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Did Cultivation betray Honor?


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So this is kind of random, but I thought the more Cosmere and WoB savvy among you might be able to help me. Do we have any WoB on the possibility that Cultivation betrayed Honor? Betrayal is too harsh a word for what I mean, but I can't come up with a better one. Let me put it this way: Is there a possibility that Honor went.. off track, sort of, at least when seen in the light of Cultivation's intent? And is there a possibility that Cultivation was implicit in his death?

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I don't know of any WoB saying that Cultivation betrayed Honour, but I did find this:



"If Cultivation and Honor were romantically involved, why did Cultivation not help Honor against Odium?"


"She did."

Note that Brandon could be giving an Aes Sedai type answer here: she could have helped Honour against Odium, and then at some point stopped helping him, so this doesn't actually disprove your idea. However I'd be more inclined to take it at face value at this point.

Edited by BlackYeti
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I read that WoB a while back and my first thought was "well.. what if killing him was helping him?" I don't know. I've had that feeling ever since I first read WoK, I guess. Corruption (of Honor, of power, emotions, etc) is such a large, underlying theme. And I can't quite put my finger on it, but it seems too easy to put that all on Odium. We already know through the various wordings of Oaths, through Dalinar's visions and other things, that Honor, Righteousness etc are pretty much simply a question of perception and interpretations. I vaguely remember a WoB on Ruin's (and somewhat Cultivation's) theme being "things must pass". I can at least imagine how that could in some way rather align with Odium's intent and collide with that of Honor, especially if Honor/Tanavast took things to an extreme or somewhat went off the deep end.

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