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'Sup everyone, I guess I should introduce myself here on account of it being proper protocol and all. I've been reading Brandon's books for a while now (except I haven't read AU), and I've made it through most of the cosmere ones. Then I discovered 17S and was like :o "oh so that's why that Hoid guy keeps showing up everywhere." Anyway, there's lots of interesting stuff floating around here so I thought I should join on the off chance that I had something interesting to add. Anywho, that's about all I have to say. Oh, except that I don't accept cookies from strangers. Nothing personal, you know, just the principle of the thing :D

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I almost didn't welcome you because giving away cookies is my thing. :P

Welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote! I agree, when you begin to notice all the similarities, it's so cool. Of course, I went into it knowing they were connected, and had a certain someone's true identity in a book spoiled (it's someone in WoR), and I knew that Hoid was a worldhopper before I started reading, either way, it's so cool that it's all connected. Have fun theorizing with everyone on here a out the crazy workings of the Cosmere.

Also, which book by Brandon Sanderson is your favorite?

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Umm I honestly really like some of his short stories, like I thought Firstborn was pretty neat and I really liked Sixth of the Dusk too. As far as full size books go, I enjoyed Warbreaker. I just finished reading the prose version of White Sand, which made me wish Brandon had done that one as a book intead of a graphic novel, though the graphic novel's alright, I guess. Just not my favorite storytelling medium

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1 minute ago, Fatling said:

Umm I honestly really like some of his short stories, like I thought Firstborn was pretty neat and I really liked Sixth of the Dusk too. As far as full size books go, I enjoyed Warbreaker. I just finished reading the prose version of White Sand, which made me wish Brandon had done that one as a book intead of a graphic novel, though the graphic novel's alright, I guess. Just not my favorite storytelling medium

Yes, I looooove SotD! Not many people like it that much, so it's awesome to find someone else who really like's it as well! And I loved Warbreaker as well. Yeah, the graphic novel wasn't the greatest, but I haven't read the prose version yet (which technically isn't canon). 

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Welcome to the Shard! Don't accept any food offered to you, especially cookies, or anything by the Dark Alley. But anything from someone with 'Surgefinder' or 'Knight of the Cosmere' should be OK. That being said, have a slice of Chouta! Also, if you are wondering what the Surgefinders are, they are a group of people, or, well, here's a link to the Surgefinder's official fourm if you want to know about it. And we are desperately needing members! As for the Knights of the Cosmere, that is something I can't say anything about. So, welcome to world of bookworms!

And is the interesting stuff floating around after Spanky? ;);) It was the best I could do. I'm really bad at that stuff.

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Welcome to the Shard! Have a cookie and an upvote! 

Have you ever awoken to find yourself sleeping on your wall instead of your bed? Have you been seeing strange beings that try to make say weird things? Did you ever turn your cat into smoke or maybe breakfast cereal? Or had visions of the future; for example how Game of Thrones will end or whether we will ever see a Surgebinder and a Mistborn go all Mortal Kombat with each other? 

If you've experienced any of these 'symptoms', then I should tell you that, "You are a Wizard, Harry." Oh, sorry, scratch that. You are something  way cooler. YOU ARE A SURGEBINDER! (*fanfare*). 

Come find us here at the Surgefinders in Urithiru. We need you. For the Last Desolation is here! 

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