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Owls and Wands: A Hogwarts Roleplay

The Honor Spren

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Are you guys ready? Grab your broom and let's get started! 




Lorelei Marchbanks stood on Platform 9 3/4 in front of the train that would take her to a new life. She grinned. What would it be like? Going to Hogwarts. She still half thought it was a dream. She looked down at Raya, her frog-toad-thing. Brown and white stripes covered its body and golden eyes stared back at her. It let out a high pitched croak. The inside of its mouth was sky blue. Weird. 

She pushed her baggage cart forward as rat skittered past her. Next thing she knew, her cart jerked forward and crashed into one of an older girl. 

"Are you okay?" The girl asked.

Lorelei blushed at being so clumsy. "Fine, thanks."

"Cool. See you later." The girl winked "I hope you're a Ravenclaw."


Paloma walked away from the little girl whose cart she'd ran into and hurried to catch up with Michael, who was on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team with her.

"Are the first years getting smaller every year?" She asked, "I just ran into one and she was tiny."

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Eleanor looked around, making sure that she wasn't being watched. Then she stepped through the barrier to platform 9 3/4. She couldn't believe it! She had managed to make her way to Hogwarts! Of course, she had all of her supplies. Her books, her beloved owl Dragon and her wand- with a few modifications. She knew that although she was a Muggle through and through, there would - there must - be some way for her to become a wizard. She pushed her cart forward. Now to find a helpful friend.



Strawman this is an RP thread. If that is your introduction RP then fine, but otherwise, why did you post that?

@honorspren would Lorieli like to be Eleanor's friend?

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I stay out too late 

Got nothin' in my brain 

That's what people say 


That's what people say...


There were many benefits to portable music devices, but beyond the obvious was the ease with which you could turn any old day into a music video. 


I go on too many dates 

But I can't make them stay

At least, that's what people say...


Shannon Davies negotiated her cart past a knot of parents and through a gaggle of third-years, found the prefects' car, and adjusted her badge. As the Headmaster had mentioned in his letter (more often than Shannon thought necessary), it carried many responsibilities, but it was also her ticket onto the best car on the entire Hogwarts Express. 


Well, second best. The Head Boy and Girl had a better one. But that would have to wait. 


​But I keep cruisin' 

​Can't stop, won't stop movin'

It's like I got this music in my mind

Sayin' it's gonna be all right...


Shannon paused beside her trunk to coo back at her owl. A gift to celebrate the end of her first year at Hogwarts, she'd named him Bowie. Great singer. Cultural icon. Very much a Muggle. She'd named him Bowie and announced it to the whole common room, wishing it wouldn't backfire if she raised both middle fingers at anyone who doubted her. "Yeah, I named my owl after a Muggle," she'd said. "He could sing circles around your stupid wizard bands." 


It wasn't considered proper witch behavior to coo at one's owl. 


So she did it again. 


'Cause the players gonna play, play play, play, play

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

Shake it off, shake it off 


A sixth-year Slytherin named Alton rolled his eyes at her, and she stuck out her tongue. 


"You're a prefect, you know." Pureblood though he was, he knew enough to shout over her music. 




"Prefects should hold themselves to a higher standard, Davies." 


"And non-prefects should get those sticks out of their backsides." She waggled her finger at Bowie. "Right, Bowiekins? That's right! People need to stop being so stuck-up around here!" 


Alton gave a dramatic sigh and another emphatic roll of the eyes, but Shannon thought she detected a hint of a smile. "See you at Hogwarts!" she called to his retreating back. 


When he'd disappeared onto the train, Shannon pulled her trunk into the prefects' car, singing softly: 


Heartbreaker's gonna break, break, break, break, break

And the faker's gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake 

Shake it off, shake it off 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Are you guys ready? Grab your broom and let's get started!


Lorelei Marchbanks stood on Platform 9 3/4 in front of the train that would take her to a new life. She grinned. What would it be like? Going to Hogwarts. She still half thought it was a dream. She looked down at Raya, her frog-toad-thing. Brown and white stripes covered its body and golden eyes stared back at her. It let out a high pitched croak. The inside of its mouth was sky blue. Weird.

She pushed her baggage cart forward as rat skittered past her. Next thing she knew, her cart jerked forward and crashed into one of an older girl.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked.

