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Nature of Adonalsium


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Forgive me if this has been brought up before but I hadn’t encountered it in the forums and it seemed pretty interesting.  In a March 10, 2017 WoB, Brandon specifically refers to Adonalsium using the possessive pronoun “his”.  The full quote (in response to a question from B-more_freshout reads “The death of Adonalsium, and the questions surrounding the persistence of his power, is THE single pervasive theme of the works”.  I was under the impression that we were currently uncertain whether Adonalsium was a being/force/whatever.  This quote, however, seems to suggest that Adonalsium was a specifically male being.  Please let me know if you have any thoughts/corrections/points I should’ve considered.  Thank you!

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Well, it could have been male and not been mortal. It may even have developed one over time through people anthropomorphising it. 

I think it was something akin to a Spren. As such, if people thought of it as male, it may have become so for all intents and purposes. 

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Though the "similar to spren" idea is probably the most likely option, I find myself wishing that Adonalsium was a force, rather than a being with a gender. That way, we don't find the most powerful force in the universe to be strictly male or female. We see that power is divided pretty evenly across the Cosmere between male and female people/beings (the Heralds, for example, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Shards are also split eight-and-eight), and I think that this could also be the case for Adonlasium. 

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