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About Mistbinder

  • Birthday 01/03/1997

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  1. Come tomorrow, light brings dawn upon us, upon dawn-brought light, tomorrow comes
  2. I'm gonna necro this thread cause I finally have an Oathbringer trailer I like. I did the same thing as I did for my WoK and WoR ones in following the back blurb, but I had to move stuff around quite a bit and omit some stuff to keep it shortish and not give too much about the Singers. Enjoy! We see Dalinar’s back as he watches the darkness of the Everstorm flow toward Urithiru’s plateau, rumbling in the distance, red lightning flashing and distant thunder. Voiceover: A new storm has come. Multiple Singer figures brace before the storm. It hits them, and the chaos of it is shown. ~~~ Voiceover: Radiance has returned to some… Renarin summons his Blade for Adolin Kaladin soars up out of a town in Alethkar, the people cheering Dalinar turns and sees Lift on a rocky plain. Voiceover: And shines towards others. A Shardblade appears in Malata’s hand (we don’t see her face though). Bridge Four trains, a rotating shot shows Stormlight being sucked out of a gem and cuts away before showing someone’s face. Veil sits with Vathah and the rest of her crew in a bar. ~~~ Voiceover: The Unmade-shadows of the Enemy's soul-stir… Rapid flashes of Kholinar, citizens dressed as spren, the corrupted spren of the city, eyes turning red, A shadow in a mirror, white spots instead of eyes Voiceover: While the eyes of men open. Jasnah and Ivory in her study. Jasnah: Ten orders, all ended in death. Ivory: All but one. An Oathgate flashes, Taravangian and his retinue exit it, looking in wonder. Gavilar talking to Eshonai Gavilar: “They think you’re savages, but they are so wrong. You’re not, you’re a window into the past.” ~~~ Bird’s eye shot of the Singers in Revolar. Voiceover: This war is not, and never was, what they thought it to be. (music intensifies) A group of Fused slams into the middle of Moash and Graves’s group Reachers’ ship sailing in Shadesmar, Celebrant in the distance. Kaladin crashing into a stormwall. Dalinar to Fen: “Maybe all the good men are dead, so all you have is me!” The sky fracturing above Venli, yellow light pouring through. ~~~ Kaladin falling in the sky, grappling with one of the Fused. Voiceover: The Captain, broken by loss, seeks reconciliation Kaladin to Syl: This is wrong. We’ve been so wrong.” Syl: Kaladin, you can’t save them all. ~~~ Veil glowing brightly in a dark tunnel Voiceover: The Spy, broken by cruelty, seeks completion Mraize next to Ialai. Mraize: Morality is an axis that doesn’t interest us. Shallan’s hand running along the veins in Urithiru. Shallan: “I can’t be this person.” Veil Lightweaving Shallan onto herself. ~~~ Szeth stands before the Purelake with other hopeful Skybreakers. Voiceover: The Stonewalker, broken by oaths, seeks truth Szeth and Nale fly side by side. Nale’s voice: “The purpose of the law is so we do not have to choose.” ~~~ Venli bracing with Demid and others before the Everstorm. Voiceover: The Traitor, broken by ambition, seeks freedom Ulim talking to Venli in the chasms, “Child, how long have you been fighting your little war against the humans?” The pulsing spren catches Venli’s eye in the distance. ~~~ Young Dalinar walking through the highstorm. Voiceover: And the King, broken by war… Dalinar standing in the middle of his and Shallan’s Stormlight map. Dalinar: “Ten cities. Ten kingdoms. Ten Oathgates connecting them. This is how we fight it.” Quick flashes of him in different cities. Dalinar: We start with this simple step: Protect the cities with Oathgates. Voiceover: He seeks the past. Dalinar seeing the nine Honorblades in Broken People chapter. Dalinar: I’ve lived long enough to see the consequences of what I’ve done. Voiceover: That which he must not learn Young Dalinar trudging towards Rathalas, bloody and angry. Voiceover: For those secrets will crush him, An awkwardly wrapped safehand grips a doorway like the person is about to peek in at the feast. Young Dalinar, Navani, Gavilar, Sadeas, and Ialai look towards her. Present Dalinar stumbles, Navani catching him. The Nightwatcher creeps out from trees, dark green mist, vaguely person-shaped. Voiceover: As they did the Knights who came before. Anticipationspren rising around Dalinar in a meeting. Red light dripping upward. Shallan rapidly cycling through faces of several characters Dark veins spreading up Szeth’s arms Kaladin falling out of a black sky *fade out* ~~~ Taravangian and Dalinar in the lift, ascending, looking out over the eastern landscape. Taravangian, softly: “I don’t think you and I are destined for a glorious place. Men of blood and sorrow don’t get an ending like that, Dalinar Kholin.” ~~~ (Fade to black) TITLE DATE (end)
