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Before anything else is said, yes I KNOW its been WoB'd to be possible, and that multiple blades have to be summoned separately. Sheesh... Source(s):


You said that a person can have more than one Shardblade--can they be dual-wielded?
Someone did exactly this in the original draft of Way of Kings, back in 2002.


If a character bears multiple Shardblades, can they summon them all in the same 10 heartbeat span, or does each Shardblade require a separate summoning? Dying doesn't count.



Separate summoning.

(It seems every time I even mention multiple shardblades, everyone feels the need to quote these at me...)


Anyway, I want to put forward the idea that it is theoretically possible to have "paired shardblades", such that they can be summoned at once. My reasons for this theory is simply for the potential awesomeness.

Assuming that shardblades are bound to the bearer by "attaching" itself to a point in the person's Spiritweb, this would work by both blades attaching to the same point. Essentially, they would be Cognitively and Spiritually the same shardblade, but have two separate Physical aspects.


This would also fit with the theory that a persons shardblade is unique/shaped to the original wielder (like Kaladin's hoped-for shardspear), where the shardbearer is awesome and likes fighting with two swords, so their shardblade forms as two blades made for dual-wielding. I don't think the WoB excludes this idea (I assume that its referencing someone just picking up two different shardblades), although it does make it unlikely for such a thing to exist in-world.


Any thoughts on the idea, my Realmatics, or the practicality of fighting with two shardblades??? Thread-hijackers are welcome!  ;) (assume dual-wielding swords never really occurred on Earth simply because if you had a free hand, it was more practical to use a shield instead. However, shardblades are an entirely different matter...)


Also, here's hoping for that character who dual-wielded shardblades in proto-Wok makes it into the Stormlight Archive!  :wub:

Edited by Serendipity
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I like the idea of that but my biggest concern is this: what if one of the blades is knocked from your hands? Do both disappear since they're the same Sharblade, spiritually and cognitively, leaving you unarmed? Or does the blade remain summoned since you're still wielding the other half, allowing the weapon to be turned against you. Or could the dropped blade be bonded by someone?

That's definitely an issue you'd have to hash out.

As for utility, I don't know. Personally, I'd like to just aquire and entire arsenal of shardweapons that I can choose from to suit the situation.

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If you could fuse the hilts together you could end up with a Darth Maul style shard blade(s) or staff.  Which would suit Kaladin as he wouldn't have to learn how to use a sword.  On the subject, does a KR HAVE to have a "sword", the Windrunner that Dalinar ran into in the vision had one. Furthermore, does the blade have to have a particular form i.e. for a given blade the hilt is a fixed proportion of the total length or can they be like plate - sizing itself to the user and Kaladin could end up with a shard polearm blade?  Any WoB on the issue?

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So you want to turn Kaladin Stormblessed into Illidan Stormrage? As cool as that sounds, I don't think Blizzard will just sit back and not file a lawsuit or two.

Anyways, back to the main topic...

If the blades each needs to be separately summoned, then I think only the one that's knocked out of the hand will disappear. But yeah... I really love the "one shard, two blade" idea or just some variety in general. Roshar is a huge world. Not everyone have the required skills to use a sword. Some may not have even seen a sword before. If the KR are all restricted to use swords alone, then they'll encounter the same problem as the Jedi from Star Wars(some species don't even have fingers!).

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I think it's more like Drizzt Do'urden because Illidan uses glaives and not swords

hope there is as much variety in blades as there are in mangas like Bleach but I feel that the focus willbe more on the people weilding the blades and not the blades themselves. Still, here's to hoping.

edit: my phone is tiny, and my fingers large.

Edited by Auri Garvel Xel'iathi
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I imagine it would work similarly to different pieces of shardplate. Yes I am aware that there are some fundamental differences between the behaviors of plate and blade, but bear with me.


When Dalinar lost his gauntlet in battle at the Tower, it was stated that it could be regrown, or a full set of plate could be regrown from the gauntlet, but not both. Which part became the full set depended on the cognitive identity of the plate, and could be enhanced by feeding it stormlight.


Similarly, if you had two blades that were cognitively a single unit and you lost one, I would guess it could be used against you in the short term. In the long term they would tend to re-unite in some way.


Now for the differences: Blades don't "grow" like armor so far as we are aware, instead they are summoned. I suspect that they would be re-united when re-summoned.


For example, if you dropped one blade, it would remain. Then if someone else picked it up and you dropped the other, they may gain control of the set. However if you released both as soon as you dropped the one, you could re-summon both, retaining control.


