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The Wafflesworn

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Are you enjoying what's going on in Newcago and haven't yet taken a side?

Do you want food?

Do you want to make food for everybody?

Will you uphold the peace yet make chaos at the same time?

If so, join the Wafflesworn

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Ah, wonderful, wonderful! The Wafflesworn have risen, ready to take their true place as the great cooks of this forum. And Cook Ashiok has summed up our mission beautifully.


Let us move forward in the twin desires of culinary delight and chaos!

Edited by Kobold King
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Is this the intermediary group between Newcago and Featherland?


We are the intermediary between all lands. Feathers, Newcagoans, and even Shroomies are free to enjoy our delicious waffles. Because we're all the same, deep down inside--we all have the intense desire to consume dubiously healthy quantities of maple syrup.

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I was told you have tea? Or might have tea? 


We have tea. We have had tea. We will have tea.


Tea and the Wafflesworn are eternal, MozytheHealer. Spiced chai, Earl Grey, even vanilla... all types and flavors are served within these halls.


So what do you crave? Help yourself to a biscuit and a cuppa while you tell us all about your allegiances.

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I had intended to stand apart from the current explosion of factions (That includes the observers. Joining a faction who's purpose is to laugh at other factions is still joining a faction  :huh: ). However, it would appear that with just a few more reputation I shall be joining your ranks whether I chose to or not. So here is to being a member of the wafflesworn! (at least for a little while)

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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I had intended to stand apart from the current explosion of factions (That includes the observers. Joining a faction who's purpose is to laugh at other factions is still joining a faction  :huh: ). However, it would appear that with just a few more reputation I shall be joining your ranks whether I chose to or not. So here is to being a member of the wafflesworn! (at least for a little while)


Welcome to our ranks, Cook Awesomeness Summoned. Your new profile picture is an inspiration to us all.


For a minute I thought this was Shivertongue's clan. Because, you know, waffles.


Honestly, I didn't realize a member of staff was so prominently associated with waffles. :P


Nope. Not Shiv's... Nice waffle picture thingy... I don't think we should be allied with the shroomies


Perhaps we should send a diplomatic mission to the Shroomies and uncover where their ideologies differ from our own.

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