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[OB] Parshmen Conscienceness


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So we have seen a little bit of a convergence of how Cosmere Magic systems are working, like Soulcasting to Forgery, Sel's symbol based system and now on Scadrial we're seeing symbols start to pop up (I may be wrong on this, I haven't read Era 2 in about 10 months, and I've read a lot of books in the past year). We have a WoB saying Awakening can be fueled by Stormlight... What if a Bondsmith or Herald used Connection abilities to use Awakening Commands and magically subdued/subjugated the Parshmen?

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11 hours ago, Naurock said:

So we have seen a little bit of a convergence of how Cosmere Magic systems are working, like Soulcasting to Forgery, Sel's symbol based system and now on Scadrial we're seeing symbols start to pop up (I may be wrong on this, I haven't read Era 2 in about 10 months, and I've read a lot of books in the past year). We have a WoB saying Awakening can be fueled by Stormlight... What if a Bondsmith or Herald used Connection abilities to use Awakening Commands and magically subdued/subjugated the Parshmen?

Well, this is the answer that I think Brandon would give, based on similar questions: [Notice that this is not an actual WoB. Its a guess at what a WoB would be]


Is it possible? Well, hacking a system is really really hard. But if  so if you know what you are doing, it is technically possible. But it would be really hard, and not really all that plausible. But yes, it technically is possible.


Just going off of how Bondsmith don't have complete and utter Connection manipulation, but they do manipulate Connection, which means that there are probably ways to hack their connection based abilities to work for other things. You could theoretically use that to subjugate the Parshmen using the concept of intent, which the same concept used in Nalthan Commands, but I suspect that there are easier ways to deal with the Parshmen.

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