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Long time lurker, registered after the SoS signing in Houston last night


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Howdy y'all. I've lurked for a year or so, but registered because I asked Brandon a question during the signing last night and wanted to share the answer.

What's the best forum to do that?   Signing thread, Cosmere theories? Soemwhere else?


If it helps categorize it, the question was

We've seen someone with a hemallurgic spike communicate or under the control of Ruin or Harmony. To what extent can other Shards communicate or control those individuals? Even on other planets than Scadrial?

I've tried to review the question lists, but I can't find that anyone else has posted a Brandon answer to my exact question.

Thanks in advance.

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Hey welcome to the forums!


In general signing reports should go in the Events and Signings forum in the associated event's thread.  I don't believe one has been started for Houston yet so just go ahead and start one.  Anyway I'm really looking forward to the answer, I'm not aware of it being answered before.

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Hey welcome to the forums!


In general signing reports should go in the Events and Signings forum in the associated event's thread.  I don't believe one has been started for Houston yet so just go ahead and start one.  Anyway I'm really looking forward to the answer, I'm not aware of it being answered before.



Thank you for not only asking an interesting question, but also coming over to share Brandon's reply with us. 

Always welcome. I'll admit it was this board that got me to wondering about the question in the first place, so why not share the answer?

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Like the signings, not a huge fan of shopping at Murder by Book in Houston though.  I am a Houstonian too!  I don't post much either, mostly a lurker, and mostly a lurker to keep from spending way to much time on here, but I signed up after the WoR signing in Houston for very much the same reason.  

Edited by Sebarial
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