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(Bands Spoiler) Marasi's character?


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The Era 2 character Marasi is Very similar to Era 1 character Vin, more so than simply being inspired by the "Ascended Warrior" could be credited.  

Examples: Her love of dresses despite her unitarian beliefs on clothing, and her initial attractive to an older man followed by a romance with a man from a different culture. 

I have a few theories:

1. Sanderson gave Marasi these character traits as a 'easter egg' to fans of the first Trilogy. 

2. Sazed missed Vin, and used Harmony's power to memorialize her in people born on his planet.

3. This is a possible indication of Reincarnation in the Cosmere. 

4. You tell me? :)

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4. Personally, and I realize this is entirely my own opinion and not some sort of solid fact, I do not really see any huge similarities between Vin and Marasi. In the same way that we saw someone recently comparing Kaladin and Peter Pan (of all fictional characters) in a recent Facebook poll, it is very easy to draw superficial connections between two characters and claim they are the same.

E.g. Wax and Wayne are very similar to each other and are probably clones. Examples: both fight crime, both are strong warriors, both are twinborn, both have a rough sense of humor, both are from Northern Scadrial, both have used a large shotgun during battle, etc.

So, in short, if you see connections between Vin and Marasi that lead you to believe there is something more going on then, by all means, have fun theorizing. I simply do not see it.

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19 minutes ago, CaptainRyan said:

4. Personally, and I realize this is entirely my own opinion and not some sort of solid fact, I do not really see any huge similarities between Vin and Marasi. In the same way that we saw someone recently comparing Kaladin and Peter Pan (of all fictional characters) in a recent Facebook poll, it is very easy to draw superficial connections between two characters and claim they are the same.

E.g. Wax and Wayne are very similar to each other and are probably clones. Examples: both fight crime, both are strong warriors, both are twinborn, both have a rough sense of humor, both are from Northern Scadrial, both have used a large shotgun during battle, etc.

So, in short, if you see connections between Vin and Marasi that lead you to believe there is something more going on then, by all means, have fun theorizing. I simply do not see it.

If you feel my post required clarification, I would prefer you ask.

To clarify, I was comparing personality of the Marasi and Vin (especially Vin circa Well of Ascension).

Wax and Wayne are inaccurately compared as only there Physical realm are similar.

18 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

We don't know much about the Beyond after death, a person's Spiritual aspect may return after a time

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8 minutes ago, Sheridan_rd said:

If you feel my post required clarification, I would prefer you ask.

I did not feel like it needed clarification. As I said in my post, everything I wrote is merely my own opinion on the topic. I wished you well in your theorizing.

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I think it is no more than coincidence. if you look hard enough, you always can find connections. I would say, in fact, that they are very different.

vin is mostly a creature of instinct. she rarely second-guesses her decisions, and when she does, she often get into trouble. When she plans, she generally ends up manipulated. she has good instincts, though. she has good instincts, she is smart, but she is not an intellectual. 

marasi is a scientist. she values deep analysis, information-gathering, that kind of stuff. she can fight with relative competence, but she is not a warrior; just as vin can research with relative competence, but is not a scholar. she was forced to act quickly several times, and she was good enough at it, but she really shines when she has time to think. also, her main skills are out of combat, and her allomantic power is seldom-used.

vin is self-reliant. she fights, she sneaks into yomen's vault, she lures the inquisitors to luthadel... she is the only person with certain skillsets in her society, but more than that, she is the kind of person who does things by herself. probably part of her being raised to trust only herself.

marasi, instead, is a leader and a supporter. she knows the right person for the job, and she help that person do the job along the way. she does not look for positions of power, but she looks for positions of close support to those in power. she helps wax, she helps aradel as chief constable, she helps aradel as governor. In alloy of law, she goes to wax asking him to investigate the vanishers, and offers her support. in shadows of self, she suggests aradel as a good governor. in bands of mourning, she gives the bands to wax. Makes sense, because 1) she lives in a society with many competent people, 2) her skillset is better used for support.

In the core of their being, marasi and vin are very different, almost opposite. the similarities are all on the surface. in fact, the two you present as support are very stretched. as for clothing, vin prefers utilitarian clothing though she appreciates dresses occasionally. to her, dresses have a whole lot of meanings, connected to the good sides of noble society, her courtships with elend, and her acceptance of her role in life. one could write a threatise on the meaning of dresses to vin. I never felt that depth from marasi. one could argue that at the core of it there is her mother's dissatisfaction with her social standing, which pushed her to try to look more refined, but it is a weak argument, especially considering her relationship with her mother and her values isn't the best. I always got the idea that she likes to present that face too the world. she wants to be an accomplished learned person in middle-management position, and that comes with a certain dress code. marasi does not like utilitarian clothes, she only prefers it for physical activities - like riding or fighting. she complains that women constables are expected to ride and fight while being elegant, but her take on fashion is completely different from vin's. as for both having a crush on an older heroic figure, that's merely a result of fate pushing them to develop a close connection to said older heroic figure. if I was rescued from the streets and groomed by a female version of kelsier, or rescued from bandits by a female version of wax, I'd also find them very attractive at the least.

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17 hours ago, Sheridan_rd said:

We don't know much about the Beyond after death, a person's Spiritual aspect may return after a time

This is not possible both for In-world and external reasons.

The Shards don't know what the Beyond is, Sazed is not an exception. The Beyond is the no-returning-point, if someone could return, the Shard will know it much more if this someone is literally a Shard's creature. Instead the Soul itself is recycled when someone dies.

On another point, Bradon told he would never explain the Beyond's nature

Edited by Yata
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2 hours ago, Yata said:

This is not possible both for In-world and external reasons.

The Shards don't know what the Beyond is, Sazed is not an exception. The Beyond is the no-returning-point, if someone could return, the Shard will know it much more if this someone is literally a Shard's creature. Instead the Soul itself is recycled when someone dies.

On another point, Bradon told he would never explain the Beyond's nature

This I didn't know.  If I had more time to browse Reddit and Coppermind, perhaps. 

Apparently I am incorrect about Marasi.

I suppose I didn't want to accept that my favorite author would repeat tropes in a series, without a deeper meaning.

And forced a connection that was actually superficial. 

@king of nowhere, thanks for the effort in discussing my permise.

@CaptainRyan, no need to be exclusive.

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