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Could a Seeker detect a Surgebinder holding Stormlight?


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An intriguing question. Seekers detect kinetic investiture, not innate investiture; for example, they can detect someone using Allomancy, but they can't detect whether someone is an Allomancer, so the obvious answer seems to be no. After all, if the Surgebinder is only holding it and not using it, it isn't very kinetic. However, it is constantly being consumed, strengthening the user, removing their need to breath, etc. and it is always draining out of them. What do you think?

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4 hours ago, Crimson Not Blood said:

An intriguing question. Seekers detect kinetic investiture, not innate investiture; for example, they can detect someone using Allomancy, but they can't detect whether someone is an Allomancer, so the obvious answer seems to be no. After all, if the Surgebinder is only holding it and not using it, it isn't very kinetic. However, it is constantly being consumed, strengthening the user, removing their need to breath, etc. and it is always draining out of them. What do you think?

Also remember, that the metals in an Allomancer's stomach aren't actually Investure, so much as a focus that allows you to access Investiture in the Spiritual Realm. As far as we can tell, especially since it can feed Nightblood, stormlight is investiture, not a focus. As such, we aren't sure how it would interact with Bronze (It's bronze, right?). However, all things considered, I would hold that holding Stormlight would output a kinetic investiture signature since it isn't in a stable state. It's constantly leaking out, glowing, and improving the KR's strength, agility, etc., even if he isn't actively surgebinding. If he is holding it, then it is active.

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