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Oathbringer Typos (spoilers)


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It can be considered a location as well.  It can also just be the way they speak--I've seen that turn of phrase in a lot of different places and books.  Lots of times in religious context, apparently.  https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b&ei=MmMOWousBqeQ0gKYz66wAw&q="I+saw+it+in+vision"&oq="I+saw+it+in+vision"&gs_l=psy-ab.3...20710.25813.0.26326.


I guess I'm not sure what you're saying on the second part.  Can you quote the passage?

Edited by RShara
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1 minute ago, RShara said:

It can be considered a location as well.  It can also just be the way they speak--I've seen that turn of phrase in a lot of different places and books.


I guess I'm not sure what you're saying on the second part.  Can you quote the passage?

I have never heard someone use that turn of phrase before. "In vision?" Nah, doesn't fit.

The full quote from chapter 1:


Some in his armies thought that it was finished, the storm over as one catastrophic event. Dalinar knew otherwise. The Everstorm would return, and would soon hit Shinovar in the far west. Following that, it would course across the land.

Nobody believed his warnings. Monarchs in places like Azir and Thaylenah admitted that a strange storm had appeared in the east, but they didn’t believe it would return.

If it hit Azir and Thaylenah at this point, it's already rounded the world once. Why would they assume it wouldn't round the world again, when they've never had a storm do that before? It's already unprecedented.

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1 minute ago, PallonianFire said:

I have never heard someone use that turn of phrase before. "In vision?" Nah, doesn't fit.

The full quote from chapter 1:

If it hit Azir and Thaylenah at this point, it's already rounded the world once. Why would they assume it wouldn't round the world again, when they've never had a storm do that before? It's already unprecedented.

I edited my post with a link to some of the instances that turn of phrase is used.  Apparently, it's used a lot in religious context.


Ahhh I see the confusion.  The Everstorm hasn't hit Azir and Thaylenah yet.  It appeared to the *east* of them, so they noticed it.  But it hadn't rounded the globe and hit Shinovar yet (Dalinar thinks that it soon will hit Shinovar), so they didn't think it would go 'round the globe and hit the continent again.

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19 hours ago, Thren said:

On page 468 in the physical hardback on the very last line, it says "Sigzil left his pack and armor leaning against the wall, and strode out." But this chapter's POV character is Skar, and Sigzil hadn't been mentioned any time recently. When he was mentioned, he was taking notes on everyone else, like Skar, running with armor and packs, so it sounds like he wasn't running himself? I think that sentence was supposed to say "Skar left his pack..." not Sigzil?

Looks like an error.

15 hours ago, PallonianFire said:

Pg. 1138, Renarin says:

Should probably be "I saw it in my vision!" or "I saw it in a vision!"

Additionally, in chapter 1, Dalinar thinks about how "Monarchs in places like Azir and Thaylenah" mentioned the Everstorm but didn't admit that it would come again...but the Everstorm started east of those, and clearly rounded the world already to get to them. Doesn't really make sense there...

"in vision" is not an error. So please stop talking about it. This phrasing seems to be a bit more common among the LDS population, but I can still find plenty of well-written modern sources from writers of other religions who use it.

And in that chapter 1 scene it clearly says that they admit a storm appeared in the east, not in Azir and Thaylenah. That's really all there is to it.

Please don't clutter this thread with arguments. One person reports an error. Someone responds. The first person rebuts if they want to. MAYBE one more response after that. Then no one responds anymore, please. You don't need to convince each other until the other person is no longer wrong. Just report errors and let me decide. Thanks!

Edited by PeterAhlstrom
Rephrasing to be nicer and more clear.
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9 hours ago, FelCandy said:

I found a spelling error in one of Shallans journal pages, pg 665 of US hardcover


"Shamespren have transformed from their usual manifestions as falling blossoms..."


Should be "manifestations"

Yes, we need to fix this.

35 minutes ago, hypatia said:

Don't know if I missed something, but Odium gives Amaram an uncut smokestone.

In the end he has an amathyst heart.

Thanks. I need to ask Brandon about this.

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On 11/15/2017 at 4:47 PM, skaa said:

Chapter 50, page 571 in the Google Play Books edition:

Is that supposed to be "wandered"? Or maybe it's "Someone powerful had wanted to get into this room"?

"wanted into this room" is the same thing as "wanted to get into this room." So there's no error.

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37 minutes ago, BranderSanderfan said:

US Hardcover edition: page 374, about 3/4 of the way down the page it says "She was beaming at him, though he'd have expected her to be..."  Should that be "She was beaming at him, though he'd half expected her to be..."