Lorelei blushed at being so clumsy. "Fine, thanks."

"Cool. See you later." The girl winked "I hope you're a Ravenclaw."


Paloma walked away from the little girl whose cart she'd ran into and hurried to catch up with Michael, who was on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team with her.

"Are the first years getting smaller every year?" She asked, "I just ran into one and she was tiny."

Probably. Did you see anyone who looked like a good potential replacement for our current 7th years?

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"Eh." Paloma replied, "I wasn't looking all that hard."


After looking around a bit, Lorelei managed to find an unoccupied compartment to sit in. I wonder when the food cart will come by. She drummed her fingers on the seat and let her gaze wander. It was just too quiet in here. So, she pulled out her iPod and turned on some Coldplay.

Much better.

She start sing along under her breath, "You can climb a ladder up to the sun. Or a write a song nobody has sung. Or do something that's never been done
Another girl with short sandy hair walked past. "Hey," Lorelei called, "You wanna sit in here?"


Sorry if I offended you guys enough for you to give me a down vote. Just wanted to have bragging rights. Like this:
"I was the first poster in the Hogwarts RP!"
"What's the Hogwarts RP?"

Oops! That was me, sorry. Accidental. Someone fix it?

Also, I just want to say that @Twi, I'm not copying you. I came up with the singing part beforehand. :P 

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     Chas loved being around people, and yet hated being with them. They smelled great, but he tried to ignore that. While contemplating his affliction, another 1st-year came up to him.


     “Are you a first year too? Hello. My parents aren’t wizards, but I am. They are great people, though. I wish I could be like them, but they say they wish they could be like me. Strange, huh? Well, I think…”


     Chas just stared at him. How could one brain come up with so much information so quickly, and have their mouth actually get it out without stumbling? Well, it did give him something to listen to… even if he wanted to be alone. Well, perhaps one friend wasn’t such a big deal. He would survive. And he hoped this new “friend” would too.


     “What house do you believe you will end up in?” Chas asked.


     “…huh? Oh! I hope Gryffindor. But, another student said I would be Hufflepuff… I hope I’m not…”


     Chas tilted his head. “Being a Hufflepuff is nothing to be ashamed of. It is founded by a great wizard, like the rest of them, and many great wizards have come of it. Who you are decides your house. The hat will decide what is best for you.”


     Chas leaned back in his seat, and tilted off to sleep. He was glad he had gotten sleep and fed yesterday. He would probably need it.  

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"Eh." Paloma replied, "I wasn't looking all that hard."


After looking around a bit, Lorelei managed to find an unoccupied compartment to sit in. I wonder when the food cart will come by. She drummed her fingers on the seat and let her gaze wander. It was just too quiet in here. So, she pulled out her iPod and turned on some Coldplay.

Much better.

She start sing along under her breath, "You can climb a ladder up to the sun. Or a write a song nobody has sung. Or do something that's never been done
Another girl with short sandy hair walked past. "Hey," Lorelei called, "You wanna sit in here?"


Oops! That was me, sorry. Accidental. Someone fix it?

Also, I just want to say that @Twi, I'm not copying you. I came up with the singing part beforehand. :P 

So, how was your summer? I recently saw this video  called Lullaby For a Princess, and it was amazing. If you haven't seen it, watch it right now!

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Eleanor was walking down the train, looking for a seat when she heard a voice call out to her.

"Hey! Wanna sit in here?"

She looked at Dragon. He nodded imperceptibly. That owl was smarter than her uncle! Of course, that's not saying much. She stepped into the train car and sat down.

"You know any magic yet?" she asked searchingly, with a nervous grin.

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Three weeks ago

Victor was sitting on a bench on one of the corridors in the Ministry of Magic in London. He came early, to have time to revise some spells and most importantly english names of magical substances, creatures and hexes. He was about to meet someone from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a school with world wide renome and he was getting really nervous. Before he finished his fifth read-through of the notes he put on his smartphone, someone came down the corridor.

