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Mistborn Pathfinder Class


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A friend of mine and I needed to create a new character for our Pathfinder campaign, and we decided on making a Mistborn class, and decided to share it with the forums, he provided the pathfinder knowledge, I helped with most of the Mistborn semantics. You can find it here.


The reason there is no rules for copper/bronze, and other allomancy-based metals, are because we don't plan to encounter any other allomancers in the campaign. The class is meant to be as balanced as any other, unlike many other Mistborn classes we have encountered.

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You could have Bronze as a kind of 'Detect magic', while Copper shields people in a small radius from being detected using spells that detect magic. I'm not sure how balanced that would be in the pathfinder rules (I'm a d&d 3.5 player myself).

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4 hours ago, randuir said:

You could have Bronze as a kind of 'Detect magic', while Copper shields people in a small radius from being detected using spells that detect magic. I'm not sure how balanced that would be in the pathfinder rules (I'm a d&d 3.5 player myself).

We considered this, but it didn't seem very balanced, we tried to stay true to the books, and detecting any magic doesn't really make sense. (Flaring steel originally let you affect items of greater weight than you, we scrapped that as it makes no sense from a mistborn standpoint.)

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