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About Shardmancer

  • Birthday 12/18/1988

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    Malice of the Gods
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  1. Sooo Fun. Thoughts on the Story: Overall, I appreciate how the writing evolved and how the characters underwent development, Sanderson has always been great at that and you can see the infancy of what evolved to his style today. It’s particularly fun to witness Pre-Kaladin (Jerrick) transformation into supermode, progressing at lightspeed character Arc. Ryalla’s portrayal is also fun—I enjoyed how she merged the slave-version proto-Shallan with nobility, Shallan had the wit that is missing a bit with Ryalla but as a slave I can't blame her. The pacing, a hallmark of Sanderson’s work, remains strong. Although the narrative occasionally jumps between different points of view, it still maintains a cohesive overall arc. Highlights: Hoid: His presence is always captivating, even in his early days. His quirky wit endears him to readers. BatChor: A fun character who I always looked forward to his POV, I could see him going through some Moash style evil arc. Axi and Magic: Exploring the prime version of world magic and the distinct systems within each realm was thoroughly enjoyable. The core principles of the three realms remain consistent but this seemed closer to an open magic system then Sanderson staple of Hard Magic. Areas for Improvement: Worldbuilding: While the world is richly imagined, I’d have appreciated more exploration, especially in Fallamore and the Shattered Plains and Shodel. Slow Parts: Melleran and Yoharn felt somewhat bland. Instead, I’d have preferred additional focus on BatChor and General Tzern. Sho Del: A deeper dive into this aspect would have been welcome. We had 1 POV chapter, it almost felt out of place. Magic System Explanation: A bit more clarity on the power systems—whether it adheres to a hard magic system—would enhance reader understanding. Overall a fun ride and I enjoyed hunting for some pre-cosmere easter eggs!
  2. Nice pick up! I saw that too and just thought in was there for the readers... like a COULD IT? But really, it was probably just a memory and nothing from that interaction can really give us anything more to go off of.
  3. Back after my yearly hiatus and another Stormlight book. Wow! Just finished ROW - tbd I felt it a bit slower than the other Stormlight book thus far but the endings are always worth it with Sanderson. Quick thoughts - Kaladin storyline had me in tears; Another Bondsmith (implications!!), dammm those Heralds can fight, Szeth may need a chill pill, whose this El guy huhhh, Rabionel I kinda liked for a fused sad she is gone-gone, Shallan and Adolin gotta lead a charge of spren back into action, Wit and Jasnah mmmmm (And so much more). Mostly though - 10 DAYS! Man this next book is gonn a be epic.
  4. I don't know if this has been mentioned but maybe this is similar to the unmade and the gem used to trap it inside. Jez is human (the greatest human in fact) and to trap something you need to "understand it" maybe that's why Moash has to do it. They sphere is much like the one Dalinar used to trap The Thrill; Moash uses this special Dagger (with gemstone) related directly to the Windrunners to trap Jez - them both being human is why he can do it. Now that his soul or essence or whatever is trapped he does not go to damnation and repeat the cycle.
  5. Ok! After long hiatus away from the forums "Oathbringer" lashed me right back. Great book keep them coming Brandon *There is always another secret*
  6. Hello! We always love to welcome our new members (UpVote!) *There is always another secret*
  7. Yes, If you would like to get into this series you will have to push through Book 1 - 2 and read 4 -5 as they are very integral to the plot as well, after that you read chapter summaries for the rest of the books leading up to Sanderson- it is worth it if you put in a little time. (if you have it)
  8. We all got dragged back from Bands and also Mistborn Secret History - got dam Brandon!
  9. Its an interesting theory but Kel is not a Shard, he had obtained a portion of Preservation Power - as a sliver. I believe Brandon was referring to a shard holder during this, but I am sure we will all RAFO.
  10. "Rebellium" - I have heard myths whispered in the depths about this rare metal and the Jeh-Di who wield its power. Perhaps these sabers of light come from others worlds such as the shard blades mentioned in the old tales. I believe clones made from breaths with no true life are starting some type of war. We all must keep our ears to the ground and a keen life sense if we want to survive the upcoming trials. May the Force Be With You!
  11. Good Point Tobar - I felt the same way about Rock - as he is completely one sided and Wayne shows a lot of depth
  12. Completely Disagree, Not only is Wayne crucial to the plot he sees things differently from most characters which is a huge benefit. Brandson has also said if he could hang out with one character it would be Wayne (so ++ points) Just check your pockets before you leave!
  13. Passing through time without experiencing it could that be Pulser with Duralumin or Maybe Compounding.?
  14. Yes, lol - it was Kel which made me even more curious as to how he could remove his identity and create this that can be used in the physical realm.
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