  3. This is my first actual theory post, but let me preface by saying that I’m super tired right now writing it and don’t actually 100% believe this myself, I just think there’s some definite odd things going on that could possibly be connected/explained by Honor being dead. So things seem to be pretty abnormal with several Radiants so far. I think that Honor’s death changed how Radiancy can be granted. Honor was still around or was very recently dead when the Recreance happened. So Honor’s death and what that might mean was never an issue for the ancient Radiants. The Stormfather says: The three main examples of the oddness are Dalinar, Renarin, and Venli. First, Dalinar. This is the most explainable, I think. His combining the three realms has never been done before. While looking for evidence for what Honor’s absence might mean for this though, I found this: So prior to Honor’s death and the Recreance, the Stormfather was nothing like he is now. Dalinar’s bond as a Bondsmith (the one bound to the Stormfather) is the first of its kind. Of course, Dalinar himself says as much: This really just establishes that something definitely has been changed by Honor’s death. Renarin I think there is the least evidence for. It just feels wrong that a corrupted spren would be able to bond with someone. If Glys is the son Sja-anat was talking about, I doubt any of the other Truthwatcher-spren were involved with his decision to bond Renarin, so he bypassed any kind of selective process they have (I’m not trying to imply that Renarin isn’t Learned or Giving or that he could have bonded just anyone regardless of their attributes, Syl and Ivory obviously also acted alone in their decision to bond Kaladin and Jasnah and they embody their Orders’ attributes quite well). Ivory himself says the bond is super weird right after Jasnah decides not to kill Renarin: But Ivory was still young at the time of the Recreance so he wouldn’t really know if it was possible. With Sja-anat potentially trying to work with the Radiants though, maybe she’s showing them that this kind of bond is possible now. She’s trying to get some message across with this. Whether it was possible before Honor’s death though I don’t think can be determined yet. I really got off track there, but I guess I was just reiterating how wonky and one-of-a-kind Glys and Renarin’s bond is. Last we have Venli and the most glaring evidence that something big has changed. We have the WoB that listeners have never bonded a Nahel spren: The listeners must be a persistent presence on Roshar since the Fused have to have one to bond to when the new Desolation comes around, so I assume some listeners were left in some kind of manageable form for the humans after each one. All being universally put in slaveform doesn’t seem to be a possibility either since it sounds like something newly achieved in the epigraphs. When there were still hundreds of years between Desolations, surely the listeners must have been capable of displaying attributes that would have attracted a spren, but it never happened. Honor’s death must have changed this. While looking I know I saw a quote where the Stormfather also said that Honor was more obsessed with oaths themselves as opposed to what the oaths might mean, but I can’t find it now. When he was around, I think he heavily regulated the bonding process, and even if he didn’t, the spren were too afraid to go against him and bond a Parshendi anyway. That’s why it has never happened before Venli. Tl;dr Honor’s death opens the door for listener Radiants and other possible funky bonds for human Radiants. Hope I didn’t go off on too many tangents in that, now please pick it apart.
  4. From Part 1 right before Adolin trains Shallan for the first time.
  5. I'm pretty sure they are supposed to be the three moons. It matches with their descriptions; Nomon is blue and the biggest moon, Mishim is green and the middle sized one, and Salas is violet and the smallest.
