, and if not, it would gain a mind of its own. I assume that is why certain spren, as splinters, have intelligence in the cognitive realm, and perhaps removing so many breaths, which are essentially the spark of life on Nalthis, away from anything that was ever living, is what, as suggested, caused them to splinter from Endowment and acquire a mind of their own?
  4. This has sooo much potential! The mustache's styling determines what powers you get, and its thickness and length determine the potency. Some stylings are hard to maintain if your mustache is very thick, so lots of raw power isn't always beneficial. The focus of combat would be to damage your opponent's upper lip. The shardworld would be mostly male-dominated society, understandably, apart from the rare women who are born with facial hair - and thus are considered chosen for greatness. Hair dressers who do facial hair would be extremely well respected, revered, and would have famous masters of the art among them. Depending on the level of their technology, the forbidden art of transplanting mustache hair from someone else could exist - by forse, or for a hefty compensation - and would be a way to modify your spirit web. Women would use it as an only way to gain real power. Also, shaping mustaches out of your other hair and body hair could offer minimal extra benefits - because these structers would be vaguely reminiscent of mustaches.
  5. I assumed it doesn't, considering the Returned do it without ever needing food (or so we are told). Even if it does, that means that the said ability was somehow changed to fit the chemical processes in the human body, which seems like the same difference.
  6. So I noticed as striking similrity and I had to make an account here in order to share my thoughts. There was a WoB, if I am not mistaken, that Lift's ability to expand food for surges instead of stormlight is unique. Supposedly a boon from the Nightwatcher (is that a fact or an assumption)? But, similar ability has actually been observed before in the cosmere (perhaps the WoB was only regarding Roshar and surges). It's the way the Idrian royal family changes hair length and color. Siri explains that she needs to get some food after playing withat that ability for a while, because it exhausts her. However, Vasher claims the ability is a lite version of the Returned's appearance-changing - for which they need nothing more then their devine breath. So, perhaps whatever was done to Lift in (cosmere) scientific terms was similar to however that one Godking managed to produce progeny? And further on, perhaps that means that other magic systems could bypass the need for investiture?
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