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Typos in White Sand (Prose)


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Hey guys, I just finished the White Sand prose version, and I really enjoyed it! It was actually pretty cool reading a book that hadn't been officially published, particularly since the book was really good. However, I did notice a bunch of typos. I marked the ones I noticed as I read, and have gone back to correct them in the word document that Brandon sends out. I decided to compile them, so that y'all have an opportunity to correct them yourselves for your own readings. It took all of 30 minutes to fix them, including the time it spent to type out this post. I imagine it would take only 5-10 minutes or so using Word's search function. 

I'm sure there are other typos I missed, these are just the ones that I caught. 


Page 77: “The cliffs in the distance were to far away”

"to" should be "too"


Page 142: “In his hand, unnoticed buy the Darksiders—he”

"Buy" should be "by"


Page 323: “They actually seemed to enjoy spiting the other Professions”

The word "on" is omitted


Page 399: “Maybe next time,” Khriss mumbled/

There is a slash instead of a period


Page 406 and 407: Baon arrived at the top of the latter a moment later. “The girl says to tell you that you’re crazy, and there is no way she’s climbing that latter.”

“Ladder” is misspelled “latter” five times


Page 521: “Yes,” Heelis said.  “Rite mentioned it too me.

"too" should be "to"


Page 610: Diem with a lone in exchange for a percentage of the profits

"Loan" is misspelled as "lone"


Page 614: “I there’s a clause in the Law that says the mastrells are supposed to eventually pay for what they take,”

There is a random “I” here


Page 638: “You think he won’t to it again?” Eric warned with a spiteful whisper.

"To" should be "do"


Page 733: “So, how exactly are you going to pursued the Lord Merchant to see you?” Eric asked.

Pursued should be persuade


Page 738: “Well what?” she asked, trying to cover he blush with a nonchalant air.

"He" should be "her"


Page 741: The room’s four Tower guards eyes Kenton appreciatively.

"Eyes" should be "eyed"


Page 793:        Khriss stiffed slightly.

"Stiffed" should be "stiffened"


Page 886: All three Kershtians fell at once  One taken in the

Missing a period after "once"


Page 924: He hadn’t ever really known Eric--he had know the fake Eric,

"Know" should be "known"


Page 924: He had seen the coldness in the this Eric’s eyes

Unneeded “the”


Page 947: Apparently, because of Kenton hadn’t responded to the requests for seats

"of" isn’t needed


Pages 298, 376, 731, 790, 918, 927: On these pages Shaerezan is used as the criminal’s name rather than Sharezan, which is used far more frequently.


There were also a couple of discrepancies I noticed, the second of which is spoilery. 


Page 184: “Khriss had never seen a man shot before.”

This one is not really a typo, just a discrepancy.  This is actually the second time Khriss has seen a man get shot, as the guide was shot and killed just a while back.




Page 778: “Our last meeting,” she explained.  “You called me Khriss.”

This isn’t really a typo, just a discrepancy I noticed. I can’t actually find the spot where this supposedly happened. Unless I missed it somewhere. To fix it, I replaced miss darksider on Page 717 with Khriss.



Edited by ConnorF42
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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There are many, many more typos, grammatical errors and wrong usages of words (additions in bold - in many of the cases there are alternative ways to correct the text):



His hood had fallen to the wind, and his face, round and topped by a pile of short blonde hair, adopted a look of total concentration.  

Chapter one:


His breath was beginning to come more and more difficultly; both running and sand mastery sapped strength, and his dry throat made each breath painful.


And, as he ran by the creature, feeling the sand slither beneath his feet from the sandling’s motion, he noticed an incredulousible sight.

Chapter two:


There seemed to be two races of them.  Some had skin that was a little pale, kind of a dark tannish color.

Chapter three:


More mastrells failed to recover that one sphere it was guarding than all the other spheres combined.


There were cliffs visible in the distance--they surrounded the wide plain, like the lip of a crater.


His face displayed as much emotion as a chiteinous shell.


They began to drink, each one taking a sip and handing it to his neighbor, refilling it from their qidoin when necessary.


“No!” Kenton yelled, lifting Traiben’s head to stare into the sightless sockets.

(added comma)


The sand slammed into Kershtians, spraying gore as it sliced them in half.

Chapter four:


They Khriss and the others roade by, the villagers watching them with a suspicion that was matched by Flennid and the other two nobleman soldiers.


“Pneumonatic?” Khriss asked with surprise, handing the spyglass back to Baon.


“Tap it on the right or left if you want him to turn,” the warrior instructed, demonstrating buty snapping his hammer lightly against the side of the beast’s carapace just below the neck.


As she gained on the guide’s tonk, the young boy turned apprehensive eyes in her direction.


Ignoring the burning sands, Kenton moved on hands and knees in what he hoped was the direction of the camp.


“I do,” Baon replied, throwing back the side of his ropbe and pulling free a pistol.

That's what I've found so far, until Chapter five.

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, I liked the prose quite a bit. Not flawless like stormlight, but a good story nonetheless. The typos were very distracting however, and the diction could have been better in places. I really think that he should've just polished it up and released it as a novel. One thing I noticed was the excessive use of the word "mumbled" - 116 times in total

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