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What's up with Renarin?


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Jasnah's research says that Radiants were not all warriors and that makes sense. Dustbringers, Skybreakers, Windrunners, and Stonewards in my mind are the primary battle units. 

All of the others obviously have combat uses, but they could have various other support roles. 

Truthwatchers, with their sight abilities mixed with signals via illumination are probably in the strategic development area, and backup healers to the Edgedancers combat medic role. 

Elsecallers for supply via soulcasting and transport through transportation. 

Willshapers for scouting via transportation and hollow ingredients out foxhole with cohesion... 

The list goes on. 

There's plenty of uses on and out of combat for the surges. 

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No war is won with just warriors. 

Spren primarily pick their Radiants based their personality not their physical ability. Doesn't matter if you are the best fighter in the world but can't progress to the second oaths.  

Renarin probably has a form of epilepsy, although that might be cured now thanks to stormlight. And if you haven't picked it up, he also has Autism Spectrum Disorder, which might be linked to his epilepsy but it's hard to say one way or another.  

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As @Calderis has already alluded to, not all had the primary function of fighting as such. War (in its grand sense) yes, fighting no. 

Like modern military structures, all would be taught to fight (and fight well especially as they can all hold stormlight and so I assume move similar to the speed, strength and enhancement Kaladin has felt). However they would then 'specialise' into their specific areas, such as medics, engineers, scouts, etc and while some orders would further develop their fighting and destructive ability, becoming elite infantry etc.

Although, there is definitely something more than meets the eye happening with Renarin. Obviously, I could also be completely wrong about all of it, and Jasnah too. I can't wait to find out!

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