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Where is the Terriswoman Worldhopper?


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So, many of you may recall that in the interview Miyabi did with Brandon, Brandon said that there was a Terriswoman worldhopper running around somewhere.  So far, I have not heard of any guesses as to where she turns up.  Weiry posited that she was Demoux's girlfriend which sounds reasonable since we know Demoux is a worldhopper.  But what book is she present in as a worldhopper?  Well, Brandon dropped a key tidbit at Seattle as to where she is.  She is in Warbreaker somewhere.  He also said that she is really hard to spot.  So happy hunting.

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/>Easy. I would guess she's one of the plethora of oddly dressed women that Vivienne marvels at.

*Starts searching through book.*

This is what I was thinking. I seem to remember her noting another woman dressed as modestly as her, and the woman obviously being a foreigner.

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I thought I did too, but not so far as I can tell yet. "Modest" and "foreign" don't get you anywhere.




There isn't. No earrings and all the "jewels" I can find are Jewels, with no "jewelry" in sight. *continues the word-search hunt*

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"Dress" doesn't get you anywhere. I'm tempted to try "woman" but that might take some time...



"Woman" isn't very helpful either. If only we knew if she was going by an alias or if she's simply an unnamed background character. Did the Terriswoman have a name? I can't seem to recall.

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I just started reread Warbreaker myself. I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone at the Arena. A feruchemist could probably sneak in pretty easily. But... you know, she's likely a drab unless she's managed to procure herself some Breath. Speaking of which... damnation it why couldn't we have gotten Vivienne spotting the worldhopper or hoid. What would their biochromatic aura look like?


Also need double check Lightsong's petitioners


Also could be Siri's maidservants? Perhaps the one she sent to fetch Bluefingers?

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No, she would not be drab. She just wouldn't be able to use the "Breath" part of her soul for Awakening.


EDIT: Full disclosure: that is slightly less 100% solid than my post implies. There have been arguments on which I firmly fall on the "non-Nalthians are not drabs" side, but we do not have complete explicit confirmation to the effect that they would look "normal" to an Awakener.


We do know that Breaths come from the bit of Endowment in Nalthians in the same way that Allomancy comes from Preservation in Scadrians, though.

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I doubt that there will be any description of her which would identify her as Terris to us.  The way Brandon said it, it sounded like there was not much description to use to identify her.  I would expect her to be someone prominently noted, but not critical in any way.

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My best guess so far is the nurse that takes care of Lemex (pg 109, referenced on 123, 188. PDF 1st Edition Hardcover).
There's no particular reason to justify this choice beyond sheer guesswork and semi-prominence. Here's is the entirety of the descriptions of her:

The only other person present was a solemn nurse—the same woman who had informed Vivenna in a quiet voice that nothing more could be done.
The nurse glanced at Vivenna. "He goes in and out of lucidity, my lady. Just this morning, he spoke of you, but now he’s getting worse and worse. . ."
"Thank you," Vivenna said quietly. "You are excused."
The woman bowed and left.


Her other prominent acts were dispossing of Lemex's body and being paid off not to talk, both off-screen.

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Is there a transcript for that signing by any chance?


Also, should be take this to mean that Feruchemy contains one of the Shadesmar keys (given that every world has a way of accessing it, but not every system)?

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No transcript, Shardlet is waiting on permission to repost since it was someone else's question.


My author-sense is telling me that she's actually not a Feruchemist. Too many of those running around already, and she almost certainly isn't one if she's Demoux's girlfriend, what with what happened to just about all the living Feruchemists besides Sazed...


I hazard that worldhoppers make a habit of hitching rides with others, so each of them needn't have the personal ability to worldhop.

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No transcript, Shardlet is waiting on permission to repost since it was someone else's question.


My author-sense is telling me that she's actually not a Feruchemist. Too many of those running around already, and she almost certainly isn't one if she's Demoux's girlfriend, what with what happened to just about all the living Feruchemists besides Sazed...

My author sense (or perhaps wishful thinking) is telling me that she is not Demoux's girlfriend (though I will be massively shut down if that is mentioned in the transcript). Why? I think we need female character exploring the galaxy without having to rely on the powers of others, and without necessarily having the girlfriend/wife connection which would risk defining her in connection to her male counterpart. I personally hope the Terriswoman is a Janeway-like Galactic explorer whose attachments are comparable to those of Hoid. So yes, I suppose it is wishful thinking, but Brandon has shown himself capable of writing good female characters (in my opinion) and perhaps he too would see making the Terriswoman Demoux's girlfriend as potentially reductive (this is not to say that it would be terrible if she was, I'm just interested in the narrative possibilities of her not being someone's squeeze... that sounds more aggressive than I want it to, but I can't think of any other way to say it).


