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Why did I ever think this was a good idea? Mejin thought sitting on a bar stool as Kane got beat up. It’s like they’re looking for trouble.

The violence only increased and Mejin shook her head desparagingly.

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Minor sidepoint here, but if you were wearing Aluminium thread clothes like you said then Shelan likely wouldn't have been able to use either Bendalloy or Chromium (Or, likely, a Soulcaster either come to that) since they're both external, the effect would have been interrupted by the Aluminium.


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When doing so it reveals a small pointed spike emerging from it's belly.

"It's something I like to call a Meeker bomb." He said as he elsecalled Devaan and Rashan from the bar. "A brass spike that has been stored with more heat than you can possible even imagine, released all in a single fraction of a second, and poof you are nothing but a pile of dust."

He Elsecalled him and Mejin from the bar and in that moment detonated the bomb. He appeared next to Devaan and Rashan. Pulling a small scrap of paper from his cloak he scrawled a note and elsecalled it back to the bar just in case Kane survived. The note fluttered down, landing on the dirt, the bar completely gone.

The note read:

Two can play that game, Kane.

Ghostblood Legend, Solace First


He looked to Rashan. "We might need to use Ghostblood funds to replace the bar."


Ooooops. :P


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That wasn't nice.

Oh well. I was planning on Kane disappearing anyway, he will return.

Kane had survived. Barely. As a rule of thumb, he had always been prepared for this sort of situation. Exploding meeker? It was unusual, but growing Amberite Armor and inhaling Stormlight was always safe when Solace was around.

Kane stumbled through the alleys. Ow. I guess I deserve that. He thought. But Kane decided he needed to disappear. To vanish. He needed time to think. He fingered the Oathstone of Ida. He had an idea.



A man strolled to a designated alley where his informant would be. He entered. The informant was covered in soot and ash, his clothes scorched, his hair burnt. "God Beyond, man! What happened to you?"

Kane replied: "Solace First."

Suddenly, the man understood. "I will pose as you."

Kane nodded and said: "Thank you. Here is an important object." Kane placed a rock into the man's hand. "The Oathstone of Ida-daughter-daughter-Rena." 

The man took the object and bade Kane farewell. He went to his hotel. He put on his armor and willed himself to change appearance. He looked exactly like Kane. 

He slipped down the stairs. He made eye contact with a messenger boy and made the signal.


The man gave the messenger boy his pay. The boy brought the message to Solace. It read:

Project Hazekiller says hello.

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Elkanah was on his way back to the bar to ask if anyone knew what the card was, when suddenly everything flew outwards and came back together. What was going on? Humans minds were so weird. Must come from being stuck in a mixture of war, work, and mateforms. Crazy, the whole lot. The bar then exploded again, throwning him off his feet. He took in a bit more stormlight, and slid on his back away from the explosion. Someone had a grudge against that bar, apparently.

Edited by Inklingspren
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Meeker Bombs. I love them. Much more handy that the spiked monkey that killed Archer. Recent development as well :)

"Perhaps more stored heat will be needed for the next one." Solace said out loud. "Needs to be more deadly and have more fire and explosion to it."

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Devaan and Rashan went into the cognitive realm

"Ah man, Solace is gonna blow the place up, isn't he?" Devaan asked

"probably" Rashan responded

"I didn't even get to finish my drink!"

"Deal with it"

Solace entered the cognitive realm. "We might need to use Ghostblood funds to replace the bar" He said to Rashan

"I garuntee ya Kane's still alive" Devaan told him "You want me to finish him off or?"

"Leave him for now, he gave me this message" Solace took out a piece of paper, saying; project hazekiller says hello

Devaan's eyes widen as he reads the message, he was around during the final empire and knows how dangerous hazekillers can be, if this Kane person wanted to get involved with that type, what dangers could be in store?

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"We will wait. I have made my move. Let him make his. This project of Kane's should be interesting to say the least." Solace said. "You didn't finish your drink?"

Solace sucked in voidlight. Then soulcast a mug and Horneater lager from the air.

"Here." Solace passes the mug to Devaan.

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Yzabet, who didn't even know that this bar existed, stepped into it. Chaos himself would have been confused there. She sat down on the only remaining stool, which was missing a leg, and leaned on the only remaining section of counter.

 "One root beer, please." Someone started screaming behind her. "To go, preferably."

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