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using Dor on roshar


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i was thinking about elantrians using dor was tied to the land, some kind of cognative,physical,spirtual magic where they draw their power cognative to that of the land.which is why it worked in elantis beause aon roa was shapped like elantris. This got me thinking about the sand plate vibrations kabsal was showing shallan in kabranth being linked to cities. Although Jasnah dismisses this what if these patterns show places of power where the cognative and physical realms hold power like elantris. I know Dor is a magic caused by the splintered shards on sel but if a elantian could in theory jury rig stormlight into one of those cities, sort of like a closed electricity network around the city walls. Could in theory a elantian come up with a new aon pattern system focusing stormlight invested fabrials using that cities patterns to access Dor like magic? 



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I put together two ideas on how using the Aondor on Roshar but there are a lot of speculative:

- Using a 2 or more Aon to drawn the Dor and keep in a "loop" without using it, then when you have need of it, you "edit" the Aon to use the trapped Dor, This is theoretical usable to have a "small amount of portable Dor" (like the Well ter'angreal of WoT) and if works, works in any place of universe.

- Based on a theory of mine (but there are spoiler of Warbreaker) This. The core-idea is that a seon-bond give on Roshar an X powers and the access to the local investiture to use its. If it's true an Elantrian with Seon, could fill of Stormlight and (in theory) use its to perform AonDor.


I remember that both of them are Highly Speculative and could be horrifically wrong.

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While you cant access the Dor on Roshar there is nothing saying you cant make your Aons work. Just like Vasher can feed on Stormlight instead of breaths.


Aons work by taking the Dor out of the cognitive realm, telling it "Do this" with the Aon and then magic happens. You should be able to use Stormlight instead of the Dor. (But you already know this)


It sounds like it could be possible in theory, but maybe the Rosharian Aons will be very different.

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