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Long Game 45: The House War


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From: The Lord Prelan

To: Lord Anton Venture

I regret to inform you that despite the value of our contract with you, we cannot assist you in the developing house war. There are too many useless nobles sitting around Luthadel, and a house war will hopefully kill them off, leaving the cream of the crop. So, while we cannot lent assistance, we hope that you make your way out with minimal casualties. Additionally, we wish to let you know that despite the house war, we will continue to expect your shipments of Atium to arrive at the desired times.

Sorry about the short writeup, but I've been a bit busy the last few days. :P

The Day will end on Monday at 5:00 PM EST.


List of Players:

1. MacThorstenson (Malcolm MacClaimen)
2. ElephantEarwax (Rend)
3. Araris Valerian (Hadrian Penrod)
4. RippleGylf
 (Claire Lepinceau)
5. Mraize (Rhazien)
6. Elandera (Dera Renault)
7. Eternum (Aiden Ostlin)
8. Steeldancer (Steel)
9. Frozen Mint (Mint)
10. I think I am here (Itiah)
11. Bort (Jynx)
12. Shqueeves (???)
13. Arinian (Faron Elverein)
14. Dalinar Kholin (Kadgar)
15. Mark IV (Mark)
16. Snipexe (Snip Exeutor)
17. Kidpen (Amati)
18. Walin (Torden)
19. Amanuensis (Jeda Renaud)
20. Cadmium Compounder (Seamin)
21. The Young Pyromancer (Limerick)
22. Fifth Scholar (Duilin)

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This isn’t going to be like LG42 where nobody talks in thread, is it? That would be a shame. There’s a lot to discuss, and RP, even if you want to stay crouched in your house doc plotting everyone’s demise. :P 

Duilin stood on the roof, watching as the pair of ash-covered birds flitted through the buildings. He’d heard the rumors of sparrows in the area, and naturally had come to investigate. The results were disheartening. While these were thrashers, quite rare for Luthadel to see, he still hadn’t found one sparrow despite all his years of staying up at night watching the skies. It was considered an unhealthy habit for a young nobleman to engage in, and his father had often called him down irritably and made him work in the kitchens like a common skaa when he had found him up on some stranger’s roof, staring at a cardinal or mockingbird. Duilin didn’t particularly care what his parents believed, though. They were too busy at this time anyway, trying to fend off neighboring houses and deal with the economic turmoil the house war was creating. If their son was watching a few birds, perhaps the only remnant of the world before the Lord Ruler took power, what did they care? It kept him out of the way. And that was one place Duilin was happy to be. 

Duilin continued to watch the pair of birds until small flakes of ash began falling from the sky. Sighing, he turned back home, following the winding streets of Luthadel to his father’s manor amidst the dark swirling ash above him. 

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Typical, Jynx thought, hurrying through streets that were just starting to stir to the day's labour. Not settled in Luthadel five minutes, and a house war kicks off. Just my luck. Still, where there is conflict, there is profit.

Jynx turned off from his current path, to offer his services to one of the houses for the upcoming war.

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Dera Renault sat quietly at the table of her manor eating breakfast. Her manor. It was still strange to think. It was small, yes, and on the outskirts of Luthadel, but it was hers. Unfortunately, she had acquired her parent's fortune, land, and textile trade just in time for a house war.

"Lord Ruler, this is going to be difficult," Dera thought, finishing off the meal. Maybe she would go shopping today to take her mind off the troubles of the city. Besides, she could always use a new dress for an upcoming ball.

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Itiah walked, his mind wandering far beyond where his legs walked, pondering the idea of a house war. He was unfamiliar with this concept, and when he thought of the conflict too much, he often developed a stinging headache. Oh well, Itiah knew what he was going to do. He was going to do what he always did.


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Torden finished with another experiment with different structures of ice. He thought back to that one steam explosion that nearly blinded him, and considered whether it had been enough to Snap him. He hadn't had the "Snapping Tryouts," as he called them, through a bit of fancy paperwork. Well, it would be poisonous to drink Allomantic whiskey, so he just decided to carry on with the research. However, as he lowered a pen to write some notes, there was a knock at the door.

A courier had come, with the news of a house war. Oh dear...

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Snip hunched against the falling ash, and sighed. There was a house war brewing, and while the others were all planning their political intrigue, and assasinations, a house war only meant one thing to Snip. More taxes. Bills for weapons, and armor. Informants would need to be hired and new dresses would need to be bought. And all would require taxes. And of course Snip, as his house’s lead financier, would have to file them all. There were going to be some late nights ahead.

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LG42 was a weird one, Fifth :P I assume there will be far more discussion, seeimg as this is a more ordinary faction game.

Aiden stood staring outside his study's window, watching the ash fall on Luthadel, the seat of the Lord Ruler, and perhaps more importantly to him, the seat of all High Houses. There had been a House War brewing for years now, dissent and tension building as the Houses competed for contracts and power. Like most things of this nature, the war had begun quietly. The skaa worked as normal. The noblemen and noblewomen with less influence wasted their time at parties and social gatherings, unaware of the danger around them.

The truly competent men knew, however, and prepared for the worst. For it was soon to come. The weak would be culled, and order would be restored to the hierarchy once more. This was but a game, except the stakes were as high as they could get. As the ash covered the city's squat skaa tenements and noble keeps and manors, Aiden wondered. How far could men be pushed, when everything was on the line?

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A few clarifications:

•Tineyes have no restrictions, other than their inability to create group PMs.

•There are no secret rules, roles or faction

•Secretive players can choose if their vote will be anonymous.

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@Straw When you get a moment, could we please have one of those countdown windows for the end of the cycle? They are really handy to people outside your timezone :)

Out of curiosity, how does everyone feel about House reveals? Since there is no traditional eliminator faction, and we know there are five factions, should we have a volunteer from each House tell us the name of their House?

Edit: Straw, when people attend Luthadel balls, they are announced as they enter. Will people in the night time group PMs be announced as "So-and-So of House Random?"

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