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Could hoid be directly related to adonalsuim?



I have a question/theory. Is Hoid the end product of the destruction of Adonalsuim? When Adonalsuim shattered and the shards were scattered, was there something left? Perhaps a conscience, even one who, like syl in the first part of the way of kings, knew some things and not others? Or more likely, the same way the powers or ruin and preservation we're parallel(ly?) Connected to the mind/conscience. How preservations conscience was killed buy ruin, but the power still had a form of mind. Could hoid possibly be this subconcience of a dead God without the power and without knowing exactly what he is, but knowing some things like when he said he had to leave in WoR, or giving the coin to Wax?

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Given the fact that he claims Tanavast(Honor) bought him a drink and he was offered a shard*, it is unlikely that he is a byproduct of the shattering

*here's the WoB on that https://wob.coppermind.net/events/122/#e3337 


Hoid was once offered a Shard, but he refused it, right?

Brandon Sanderson



Was it right after the Shattering?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. It was during the events. I wouldn't necessarily say "right after", it was during this process. I would say this is a RAFO before I finish writing at that time. (Not sure if I understood the last sentence right, but I think that's what he said)


And who took this Shard instead?

Brandon Sanderson



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No. Hoid was a human on Yolen. We will learn more about his backstory in Dragonsteel, which will lead up to the Shattering. 

To put it in a way that makes more sense, no, because Hoid existed as a human pre-Shattering. 

EDIT: I’m a ninja! Never been a ninja before! I feel so... ninja-y. :ph34r:

Edited by Ookla the Conflusled
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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Conflusled said:

No. Hoid was a human on Yolen. We will learn more about his backstory in Dragonsteel, which will lead up to the Shattering. 

To put it in a way that makes more sense, no, because Hoid existed as a human pre-Shattering. 

So if hoid was human when adonalsuim was still alive, then 1. Will dragonsteel explain how and what happened to him to let him live throughout every story, if not how and what. 2. Do we know what happened to yolen when adonalsuim dies, or is it still around? 

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12 hours ago, FanofAges said:

2. Do we know what happened to yolen when adonalsuim dies, or is it still around? 

It is still around.



r/books AMA 2015 (June 8, 2015)
#11June 8, 2015 Share


Is yolen still out there somewhere(for example during the events of Final empire) ? If yes, does it have still intelligent life living on it?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes and yes.

Sources: Reddit
Edited by The Sovereign
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While it's not canon as such, we also see the person who will eventually become Hoid in the sample chapters of Liar of Partinel, which takes place some time before the main Dragonsteel arc. And the recently released sample chapters from Dragonsteel Prime make mention of one of Hoid's known aliases, Topaz. Again not canon but it supports the implications seen elsewhere that the person we know as Hoid was definitely around before the Shattering and didn't start calling himself Hoid until later. The Vessels seem to know him as Cephandrius for example (it's what Leras calls him in Secret History) and Frost in the WoR epigraphs knows Hoid as Hoid (he asks if he's still hiding behind the name of his old master) as well as by at least his 'Topaz' alias.

Just tossing these out there because Hoid-spotting is a fun game for the whole family to play. xD

12 hours ago, FanofAges said:

So if hoid was human when adonalsuim was still alive, then 1. Will dragonsteel explain how and what happened to him to let him live throughout every story, if not how and what. 2. Do we know what happened to yolen when adonalsuim dies, or is it still around? 

In addition to the WoB The Sovereign provided, we have another one that Yolen is definitely still inhabited because Hoid is exchanging letters with someone there (Frost) and Khriss mentions it in Secret History though at that point in the timeline she's only heard stories about it. By the time she writes the essays in Arcanum Unbounded she's able to talk about Yolen in somewhat more detail. As for Hoid, yeah, we're assuming that whatever the source of his prolonged lifespan is, we'll learn it in Dragonsteel. One interesting thing that just came out from the Oathbringer signings is that Hoid's inability to hurt people is involuntary. This may or may not be related.

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