Three wizards were coming his way. In the middle was a tall, old woman wearing green robes. On her right, hardly keeping up with the other two, there was an old wizard with white hair. Victor felt like if he knew his face from somewhere, but couldn't remember where from. The third person was a young, tall and muscular man, wearing a mix of muggle and wizard clothing, surprisingly fitting to both worlds. Victor quickly silenced his phone and stood up, waiting for them to come closer. The tall witch opened the door in front of which he was waiting and gestured for him to come in.

"Come in, dear" her voice was warm and surprisingly friendly.

Victor entered the large room and saw that it was mostly empty, except for cupboards that, judging by the smell, surely held a rich collection of potion ingredients. Three adults sat behind a massive, dark wooden table. Victor sat in front of them on a humble chair. He could see a cauldron in the corner of the room, some very random objects lying next to a wall and many more items that may be used to practice different kinds of magic standing on shelves behind the Hogwart committee.

"So, mister Victor Bsh..." the witch, by now it was obvious that she would be leading the audition, stuttered confused while she tried to read his surname.

"Brzęczyszczykiewicz", Victor said, once again ashamed by how ridiculous his family name was. It was hard to pronounce for others when he was still in Poland, but here, in the UK, it was a tongue-slayer. "Please, just Victor will be fine."

The young witch seemed to consider facing the pronunciation nightmare again, but resigned. The elder wizard didn't seem to even listen, while the younger one was openly amused.

"Alright, Victor. My name is professor Minerva McGonagall. I'm the headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With me, are mister Ollivander and professor Reynolds. I believe you may have heard of Ollivander's mastery at wandlore, while professor Reynold is our teacher for Defense against the Dark Arts."

She made a pause to quickly look through some papers on the table before her, and Victor had those few seconds to calm himself down. He didn't expect to meet with the headmistress of Hogwarts today and especially not with famous Ollivander.

"We've received your letter asking for admission to Hogwarts." she continued "I must say it's very rare to have students transfer, but it's obviously possible. I assume you're still interested in attending our school?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Good. The procedure is, as you know, straightforward. You've sent your application and all required documents and they've been accepted, all that's left for you to become a Hogwart student is the exam which we'll have right now. We're going to test your skills in various aspects of magical education to verify if you're qualified to join our school and if so, at which year. Is everything clear?"

"Yes". Victors stress level was reaching the ceiling at the moment, however he knew, that when the exam will actually start he'll be fully focused.

"So, for a start, what can you tell us about yourself?" the question came from professor Reynolds.

"Umm... I was born and raised in Poland," Victor answered, surprised by the question, he expected a magic trial of some kind, not a friendly chat. "My mother is a witch and my father is a muggle programmer. That means he works with computers, you know, the machines Muggles use all the time...?" He didn't know how much about Muggle world did they know, but there was no reaction, so he continued. "We've moved to United Kingdoms because my dad got a great job offer. My mother is a healer and she found employment in St. Mungo's just days ago. I've been taught magic by my mom, but I also attended regular Muggle school until now. Now that I'm here, in UK, I'd like to go to Hogwart to pass O.W.Ls and you know, meet other students, as I didn't know any wizards my age back at home."

"You'll make lots of friends in our school, I'm sure of it", McGonagall interrupted him politely. "Now, we shall begin with theoretical subject, like history, ancient runes et cetera, while mister Ollivander will inspect your wand, is that alright?"

"Yes, of course", Victor stood up and took his wand from a pocket in his jacket. It was made from bright oak wood with leaves carved in it. Mister Ollivander revived with a wand in front of him. He carefully took it from Victor's hands and examined it. He didn't say anything, just stared at the wand, slowly rotating it in his fingers.

For the next thirty minutes professor McGonagall probed Victors knowledge with questions about history, potion making, transmutation theory and much more. When she was done, she turned to Ollivander, who was still staring at the wand. One may think he fell asleep, but his eyes were focused and moving from tip to end.

"Excuse me, Garrick, if we are to continue, Victor will need his wand back. Is everything alright with it? You've been staring at it for the last thirty minutes." Professor Reynolds leaned over the desk behind McGonagall to see Ollivander better. It seemed, that this wasn't typical behavior of the wandmaker.

