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Book signing in Portland oregon


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Somethings that would be useful for the coppermind are:


Can we get a name for the parasites that the Aviar eat?


SoS spoilers:

Can we get a name for the new Hemalurgic construct that Paalm created?


And this isn't quite necessary at the moment but I'd like some confirmation:


SoS spoilers-ish?  From the Ars Arcanum:

Is Wax's steel bubble the Crasher "Twinborn Perk" that the Ars Arcanum Author mentions?

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I've got a few, if you want some ideas for things to ask!


  • Does duralumin cause your other metals to burn instantly, or over the course of seconds? Because whenever Vin does a duralumin burn, the effects seem to last for a while.
  • Mathematically, how does the power dropoff work over generations of Allomancers? Are the Mistings in Alloy of Law noticeably weaker than an equivalent Misting in Final Empire? Has the rate of power loss with each generation of Allomancers slowed? (Note: you may want to reword this.)
  • Koloss are now different, and less monstrous. What technique did Sazed employ to accomplish this? Did he change Hemalurgy himself, did he teach the koloss a new place to put spikes, or what?

  • Do the Unmade require Investiture to live, like the Returned? If so, do they partially subsist off the souls of those they kill?

  • Why can Breath not power a Returned forever like it can an object?

  • Is the color aura of an Awakener them ‘leaking’ Breath like a Surgebinder leaks Stormlight?

Edited by Moogle
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I wrote my questions down on a price of paper and then lost the paper.

...I'm probably going to have to use Moogle's questions.

Edit: My final lost of books-to-be-signed are now:

The Way Of Kings

Words of Radiance


The Alloy of Law

Shadows of Self

I couldn't figure out a way to get my black kindle signed. Which is a pity, as my only kindle books are Sanderson.

Edited by WayneSpren
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I have the answers to my questions!

Q: "Why did Wayne choose to ride with Hoid on the exterior of the carriage in SoS?"

A: "Wayne likes Hoid, but he doesn't know who he is."

Time for the fandom to explode!


Q: "Can Shardblades cut aluminum?"

A: "Well-um-yes, yes they can."

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Time for the fandom to explode!


Q: "Can Shardblades cut aluminum?"

A: "Well-um-yes, yes they can."


I don't know, I'm not all that surprised by this. Aluminum is special, sure, but I don't expect it to be as special on Roshar as on Scadrial. I see a Shardblade cutting an inanimate object as a very sharp anything cutting an inanimate object, it's a very indirect application of the magic/Investiture. Now I would be surprised if, say, Soulcasting aluminum to another material isn't different in some way, but that's a far more direct interaction with the magic than trying to cut it.

Edited by Cosmologist
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I don't know, I'm not all that surprised by this. Aluminum is special, sure, but I don't expect it to be as special on Roshar as on Scadrial. I see a Shardblade cutting an inanimate object as a very sharp anything cutting an inanimate object, it's a very indirect application of the magic/Investiture. Now I would be surprised if, say, Soulcasting aluminum to another material isn't different in some way, but that's a far more direct interaction with the magic than trying to cut it.

To be honest, i ever thought to the shardblade as "sharp" (at least in the Physical Realm).

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I was at the singing in Portland and I asked a question that got an RAFO.  I just re-read Elantris and my question was related to something I picked up knowing more about the Cosmere now.  


Q:  When Elantrians want to die they go into the Shardpool.  Are they unintentionally or intentionally world hopping somewhere?  Also have we seen them in any of the books yet?


A:  I'm surprised that no one has asked me that yet.  (with a sly smile)


So maybe we can expect to see the Elantrans somewhere out there in the Cosmere in the future.  

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I was at the singing in Portland and I asked a question that got an RAFO.  I just re-read Elantris and my question was related to something I picked up knowing more about the Cosmere now.  


Q:  When Elantrians want to die they go into the Shardpool.  Are they unintentionally or intentionally world hopping somewhere?  Also have we seen them in any of the books yet?


A:  I'm surprised that no one has asked me that yet.  (with a sly smile)


So maybe we can expect to see the Elantrans somewhere out there in the Cosmere in the future.  

This just opens more questions for me.

1. Do the Elantrians emerge at all?

2. If they Emerge, do they reemerge in the physical realm? If so, where?

3. Do they still show the effects of the post-Reod "sickness"?

3a. If no, was that due to passing through the pool?

3b. If yes, would an Elantrian that was showing the post-Reod sickness (zombified) and was off world after passing through the shardpool complete the Shaod (be cured of the zombification) when Raoden completed the Aon Rao to restore Elantris?

On a completely different note, is the Stick from Roshar a similar or different wood to the stick Raoden used? Are they the same epic stick? Is it all connected #DuraluminFoilHat

Edited by midnightyell
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I have the answers to my questions!

Q: "Why did Wayne choose to ride with Hoid on the exterior of the carriage in SoS?"

A: "Wayne likes Hoid, but he doesn't know who he is."

Time for the fandom to explode!


Q: "Can Shardblades cut aluminum?"

A: "Well-um-yes, yes they can."


Hate to bust the theorycrafting bubbles but he told me when i picked up my phone that was recording the signing line that he didn't want to canonize this answer specifically about the aluminum and shardblades.  It was asked while I was not nearby so I had no idea what he meant but there you go...  Sorry!


Good news.. I recorded approximately 60% of the signing line and will post any other questions that were asked.

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So- I had a list of questions that I wanted to ask- but... I surprisingly fangirled when I got up to Brandon and forgot most of what I was going to ask. two of the questions I did manage to ask were:


Q: Is Shallan's photographic memory due to her bond with Pattern?


before he answered- he stumbled almost as if he were to say "no", or that it didnt directly want to say that it was directly from Pattern- but then (as closely as I could write down immediately after i stepped away from the table) he replied:


A: "Shallan's memory has a supernatural component"


The other question I asked wasn't as helpful, but- it was regarding how "closed" the cosmere would be when he was done with his 30-something books. His answer- nowhere near verbatim, was something along the lines of: 


"Let's let me finish this first, not sure if I want to answer that yet"

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So- I had a list of questions that I wanted to ask- but... I surprisingly fangirled when I got up to Brandon and forgot most of what I was going to ask. two of the questions I did manage to ask were:


Q: Is Shallan's photographic memory due to her bond with Pattern?


before he answered- he stumbled almost as if he were to say "no", or that it didnt directly want to say that it was directly from Pattern- but then (as closely as I could write down immediately after i stepped away from the table) he replied:


A: "Shallan's memory has a supernatural component"


The other question I asked wasn't as helpful, but- it was regarding how "closed" the cosmere would be when he was done with his 30-something books. His answer- nowhere near verbatim, was something along the lines of: 


"Let's let me finish this first, not sure if I want to answer that yet"


Shallan's memory being a by-product of her bond to Pattern has been answered in the past. The answer is yes. I dunno why he stumbled on your question.

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well boo... I never came across that in any of the forums, so i thought it wasn't too much of a stretch considering that real life people have photographic memory.


oh well- i'll just need to go to more signings to not get so flustered :-)

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Q: Is Shallan's photographic memory due to her bond with Pattern?


before he answered- he stumbled almost as if he were to say "no", or that it didnt directly want to say that it was directly from Pattern- but then (as closely as I could write down immediately after i stepped away from the table) he replied:


A: "Shallan's memory has a supernatural component"


We had pretty much the same question during the Chicago signing, recorded. Once the transcript goes up we should be able to get something more verbatim. 

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