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pending reveiw


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Yes, it's especially important for questions that Brandon mentions not quite knowing or wanting clarifications from Peter, or ones that we think might be contradicting previous answers. Brandon and his team have wanted to get a copy of the transcripts so that they can make sure to keep their continuity straight with anything Brandon might say (or, more probably in the other direction: making sure Brandon hasn't said something that contradicts their plans).This process might take Peter a long time to get around to doing, so the "pending review" warnings are a compromise so that all these entries can be used with the proviso that they may be rescinded because of continuity problems. Hopefully all of the questions that you can see will survive the review.

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I'll add that once the review is done, those red markings will turn green and say that the event has been reviewed.

Old events aren't pushed through this procedure, so there is no warning nor confirmation about reviewing there.

Here's an example of reviewed event: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/127-salt-lake-city-comiccon-2017/

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On 12/3/2017 at 2:15 PM, Mestiv said:


I'll add that once the review is done, those red markings will turn green and say that the event has been reviewed.

Old events aren't pushed through this procedure, so there is no warning nor confirmation about reviewing there.

Here's an example of reviewed event: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/127-salt-lake-city-comiccon-2017/


Will there eventually be a way to view any changes the Dragonsteel made during the review process?

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