Both are grammatical and have different meanings. What's printed there is the meaning Brandon wanted. "he would have expected her to be"

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In the first sentence of the third paragraph in the Ars Arcanum, it states that there are "ten levels of Void-binding." (page 1237)

Well that's all well and good but it contradicts Moash in Chapter 121 - IDEALS:


Moash shook his head, enjoying the peaceful rhythm of pick on stone.

A Fused strode past, covered in carapace armor as brilliant and wicked as Shardplate. There were nine orders of them. Why not ten?   

page 1190

Disclaimer - this may be an intentional continuity error since the Ars Arcanum is an in-world, secondary source text or just to call attention to something that will be explained later. I just thought I'd call it out as a typo if it is indeed unintentional.


Edited by KidWayne
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Chapter 39: Notes

All the main cast is sharing information and chatting about the next steps when:



“Navani has been researching them,” Dalinar said.
“We need to go even farther, Uncle,” Jasnah said. “We need to watch the movements of the Voidbringers. Our only hope is to defeat their armies so soundly that even if their leaders are constantly reborn, they lack the manpower to overwhelm us.”

(Emphasis mine)

Should be "further."
Normally I wouldn't be such a pedant, but this is Jasnah we're talking about. If anyone knows the correct usage of farther and further, it'd be her. ;)

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5 hours ago, Grimalkin said:

Interludes I-5, Taravangian:

"So Taravangian had sent the Assassin in White, which—incredibly—had failed."

Shouldn't that be "who" instead?


I think that it’s “which” because it’s the action of sending the Assassin in White that he’s talking about which failed, and not the the Assassin himself who failed. Albeit, the Assassin did fail as well, so it could possibly be “who”. 

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Chapter 77:

"Finally, she let herself slip fully into Veil’s persona. She immediately shook her head and fetched the clothing and satchel. She was lucky it hadn’t been stolen. Foolish girl. They didn’t have time for prancing around from poem to poem.Veil found a secluded location beside a large gnarled tree whose roots spread all the way along the wall in either direction. She quickly rearranged her underclothing, then put on her trousers and did up her shirt. She pulled on her hat, checked herself in a hand mirror, then nodded.
Right, then. Time to meet up with Vathah.
He was waiting at the inn where Wit had once stayed. Radiant retained hope that she’d meet him again there, for a more thorough interrogation."

Now where did Radiant come from and why? This is Veil's narrative. There is really no reason why Radiant, of all of them, should surface here.

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On page 1150 of the ebook, does this use of "nonplussed" mean surprised? I only ask because in recent years in North America people have started using it with a meaning completely opposite from its definition, and Jasnah has been characterized as one who often appears unfazed. I'm confused as to whether she is surprised, or unperturbed. 

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On 11/16/2017 at 11:55 AM, PeterAhlstrom said:

Hmmmmmmmm. I think this is probably an error. I'll have to figure out the best solution and ask Brandon.

To go along with this, on page 494 of both the US Kindle and hardcover editions it says:

"I'm telling you, I'm dangerous. Sure, I can crush this little rebellion, bathe Oathbringer in some blood. Great. Wonderful. Then what? I come back here and lock myself in a cage again?"


I wasn't sure if I should report this as that's an idiom that could still exist in the world considering not all blades are shardblades, but it seemed less applicable to Oathbringer. :)

Edited by ReticentBondsmith
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PAGE 682, US hardcover edition has some questionable quotation marks that may or may not be correct 


“Then be wise about it. There are two types of important men, Shallan. There are those who, when the boulder of time rolls toward them, stand up in front of it and hold out their hands. All their lives, they’ve been told how great they are. They assume the World itself will bend to their whims as their nurse did when fetching them a fresh cup of milk.

”These men end up squished.

”Other men...(continues)

Something just feels off about the quotation marks around these and the next two paragraphs. Can someone help validate my feeling of wrongness?

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Seems to be a discrepancy on the capitalization of "G" in "Dai-Gonarthis".

TWoK ch 67 epigraph has: "Dai-gonarthis"

OB ch 113 epigraph has: "Dai-Gonarthis"

Edit: Just got word that the TWoK ebook has been updated to "Dai-Gonarthis", so I assume this is the correct case unless Peter says otherwise. :)

Edited by jofwu
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In Celebrant the Fused speaking to the registrar seems to refer to Pattern as the wrong kind of spren.



There are two or three humans, one honorspren, and one inkspren.

Sanderson, Brandon. Oathbringer: Book Three of the Stormlight Archive (p. 958). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition. 


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