"Ah, yes, yes. The wand is obviously fine. Nine and a half inch, made of oak, just like the letter said. The reason I'm so interested in it though, is it's core. It's made with a hair from Leshy's beard. That's very rare. There is not one with such core in whole western Europe. Many years ago hairs of Leshys were quite popular in eastern Europe, but now, when Muggles have devastated so many primal forests they are almost unheard of. That wand is the second I've seen with such core in my entire life!" Ollivander explained with excitement, still not letting go of the wand.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, Leshy is a creature living in the wild forests of eastern Europe, right?" Reynolds asked.

"Yes, they are protectors of the forests, you can say. However, there were always very few of them. It's said that they will treat you just like you treat the nature around you... Sadly, they are almost extinct now, as there are less and less big, old forests left. I've heard that wand with their hair are very powerful when performing defensive and healing spells. Tell me boy, who made it?"

"It was made by my grandfather, sir. He's name was Koziewicz... I doubt you've heard about him, he didn't make many wands, but I heard he had great talent for them."

"Unfortunately you're right, I haven't heard of him. Do you know how he acquired this hair? It's almost impossible to find a Leshy if it doesn't want to be found and to take a hair from it..."

"My grandpa lived in the woods near Białowieża, the oldest forest in Poland. He said that he became friends with a Leshy and that it was a gift from him. I like to think that it's true, he certainly was very fond of the forests and everything that lived in it..."

"Amazing, truly amazing... ", Ollivander waved the wand above his head and a fountain of green lights, in shapes of leaves and bugs filled the air. "That wand was the only reason I came here. Thank you for showing it to me and good luck with the rest of your exam, I'm sure you'll pass." He stood up and gave the wand back to Victor, patted him on the shoulder and left.

"I've never seen old Ollivander so excited, this wand must be really something." Professor Reynold said standing up and drawing his wand. "But, no matter how good a wand is, let's see how well can you use it..."

Present day

Victor run through the pillar between platform 9 and 10 to enter the famous platform 9¾. He had his ticket in his hand, baggage on his trolley and Mefisto, his cat, on his shoulders. The adventure with Hogwart was about to begin...

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David almost ran into a wall. To be specific, he almost ran into the wall between platforms 8 and 9. He'd been thinking about going back to Hogwarts, what he was going to do there, seeing his friends et cetera, before he realized that he was about four feet away from total embarrassment. He was a third year, not a wide-eyed first. Thankfully, he steered away, and entered Platform 9 3/4.

He didn't see anyone he knew, so he decided to just grab a car. He reached into his luggage and slipped out his wand, making it disappear into his sleeve. Strolling along the corridor of the train, David selected an empty car and sat down, reclining and watching the empty hallway.

I wonder if anyone's going to show up. We'll see.

{{I'm leaving this car open, anyone who wants their character to meet mine, just take a seat :D}}

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Jarrad Thomas waved goodbye to his parents, pushing the trolley with his trunk on on up onto the train before reaching up to his right eye, he pulled out the contact he wore while in the muggle world which disguised his real eyes color.

It would have been easy enough to get one the same color as the other eye but he preferred it like this, he just thought it looked cooler this way.

He was contemplating whether or not he could get away with claiming to be a half vampire when he finally found a free compartment, only one other person was inside, looking out at the hallway expectantly.

Jarrad smiled at the obviously older student and gestured at the spare seat in his compartment.

"Do you mind if I..." He trailed off questioningly.

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David walk to the front of the train to look at the impressive locomotive that pulled the Hogwarts Express. He was surprised that there seemed to be nothing magical about it. Just a very well maintained steam engine with beautiful polished parts. After admiring the machine for some time he decided it was time to get inside the the, as it was soon leaving.


He maneuvered through the crowd of kids and parents and reached the first car. There was no one he would have to bid farewell to. His parents were both at work and he was old enough to catch the train alone. They'll see each other again this evening anyway thanks to the laptop Victor had inside his backpack. Victor couldn't understand why wizards didn't develop any form of communication that could work like video-conversations over the Internet. Maybe he'll find an answer to this question in school?


After climbing into the first car of the train Victor picked one of the first compartments. It was empty, except for a girl, more or less his age, with dark, short hair. She had her headphones on, so he waved before asking.


"Hello, are those sits taken? Mind if I join you?"

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With the entire prefects' car to herself, Shannon could lose herself in the music. At least until the other prefects arrived. 


