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  1. I'm still uncertain where I stand on this theory, but I'd suggest creationspren as the 'lesser spren' for Lightweavers. They're the ones we see most frequently with Shallan, and the most we ever see from her, I believe, are when she's drawing Pattern out.
  2. I took it to mean that he would not gain Blade or Plate through the bond. There are a few ideas floating around as to where the original Radiants' Plate comes from, including the thought that it is gained by progressing further in the Ideals than any of the characters we currently see becoming Radiants. If this is the case, it is likely that the Stormfather is saying that Dalinar won't get Plate at whatever 'level' another Radiant would. Interestingly, though, it doesn't appear that wearing 'ordinary' Plate has any negative effect on a Radiant/proto-Radiant the way holding a deadspren Blade does - Kaladin wears a fragment of Adolin's Plate without problems, and Renarin seems okay with Plate, it's just the Blade that screams in his head. The only potential downside to a Radiant wearing Plate is what Szeth tells us - that it interferes with Surgebinding (and Surgebinding interferes with it). I'd be curious to see how this is different for a Radiant wearing Plate they 'earn' through the bond - Plate more like that which we see in one of Dalinar's visions and, incidentally, the kind of Plate he's probably not going to get by being bonded to the Stormfather.
  3. No. Might I suggest thinking slightly...outside the box.
  4. I feel so special. Alright then, my turn? You could perhaps describe this character as...Aonically ironic.
  5. Sell. Hoid's as close as we're likely to get, and he's far more entertaining anyway. Kaladin will die to save/protect others. The guy has 'painful scene of last-stand sacrifice' written all over him.
  6. the only thing that comes to mind is Dalinar doing the lastclap. Which...seems like quite a stretch.
  7. The Lightweavers don't have specific Ideals to speak beyond the first one (life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination), if I recall correctly. So Shallan doesn't have to swear oaths like Kaladin. Shallan also progressed far enough to have a spren-shardblade very early on (we see this in her flashbacks), but due her coping mechanism of blocking out large parts of her memories due to traumatic experience, she has regressed by the time we first meet her. So when she draws Pattern in the start of WoR, she's basically re-establishing a bond she already previously had. According to WoB, Shallan is one 'step' ahead of Kaladin. We don't have a huge amount in the way of textual evidence of this - by the end of WoR, both can use their spren as shardblades, and Kaladin actually seems to have a better grasp of his two Surges, but presumably there is something else Shallan has/can do...anyone? Edit: other characters who are (becoming) Radiants: so far Jasnah, Lift, Renarin, Dalinar, and Ym (though he presumably is no longer around).
  8. so by that logic, Dalinar's wife was an Elantrian shot out of the sky by a dragon burning pure allomantic Adonalsium
  9. Obviously she was Shalash. (while I don't think this is actually the case, it's kind of fun how appropriate it would be. Anytime someone says her name in his presence, he hears a 'Shshshsh' noise. Now, we read that as him just hearing nothing, or the name being obscured, but WHAT IF it's actually a 'hint' of some sort to him about who she truly was. And then there's the fact that she likes ruining statues and images of herself - not unlike erasing herself from memory. It would also open up several different possibilities as to what his boon and curse from the Nightwatcher really were...like I said, 99% certain this isn't true but false theories can be just as much fun as real ones) *jumps onboard the HMS Elhokar/Szeth*
  10. I keep wanting to answer with the Thorn of Camorr and then realising that nope, wrong author entirely... Dawnslight?
  11. grow long hair, use Tension to turn hair-flipping into a deadly martial art.
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