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[OB] Shardblade page two questions.


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1) On the main shard blade page it says that the "Wider than average - cleaver-like" shardblade that Dalinar had and gave up in WoR was "Talenel - Unbound" as the "Previous Holder", isn't that very misleading? That blade was never owned or held by Talenel, but people pretended it was.

2) For Talenels Honorblade it says it was stolen by Taravangian, is their citation for that? 



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Totally think you are right about both of those points.
I'm currently out of upvotes, but will give you one later, nice catch.

Looking at the coppermind page for Shardblades I couldn't help but notice this:


Elhokar's shardplate has an incredible cod-piece. Holy crap, I know the dude was paranoid, but that seems like overkill. It's like a second helmet.

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
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I wrote a large part of the Shardblade article. I’m not sure who put in that Taln’s Blade was stolen by a Taravangian but I’ll get rid of that, as it’s incorrect. As for the issue with the Shardblade that Taln showed up with, it is unlikely to change. It’s difficult to tally and tabulate unnamed Shardblades, but this system is the best I could figure out and Taln was the last one to hold that Blade, even if it wasn’t bound to him. It doesn’t seem misleading at all to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12.01.2018 at 7:20 AM, Windrunner said:

As for the issue with the Shardblade that Taln showed up with, it is unlikely to change. It’s difficult to tally and tabulate unnamed Shardblades, but this system is the best I could figure out and Taln was the last one to hold that Blade, even if it wasn’t bound to him. It doesn’t seem misleading at all to me.

It's not that one. The one Taln held was swapped out with the one OP is talking about:

On 12.01.2018 at 1:07 AM, MPHRD said:

Wider than average - cleaver-like" shardblade that Dalinar had and gave up in WoR was "Talenel - Unbound" as the "Previous Holder", isn't that very misleading? That blade was never owned or held by Talenel, but people pretended it was.

The "wider and cleaver-like" is the new Blade, the one Dalinar bonded. The one Taln showed up with was narrow and spike-like.

Edited by Oversleep
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The article is about as right as it can be. The blade swap happened before Taln arrived, if I'm not mistaken. That means Taln possessed this cleaver-like Shardblade for several weeks before Dalinar took it.

I assume the confusion is because people think Taln's blade was swapped very shortly before Dalinar took it. In any case, Taln was still in possession of it before Dalinar.

Commenting because it seemed like some people were still confused?

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1 hour ago, Jofwu said:

I assume the confusion is because people think Taln's blade was swapped very shortly before Dalinar took it. In any case, Taln was still in possession of it before Dalinar.

If by "possession" you mean "it traveled with the same transport", then yeah, you're right.

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