  6. I've taken it three times and gotten a Edgedancer every time, meanwhile all three of the friends I've sent it to have gotten Lightweaver. I'm the only one of us who though they'd be Lightweaver beforehand lol
  7. Sorry it took me so long to write, I've been waffling over how I feel about it. I used the back of WoR for the outline like I did for WoK, but I feel like a. it was too present-focused to work in Shallan's flashbacks like I wanted, b. too outright about Dalinar being a Radiant, which has always bothered me since I didn't feel like it was a given at the end of WoK, and c. using the Everstorm stuff felt like I might be giving it away too. Anyways though, I hope you like it. Shallan on The Wind’s Pleasure, looking across the ocean. Shallan’s Voice: “What is it you think I am?” Jasnah’s Voice: “Right now, you are but a promise. A chrysalis with the potential for grandeur inside..” Shallan breathes out Light and becomes blackness Shallan’s face transforms into Veil In Shadesmar, Stormlight rips from Shallan into a black glass bead, Pattern behind her in his symbol-head form. (Cut to black) (Music starts softly) ~~~ Voiceover: The Knights Radiant must stand again. Dalinar stands from his chair and walks a short distance. He stops in front of his wall in front of some glyphs etched in the wall. “Sixty-two days. Death follows,” he reads ominously. He turns away to fetch his guards Voiceover: The ancient oaths have at last been spoken. Kaladin in his Kholin uniform. Syl’s voice: “Life before death, Kaladin.” Voiceover: The spren return. Flash of Syl, Wyndle, Ivory, (maybe Ym’s spren) Pattern’s distinct voice: “I know... little of humans.” A pattern is raised on her sketchbook when she looks back down. "Their minds break. You did not break. Only cracked." ~~~ Voiceover: Men seek what was lost. Dalinar’s voice: “Alethkar ended as a kingdom centuries ago." The camera pans around the Plains, showing Narak in the center, and the Parshendi there. Adolin wears Dalinar’s armor and stands before Eshonai at their talk. Dalinar’s voice: “This thing we have created is not Alethkar." Kaladin soars over the Plains, windspren behind him and Syl beside him. Jasnah, surrounded by inky spren in Shadesmar, forms the castle hallway in glass beads. Dalinar sits in a room with Elhokar, Kaladin, Adolin, Renarin, General Khal, and Brightness Teshav. Dalinar: "Alethkar was justice. We are children wearing our father’s cloak.” (fade to black) (pause) ~~~ Voiceover: I fear the quest will destroy them. (music swells) Shallan is shown lying facedown and soaked on a beach, wreckage around her. Sadeas slams Oathbringer down into a table. Adolin is shown facing two Shardbearers, Shardplate cracked. Eshonai stands before the Stormfather. Renarin looks at glyphs carved in a door and reads, “Thirty-eight days. The end of all nations." Dalinar moves out of the way of the camera and Amaram is there. The camera rotates around to Kaladin’s glowering face. Adolin jumps for Dalinar as the bridge behind them collapses ~~~ Voiceover: The Windrunner Kaladin in the prison behind bars. Kaladin’s voice: “They broke me, Syl. I’m not what you think I am.” Voiceover: The Lightweaver Shallan’s voice: “Can’t I just keep pretending?” Helaran hands young Shallan a sketchbook and says “Draw safe things, Shallan. Don’t dwell on the past.” A redheaded man carries Shallan out of a room, the camera focuses on bloodied carpet behind them as they exit, Shallan facing towards it, her father away from it. Voiceover: The Bondsmith Dalinar at the meeting of highprinces before Shallan shows up. Navani’s voice: "If you break the kingdom apart, we’ll never unify it.” Dalinar’s voice: “We’ll make certain that it doesn’t break.” Voiceover: The Explorer Eshonai stands before the other four of the Five, Venli behind her Eshonai: “I will agree to this test.” Eshonai stands before the storm, then braces herself against it. It hits. ~~~ Voiceover: It is past time for them to awaken. Eshonai’s voice: “I can feel something building. A storm…” Eshonai’s face flashes, showing red eyes. ~~~ Voice: For the Everstorm looms. A hand scratches zero, zero, zero, zero… over and over again. ~~~ Voiceover: And the Assassin has arrived. Kaladin and Dalinar lead Adolin, Renarin, the king, and other guards down a corridor as the lights dim. Syl whispers: “He’s here,” and Szeth steps out in front of them from a side corridor holding his Blade, glowing. ~~~ (Fade to black) TITLE DATE (end)
  8. These trailers were awesome, and gave me chills! I personally thought it gave away a little too much though, so I decided to try my hand at it! A magnificent sword is plunged into a rock with eight others sticking out. A space for a tenth one is left empty. Lirin’s voice: "The Ten Heralds were sent to teach mankind.” Kalak is shown walking away from the Blade. Kal’s voice: “But they were demons.” Lirin’s voice: “That would be the Radiants, Kal. You’re mixing them up. They’re the order of knights the Heralds founded.” *Flash of the two Radiants from Dalinar’s vision fighting the dark creatures.* “Who were demons.” “They were not demons, they were just men who had too much power.” *Radiants shown standing in front of the fort from Dalinar’s vision, summoning Blades, looking grim.* *Fade to black* ~~~ Voiceover: “There are four whom we watch. The first is the surgeon." Lirin’s voice: “There are two kinds of people in this world, son. Those who save lives, and those who take lives.” *Flashes of Kaladin over the young, bleeding girl, trying to fix her, and him on the battlefield with Amaram’s army.