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Matt Snow

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About Matt Snow

  • Birthday 03/29/1995

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    Fantasy, Videogames, Music (mostly Metal and Rock), Medicine, some psychology... Lots of other random things like most people.

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  1. So I was listening to some shardcasts and I kept noticing how they mentioned that Kelsier couldn't hold Preservation's Shard properly because he was a Cognitive Shadow. I thought that the reason he had trouble holding Preservation was he wasn't sufficiently aligned with it's Intent and that made it difficult to use it's power. Also unless I'm reading wrong doesn't Taravangian die before he picks up Odium's Shard therefore making him a Cognitive Shadow who now Holds a Shard?
  2. Well I would guess that the Voidspren in the Regals gemhearts can't form Shardblades because, iirc, a Shardblade is the physical (or at least MORE physical) manifestation of a spren, so the Voidspren would have to leave the gemheart in order to form. Assuming of course like others have said here that you don't need a Nahel bond to form a Shardblade, as others have said.
  3. So I was re reading OB and in one of the flashback chapters Evi mentions that the sufix "In" means to be born unto, and right after that chapter they show the glyphs for the everstorm, one of which is Kalad, which means eternal. So I think Kaladin's name means something like "To be born unto eternity". That's all, just wanted to share ☺
  4. I think the Gloryspren has to do more with Radiants gathering lesser spren when they're being particularly faithful to their Ideals (I might have phrased this wrong), like how Kaladin attracts a ton of Windspren on the ship. Also I'm pretty sure Honorspren are Splinters of Honor, not Gloryspren.
  5. I had heard Vivenna was in the book, so the second they showed the Highmarshal in person I was like "Hello Viv".
  6. So I voted for Shallan because I'm pretty sure she's the only character who's POV I don't want to see when I turn the page. I like her a bit more when she's with other character's, for example I really enjoyed her scenes with Adolin (my favorite being the highstorm/stormwall... cafe(?) in WoR), but when she's alone with her thoughts I feel like she's always focusing on the wrong thing, or at least to not give the impression that I agree with other characters at all times, on an uninteresting thing compared to the other characters. I don't want to seem like I feel the books would be better if we took Shallan's POV out or something, or that I completely hate her chapters, I just feel like they are worse/more boring than other characters chapters. I also don't really like her character as such. This might just be me, but I took the question as to which I dislike hearing from more, because I find other characters that I hate/dislike more, but I enjoy reading about them because I find them interesting. When I read about Shallan I either want to skip the chapter or shake to get her to stop being such an idiot (accompanied by many Wheel of Time Flashbacks). I did like her in WoR, I think this is because she had a clear goal in that book, and I feel she works best when she has a clear goal or challenge in mind, but in OB I felt like she was just there to be there and to frustrate me, and in WoK I was giving her a chance because I found Jasnah so interesting and she was the only POV who showed her, but I still didn't look forward to her chapters. Tl/dr: I voted for Shallan because in general I don't like her chapters.
  7. Oh I meant it in more of a general sense, not a specific scene. Of course most other Symbols I can remember we have at least "seen" once iirc, so it could be a future scene.
  8. I haven't seen this WoB before, and I don't know when it's from, but I would venture a guess at the moment that Kaladin's symbol represents him leading his squires/Bridge 4.
  9. Here ya go: https://coppermind.net I'm so sorry
  10. Iirc a WoB says that a brutal enough beating can crack your spiritual web enough to let power in (be it a spren or the little wisp that let's you activate Allomancy), but that it only lasts a short amount of time, so there probably aren't many Radiants made from (purely) physical trauma.
  11. If I'm understanding the Fused correctly they're not actually respawning, they actually Cognitive Shadows that take over the body of a willing Parshemn. So would Nightblood take away investiture that let's them respawn? Maaaaaybe? We don't actually know how they stop their cognitive shadows from dissapearing into the Beyond (as far as I know anyway). However, again iirc, Nightblood cuts in all three Realms, so maybe instead of taking investiture that let's the Fused Cognitive Shadows stay, it'll just destroy the Cognitive Shadows out right.
  12. I feel like everyone forgot about her existence? I know she was working for Taravangian, but Dalinar sorta let's her be, despite being more involved with other Radiants and giving them resources to develop their powers he kinda just ignores her. I'd say it's some of his "repressed tyrannical leanings" showing, trying to keep the Radiants he controls stronger, but he pays attention to Lift and she is ostensibly (as far as he knows) under the control of the Azish. Idk, maybe there was something more going on there but I don't get why she was ignored so completely.
  13. First of all I don't know who the Flashback character will be, but I'm hoping for Sezth (and of course more Nightblood). I want Kaladin to say the 4th oath, Ideally not in some moment of great conflict where he gets a power up (especially since I think the oath has to do with accepting you can't save everyone) but during a moment of introspection, maybe something like what happened to Lopen, I want someone to tell Shallan or for her to realize that she's fracturing her personality, instead of finding her "true self" like she thinks she's doing. More Jashna and Kaladin scenes! I like the idea of the ship though I don't really care if they get together, making them argue more would just be hilarious. More progress on Adolin bringing Maya back to life. Lastly, I want the Stormfather to get over his "no blade for you Dalinar" thing, though I think this is very unlikely (since he's a spren and he's already said it causes him pain to change)
  14. I really like this idea, and I feel like it's something of a meta-call back to "The Dark One" in the first couple of WoT books, but I don't think an Unmade would be able to show Dalinar the spiritual realm like the Odium we see in the books does. Plus, unless one of the Unmade is MUCH stronger than all the others I don't think the Stormfather would be so scared of the Odium we see, unless he was also fooled and thinks it's the real one. Tl/dr: Like the idea, don't think it's possible/probable.
  15. I almost cried/got some tears when Kaladin couldn't say the Fourth Ideal. It just hit me so hard.
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