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Kelsier as moving GIF


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Hey everyone,


so, I don't know how it is about you, but when I look at the picture of Kelsier, at Secret History, I always just wait to see his Mistcloak moving...

I was thinking to try and make it with a GIF (so I could use it as a Live-Wallpaper on my phone), but honestly, I have almost no experience with Photoshop, or any other Photo-Programm to make the different Pictures of the Mistcloak, to make it look like its moving...


Anyone experience with it?

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For an animated gif, you'd need something like ImageReady as well...


Hmm.  I dunno.  With enough time and poking, I could probably manip the original image into something like that, but I don't know that I have that many creative spoons to spare right now.

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Probably I would be able to do it too.

But I really don't know without looking it up, how to make all the single pics from the different positions of the cloak...

@Unodus: Best you go to the coppermind wiki, and there in the Kelsier article.

They have the picture there of him, without any writtings on it and the full one (not splitted like on the bookcover)

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@Unodus: Best you go to the coppermind wiki, and there in the Kelsier article.

They have the picture there of him, without any writtings on it and the full one (not splitted like on the bookcover)


And here is a slightly higher resolution: http://41.media.tumblr.com/44969a2c10100d9ada49f2d192994037/tumblr_o1slq66qWR1rvsq71o1_540.jpg


Also, a very cool image of Vin by the same author:


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You would have to animate the tassles by hand.

With that being said, I might be able to do such a thing in After Effects with little trouble, but it would take time I don't have and a ton of poking around in the program itself. I wouldn't use Photoshop for this.

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