* Kaladin’s Voice: “And what about those who protect and defend? The ones who save lives by taking lives?” *Cut to Kaladin running out to fight the Shardbearer, seen from Cenn’s viewpoint low on the ground” Kaladin’s men are being killed around him and it cuts to him in the slave cart.* *Syl whips around him and his eye catches her before it cuts away to young Kal as he hears, “That’s like trying to stop a storm by blowing harder. You can’t protect by killing,” and his face falls.* ~~~ Voiceover: “The second is the assassin.” Szeth cups Stormlight lamps in the king’s hallway. A guard abruptly yells, “You there!” Szeth breathes in Light, and the hall grows dark. Flash forward a bit to one guard on the ground, Szeth summons his Blade. The remaining guard yells “Shardbearer! A Shardbearer assaults the king’s hall!” Szeth flips around in the air and lands on the ceiling. Smash cut of him slicing through men and flying down the hallway. Glimpses of him fighting the king and then him outside with the king impaled on a beam. “I’m sorry.” ~~~ Voiceover: “The third is the liar.” *Shallan’s hair blows to the side as we see her back as she sails into Kharbranth, she clutches her sketchbook, the city is displayed before her.* *Shallan turns a corner in the Conclave she gasps softly when she sees Jasnah Kholin* *Shot focuses on Soulcaster in Jasnah's hand then switches to her in the alley with her Soulcaster hand raised, light flowing from it towards the criminals, the men running from it.* “You killed them!” “Do you condone what those men were planning to do?” “Of course not, but that doesn’t make what you did right, either!” “Am I a monster or a hero?” Shallan’s face hardens and the screen fades to black. ~~~ Voiceover: “The last is the highprince.” “Six years in this war of Vengeance,” Dalinar says as we see him sitting on his horse. Adolin and Renarin watch him in the background. “All wars are games. To fight, to kill, to win,” we hear Roion say. Soldiers slay Parshendi and the ones remaining run. The soldiers look over at the great shell larva. A gemheart is pulled from the shell. “Sometimes the prize is not worth the costs.” Dalinar, Adolin, and Bashin look apprehensively across towards a chasm as a chull pulling a frayed rope runs from it, bleating. The chasmfiend climbs up out of the chasm. Cut of Dalinar running, pulling on his helmet, and summoning his Shardblade towards the beast. ~~~ Voiceover: “The world can change." *Kaladin runs with his bridge crew, beginning a charge against the Parshendi, blood running down his shoulders.* *Dalinar fights in a sea of Parshendi, slicing through them, Adolin is visible in the distance.* *Kaladin and Bridge Four shoving their bridge across the chasm and soldiers cross immediately. Voiceover: “These four people are key." *Dalinar pauses in the battle and looks at the carnage around him and whispers “Almighty…”* (bass drop) *Bridge crews around Kaladin fall, dozens of bodies on the rock as Sadeas army gets in formation behind them.* *Shallan in a room sitting in a pool of blood.* *Parshendi swarm on a group of Kholin soldiers from the distance.* *Dalinar sits in a room bound to a chair screaming and writhing as thunder blasts outside.* *Szeth runs through a Stormlit room of richly dressed people, the room dimming as he runs through Lashing people sideways, crying.* *Kaladin, strung up, is hit by the stormwall.* (fades to black) (pause) ~~~ LIFE BEFORE DEATH (Words on black screen in Stormlight font) Kaladin stands in hard but weakening rain before the Honor Chasm, tears mixing with raindrops. STRENGTH BEFORE WEAKNESS (Words on black screen in Stormlight font) Dalinar charges the chasmfiend alone towards Elhokar in his gold Shardplate, arrows whiz over him towards the beast. JOURNEY BEFORE DESTINATION (Words on black screen in Stormlight font) Doors with the Knights Radiant chart swing open in front of Shallan into the Veil. ~~~ The world dissolves around Shallan into Shadesmar, and we see her begin to fall. Szeth attacks three Shardbearers, two in Shardplate, one wearing a crown (the Veden king). Dalinar and Adolin are surrounded by Parshendi on the Tower, crying out. Kaladin, at the front of the bridge, screams as the four men around him are killed by arrows. ~~~ (fade to black) THEN, EITHER Tien’s face is shown smiling. “It’s not as bad as it seems, Kaladin. You’ll see.” OR *Lirin, face illuminated by the goblet of diamond spheres, says “Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right.”* ~~~ (Fade to black) TITLE DATE (end) ~~~~~~~~ I hope y'all like it! Let me know what you guys think!
  9. I've read both Stormlights, all of the Mistborns, Warbreaker, Elantris, and The Emperor's Soul! I've also read White Sand, if I'm allowed to say that. I haven't read Sixth of the Dusk or Shadows For Silence, though I'm planning on getting them soon!
  10. Hi everyone! I've been reading theories on here for about a year and a half now, so I figured it was about time for me to make an account! I found Brandon through WoT, and after seeing The Way of Kings recommended on my kindle for months, I finally bought it. I loved it, and, naturally, I went to google to find out more. That led me here and to the rest of the cosmere books!
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