My uncle was tall but had these really short legs

La-bibba-da-bibba-dum, la-bibba-da-bibba-doo

​I wonder if poodles in Jamaica have dreads 


Someone was waving at her. 


La-bibba-da-bibba-dum, la-bibba-da-bibba-doo


Shannon tugged out one of her earbuds and frowned at the newcomer. No badge, looked about her age. The Headmaster hadn't said who her fellow Slytherin prefect would be, but he'd at least wear a badge, wouldn't he? 


And she'd at least recognize him….right? 


"Hello, are those seats taken? May I join you?" 


And he spoke with an accent. An exchange student, then? 


This is a violet (No it isn't) 

Yeah, well it could be a flower 


If he wasn't a prefect, he'd wandered into the wrong car. And if he was...


If he was a prefect, what the hell had he done to earn a badge from a school he'd never attended? Was he that good—or that rich?


"Not yet," Shannon said. ​How do I ask without offending him…."Did you know this was the prefects' car?" "I didn't know you were a prefect." 


"You're a prefect?" she blurted, and wanted to kick herself. 


Nice, Shannie. Very smooth. 

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David had been spacing out and looking at the hallway, when someone, a new student, by the looks, stopped at the door. 


"Do you mind if I..." The guy asked, seeming nervous. 


"Want to sit down?" David finished. "Sure, come on in..." He trailed off as he looked up at the newcomer. One of his eyes was a greenish color, hazel maybe, and the other was... deep red. 

O...k... David thought. Red eye. Why not. 


He quickly put a welcoming look on his face. "Yeah sure, you can take a seat. My name's David Andrews. I'm a third year. Nice to meet you."

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"Yeah sure, you can take a seat. My name's David Andrews. I'm a third year. Nice to meet you."

Jarrad let out the breath he'd been holding before stepping in to take a seat.

"Jarrad Thomas." He replied reaching out to clasp Davids hand. "First year."

He lent back into the seat, looking around curiously. Other students were walking up and down the train, an owl flew past right down the corridor.

Ok, owl, you have a family owl, no biggie, and did that cat just explode?

He leaned out a bit to get a better look but a group of students were crowded around it, preventing him from seeing clearly.

Right. Exploding cats. Cool I guess, but I'm not all that interested in it. Nope, too busy sitting back and being a cool half vampire to be interested in exploding cats.

He fidgeted nervously before looking back up at David.

"So... nice weather right?"

You're an idiot Jarrad.

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(Collab between Silverblade and I)

Paloma nodded. "No, I haven't seen that one. I'll check it out on the way up. It's awesome that they installed WiFi on the train." She turned around and started walking backwards. "Have you found seats for us yet?"

"Yeah. While you were practicing the art of surviving collisions, I found a mostly empty compartment. Only one guy there, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind us sitting."

"Cool." Cocking an eyebrow, she asked, "You're looking stone faced today. Come on. Can't you give me a smile?" She winked. "I know you have one in there somewhere."

"Sorry, ran out. Traded my last one for the wi-fi password you see."

So that's how we're feeling today? "Oh, you could have just asked me for it. I have all sorts of skills."

"No, you don't understand. I got it first thing at the station, but had to make it a fair trade."

She gave her hair a toss. "Well, I think it wasn't fair trade at all." She glanced back. Michael was about a meter behind her now. "You coming?"

"Yeah, Lets go! Before someone takes our seats!"


The girl grinned like she was nervous. "You know any magic yet?

Lorelei smiled in return. "Not really. My mom was a muggle and my dad didn't want to teach me anything, because magic is what made them split up." She shrugged. "Whatever. I'm sure they'll teach us plenty there. I'm Lorelei. What's your name?"

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Gregory smiled smugly as his parents wandered back to the car, forlorn. Pulling his cat along behind him on a leash, fuming that his parents wouldn't let him have an owl (because that wouldn't have been normal), he strode up with his bags to the wall. A worm of doubt crossed his mind. That wall certainly seems solid. Quickly he grabbed a pebble he saw nearby, and lobbed it at the wall. Thankfully, it went through - and Gregory heard a resounding yelp on the other side of the wall. Probably serves them right, Gregory thought.


