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Hey, welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote. 

I really love rereading Cosmere books because I get to notice all the great details that I missed on my first read. I quite liked Mistborn as well, so that's  a great combo. If you haven't, you should read Mistborn Era 2, which is set 300 years after the first trilogy. Anyways, what Sanderson books have you read so far?

Before I go, I think I should offer you some sage advice: Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies.

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Welcome to the shard! Stay away from cookies, they are hazardous to your health! Have an upvote!

From your description, you will probably jump right to the theorizing, in which case I recommend you to The Knights Theoretic, and the Cosmere Theories.

You are a obviously a sanderfan, in which case I recommend you to The Knights Awkward and You Know You're a Sanderfan When... (Which is really fun.)

If you like intrigue, and think you can fool me, you should really play Sanderson Elimination, which is our version of Werewolf or Mafia.

Have fun! ;)

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Ill certainly check out those threads when i get a chance : ) TeleWorms in regards tothe books iv read so far all of them that i am aware of atleast excluding the arcanum unbound, which im hoping to see go on sale. I have indeed read the allow of law series and oh my gosh i was sucked right in at the beginning, and as it went along i was rather lucky to start reading when mostly all of the books have been out. Have you read his short story about the character Bait, the Dragin bait, because that was brilliant and had me laughing, almost as much as when kelsier finally met Preservation and his reaction to meeting him and Ruin eventually. Its so nice to be able to speak about this none of my friends read his books and i always gush about his books to them XD. 

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Welcome to the Shard! Don't accept any food offered to you, especially cookies, or anything by the Dark Alley. But anything from someone with 'Surgefinder' or 'Knight of the Cosmere' should be OK. That being said, have a slice of Chouta! Also, if you are wondering what the Surgefinders are, they are a group of people, or, well, here's a link to the Surgefinder's official fourm if you want to know about it. And we are desperately needing members! As for the Knights of the Cosmere, that is something I can't say anything about. So, welcome to world of bookworms!

And @Sami, we should just hand out cookie spike removers to anyone and everyone. ;) 

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