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MistConnection's Achievements



  1. They're pretty clearly bad, but only for now... nobody seems to be able to stay definitively good or bad for long.
  2. Attend every event and when Brandon's looking, do something that would make you stick out ever so slightly as Hoid.
  3. When you read non-Sanderson books and try to see which character could most likely be Hoid
  4. When you read about things being lashed together and think of Szeth
  5. Delightful was begging me to read Mistborn for about 8 months, until I finally caved. Then read the rest of the series and both Stormlight Archive books... I need more! More! Brandon is really easy to get addicted to, it only takes a couple of thousand pages max.
  6. Well I've managed to Survive. Do you want to know how I got these Skaa?
  7. When you finish the Mistborn books and really want Shadows of Self to be the next publication, but then you read the Stormlight archive and are completely torn...
  8. This thread seem to have run out of energy. Kinda like Beethoven's Fifth... dun dun dun duuuuun!
  9. So humans have more Preservation than Ruin and Koloss have more Ruin than Preservation?
  10. Hi everyone! My sister Delightful (that's her username, not just an adjective) was begging me to read Mistborn for months, and now that I finally did (and Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages and Alloy of Law and the two preview chapters of Shadows of Self) I'm kind of annoyed that I didn't listen to her sooner. I've kinda been lurking for a while... if you count my sister showing me some posts as lurking. I'm planning on reading Way of Kings soon so no spoilers please.
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