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About Vasteel

  • Birthday 03/23/1990

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    British Columbia, Canada
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  1. In terms of defense and natural weaponry I would have to give my vote to the whitespine. Do we have any details on their intelligence? I know that Wargs are very cunning and clever. The only way I see a Warg winning though is if the Whitespine is very slow...
  2. He killed her because she didn`t want to keep the secret of awakened weapons. She wanted to share what they had learned.
  3. BAHAHAHA! The stick is pure stick. The stick has no flaccidity problems. Do not doubt the stick.
  4. Does that mean that Windrunners would start using the adhesion surge before gravity? Considering they are the masters of the sky/wind you would think otherwise. The first surge I remember Kaladin unknowingly use was a reverse lashing on arrows while running the bridge, which is gravity. The only reason I say this is because if you look at the chart, if else callers used transformation first, light weavers would have to use illumination first. If you follow the pattern Sky Breakers would learn gravity first not windrunners. P.S I am at work sorry and had to type really fast lol. If this doesn't make sense I can clear it up later
  5. Haha yeah, I reread that chapter last night. I see what you mean
  6. Kids learn about sperm in grade 7 sex ED. Still PG as far as I'm concerned. I just find it hilarious that they still haven't edited the name of the thread yet though lol
  7. Hahaha, I definately had to do a double take also...
  8. Maybe the visions that truth watchers get are a secondary kind of gift they receive - similar to how Shallan gets her eidetic memory from her order, which she can use with out being invested so maybe Renarin is using the foresight before realising how stormlight works.
  9. I always thought Renarin's little fits were him having visions.. Jasnah has said that not all Orders were made or meant to be fighters. Maybe all of the Truth Watchers have fits when they "see" things?
  10. Considering Kaladin is not only unknowingly using Stormlight for it's indirect uses such as healing, strength and stamina; Kaladin uses enough to lash arrows to the bridge by his head instead of taking them in the face. I wouldn't say using enough just to increase your strength for a moment and not notice it is a stretch at all. However, it could have been adrenaline? I doubt he was invested at all. It is a possibility though that he "snapped" enough to start attracting some spren's attention.
  11. I always say it's better to ask questions than to live in ignorance forever. I thought it was definately Dalinar all along, but Renarin writing on the wall pretty much seals the deal in my mind that it was him. Who else would have access to the Kholinar's living quarters?
  12. Haha good theory, I believe that all the writings that were tampered with or changed had to do with the church altering everything to do with the Knights Radiant. However, I think Odium has much more control than Ruin ever did having to fight with Preservence; so it is a possibility. P.s Atium is the metallic form of Ruin (which is why he's trying to find it so badly)
  13. I get so excited thinking about the next book with Nightblood! Switching from Breaths to Stormlight for investure makes me think of all the possibilities, from granting surges or maybe even something new because obviously Szeth will have to be able to breath in stormlight again or NB will consume his soul. Also an image I can't get out of my head is Szeth wielding NB in a highstorm unsheathed. Just a giant glowing conduit for NB to feast and wreak havoc on anyone or anything "evil" haha. Can't wait.
  14. Does all this consumption of investure increase Nightblood's strength/power? Do we know if "he's" absorbing it or just using it to be awesome and expending it somehow..?
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