Striding through, a new world seemed to open up before him. Inwardly, he was impressed - a whole world, in which the impossible happened everyday - but he was careful not to let it show. How ridiculous it would be to stand gawking. Instead he moved forward impatiently, ignoring the person glaring at the wall with a bruise on their head. Honestly, that person needed to get a grip on themselves.


Immediately, he walked on board. After a quick scan through, however, it seemed like all the compartments already had people in them. Ridiculous. They have power beyond belief at their fingertips, and yet they don't even provide enough separate compartments for each of their own students!


Sighing, he picked a spot, and sat down, rifling through his bag.


"Are you sure you don't want to come into my compartment? I'm sure it's more comfortable than out here."

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"You're a prefect?" The girl asked.

"Am I what?" Victor answered confused. Prefect is a title used in some forms of administrations or governments, what does it have to do with a school or a train? I should have read that book about Hogwart my mom gave me... "My name is Victor and I'm 97% certain that I'm not a prefect. Nice to meet you." He hoped that would steer the conversation away from awkwardness and raised his hand for a handshake.

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"Ninety-seven percent sure, huh?" Shannon said, shaking Victor's hand. "Wait—you're ninety-seven percent sure, or you're ninety-seven percent not a prefect? Because if you're three percent prefect, maybe you could ride in this car…." 


She was rambling, she knew. Anything to keep from having to decide what to do—kick him out before the other prefects arrived, or convince them to let the exchange student ride in their private car. The decision would be so much easier if she knew whether she liked her fellow prefects or not, let alone who they were. 


"Do you like music? I have music—it's a little weird, but that's why I like it—er, sorry, I'm Shannon, by the way." 

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Deep breath. Nax was having a hard time doing that. The platform seemed so...intimidating, even after 4 years at Hogwarts. He looked up at the train, grimacing as he saw a group of Slytherins walk by.

Nax shook the thoughts out of his head, pulled out his wand, a 11 inch cherry wood with Phoenix tail feather, and murmured "Locomoter Trunk,"

His trunk, broom, and owl (Edwin) rose into the air and he put it in a compartment. That charms work paid off, Nax thought. Professor Flitwick would be proud.

Nax Isaac-Oscar then tucked his wand in the front pocket of his jeans and climbed aboard the train to Hogwarts.

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Lorieli- yes, that was her name - was very nice.

"My name is Eleanor. I haven't learned much magic yet, but I can make my wand glow!"

She muttered Lumos and flicked the switch on the base of the wand. It lit up. Maybe she would tell Lorieli about her powers or lack thereof someday, but right now was too early.

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"Sure I like music, who doesn't?" Victor answered with a smile. "So, let's assume I'm closer to being perfect than being prefect, will I get kicked out of this car? Is it reserved or something?"

While Victor was saying that, his cat Mefistofeles jumped down from his shoulders and laid down in one of the seats.

"Oh, come on Mef, don't get too comfy, we might have to find another place."

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Serena Lockheart moved down the corridor of the Hogwarts Express, she held a book in one hand, her finger marking her page but her eyes were facing blankly forwards as her mouth moved ceaselessly, mouthing the words she'd just read.

"Expecto Patronum: The Patronus charm, this defensive spell is primarily used to guard against or attack a Dementor or Lethifold."

She dodged out the way of a passing owl as she continued on her way to the prefects car.

"This exceptionally difficult spell requires not only great magical talent but also a strong will, requiring the caster to summon forth an extremely positive memo- Hey! no running in the corridor!" She chided a nearby third year, thankfully not from her own house.

"Extremely positive... oh son of a kneazle I lost it." Serena muttered, opening the book back up and tracing the lines of writing til she reached the spot she'd been up to.

She reached out absent-mindedly to open the door to the prefects car, muttering a greeting to the others as she continued to read, plonking herself down in the first seat that looked free in her peripheral vision.

Something jumped up with a yelp as she sat on it, causing her to drop her book in fright.

A blur of fur darted past her vision and leaped off the seat. She looked up at the cars other occupants, recognizing neither.

"New prefects?" She asked, adjusting her glasses and looking around for her dropped book.

A cat stood on the floor of the car, glaring at her.

"Nice kitty." She said absently, hands groping under the chair til she felt the hard cover of her book.

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