Alternately, if you had control of a bladepair and you lost you hold on one, perhaps you would maintain control of the set and could summon the other to your hand at will.


It brings up interesting questions about other weapon types. Shard arrows, shard shuriken etc.


Also, the way shardblades kill is directly related to them beings cutting weapons(have we ever seen anyone use the tip of a shardblade?). I wonder what the effect of a piercing or bludgeoning shard weapon would be

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Yay, people respond to my posts! I feel accepted... :D

So Maxiumus, to summarize: both blades only disappear only when both are no longer being held, but if you drop one you better kill the other dude before releasing yours, or they'll be able to re-summon the pair. Works for me, and it does have some of a precedent in shardplate. 


So you want to turn Kaladin Stormblessed into Illidan Stormrage?

Kaladin Stormrage...YES!  :P

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It coud also be possible that the dropped blade disapears and the wielder woud need another ten or maybe five heartbeads to "repair" the blade.

Alternativle both blades have to be connetced by some kinda thread, so that they are still one objected.


It brings up interesting questions about other weapon types. Shard arrows, shard shuriken etc.


Also, the way shardblades kill is directly related to them beings cutting weapons(have we ever seen anyone use the tip of a shardblade?). I wonder what the effect of a piercing or bludgeoning shard weapon would be


Given what we know about blades I coud only imagen this if the shuriken ect. woud stay connected to the user somehow, yet again threads to the rescue!


Also I now have to imagine an shard whip that is as deadly as a blade but a lot easier to manuver.


Boys and their toys...

Oh my, this a perfectly valid scientific (magictific?) discussion, it´s not our fault thath the topic is awesome weapons of awesome doom. :D


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I think it's more like Drizzt Do'urden because Illidan uses glaives and not swords



Or Anakin Skywalker *shudder*



Better question - Given how rare Shardblades are, who's going to let you experiment on *two* of them at the same time, particularly since it's entirely possible that your experiment in attempting to link them together might end up damaging one or both?



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I'm confused. Your own theory directly contradicts the WoB that you yourself quoted. "Separate summoning."


So your theory was debunked by yourself.


Remember that Realmatics also has to do with how an object views itself, and how others view it. So someone who is a dual wield master picking up a shardblade wouldn't be able to split it in two like you suggested. And if he picked up two shardblades they would see themselves as two shardblades.


So no, as awesome as it would be, I don't think so.


Although if someone created two shardblades and intened them to be a pair from the start...maybe.

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Although if someone created two shardblades and intened them to be a pair from the start...maybe.

This is pretty much what I was talking about. It does kind of latch on to the theory that a Radiant creates their blade as part of their oaths, and the resulting blade is tailored to the particular Radiant. So I wasn't taking about two existing shardblades, but two blades that are intrinsically paired. Sorry if this wasn't clear. I was specifically trying to find a theoretical way to get around the WoB.


Also, as I once said to Kurkistan:


*refusing to let dreams be crushed*   :(

Double shardblades would be awesome either way. And when I get them, I'm coming for you first, you storming, hemalurgic pussy-cat  :angry: 

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Hmmm. I think I can see how certain weapons exist and are meant to be used as a pair. Sort of like Raphael's sais, or certain japanese styles that fight with a katana and wakizashi, or rapier/dagger for a more western style.

I'm less confident about projectile type shards though as ownership would become very iffy. Projectile launching might be more feasible but the projectiles themselves might just be mundane? Or maybe stormlight generated? Is there a soulcast conversion fron air to wood or steel?

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Hmmm. I think I can see how certain weapons exist and are meant to be used as a pair. Sort of like Raphael's sais, or certain japanese styles that fight with a katana and wakizashi, or rapier/dagger for a more western style.

I'm less confident about projectile type shards though as ownership would become very iffy. Projectile launching might be more feasible but the projectiles themselves might just be mundane? Or maybe stormlight generated? Is there a soulcast conversion fron air to wood or steel?

It is easy with a bow. The shard-arrows are a part of the unit, but the core of the weapon's identity is clearly in the shard-bow which remains in the archer's posession. (and for the record I'm not talking about the "shardbows" which are in the book, but are actually "fabrial-bows for shardbearers"). 


It is less clear for thrown weapons.

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For a shardbow, perhaps one heartbeat to summon an arrow, and the arrow lasts ten heartbeats before turning to mist. That way the arrow doesnt just poof away when you fire it. Though it would have an interesting mechanic where calm people fire slower but longer ranged.

If you aim right, you could take out whole ranks of soldiers in lliteraly heartbeats.

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