Your words imply that the problems with her being a Feruchemist are temporally localized, which I agree with, and I am inclined to think, therefore, that she is from earlier in Scadrial's history when full-Feruchemists were still prevalent. Afterall, Demoux and Hoid are both kicking centuries after they should have been dead, and I therefore see no reason why Terris-Janeway (as I will hereafter refer to her) couldn't have also (I am sure you agree with me on this, based on your post, I just want to make the idea explicit). For all we know, she could be the last Worldbringer, and that would be awesome!

I hazard that worldhoppers make a habit of hitching rides with others, so each of them needn't have the personal ability to worldhop.

True, but for the above reasons I think (read: "would prefer"... wishful thinking again) her to be able to personally do so.




EDIT: I should probably explain the link rather than just slipping it in there. Basically the idea is that one of the great things about Voyager is that it presents a female character in a strong role without making a big deal about her being a female character. It doesn't ignore her femaleness, but nor does it make it the issue. For me the key bit of the article is:


"Janeway is a strong female character to rock all strong female characters: A leader who is female-gendered, in touch with her sense of gender, and yet invested with a non-gendered position of highest responsibility which she executes with capability and compassion... This is why I think Voyager is fantastic, and why I think Janeway is an amazing character; because the show chooses to deal with the question of a female captain by not making it a question."


Personally I love Janeway as a character because she is so... distinct. She has her own style which I don't always agree with, but which works for her and the situation. I agree with the author that that can be rare for a female character in fiction. As I mentioned, I am not suggesting that Brandon is guilty of writing poor female characters, quite the opposite, which is why I secretly hope he develops this Terriswoman (oooh, or gives her a book!).



EDIT: Wow. This post was not meant to be this long. I apologise for the essays I am flooding the board with everyone. :(

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I have a thought. Perhaps Terris-Janeway is in the printed edition of Warbreaker, but not the free online one which is likely more prevalent (and easier to search by keywords). That would actually be a brilliant way to hide something... have a free release of a work, and a printed one, and hide a sentence or phrase in the printed one that is not in the free one, and isn't obviously significant. If that is a tactic Brandon has deployed, I suppose the quickest way to find her would be to compare the two versions of Warbreaker... which would probably take even more effort than just our random searching.

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I doubt he'd do that. He's fairly big on the free online version being complete.


Either way, though, I suspect that the next re-read (which may well be by someone with a print version) will find us a few good candidates. This needs a close reading, not word-searches.

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What if (and I realise this is reaching a bit) the Terris-Woman is Inhanna?


Opposing Nanrovah was Blushweaver’s own high priestess, Inhanna.
“Oh, come now,” the woman said from the sands down below. “Do we really
need to have this argument again? Idris is nothing more than a rebel
enclave set up inside the borders of our own kingdom!”
“They keep to themselves,” Nanrovah said. “Holding lands we don’t want
“Lands we don’t want?” Blushweaver’s priestess said, sputtering. “They
hold every single pass to the northern kingdoms! Every workable copper mine!
They have military garrisons within striking distance of T’Telir! And they still
claim to be ruled by the rightful kings of Hallandren!”

pg 161


Being a Priestess seems like a good fit for a Terris. And is Copper really so valuable that they'd care? Why bring it up, unless you subconsciously apply a higher value to copper than the average person (say... because you're connected to the Terris culture). She's a bit more... aggressive than the Terris we've encountered before, but that could fit with her being a pre-Empire (and therefore pre-breeding program) Terris who has insinuated herself into the priesthood to learn more about Nalthis. From a narrative perspective... why bother naming her? She is named once (here) and then the name is never mentioned again, although she is:


Lightsong immediately changed the topic. “Do you know anything
about a tunnel complex beneath the Court of Gods?”
Blushweaver turned back toward him, shrugging. “Sure. Some of the
palaces have tunnels beneath them, places for storage and the like.”
“Have you ever been down in any of them?”
“Please. Why would I go crawling about in storage tunnels? I only know
about them because of my high priestess. When she joined my ser vice, she
asked me if I wanted mine connected to the main complex of tunnels. I said
I didn’t.”

pg 365


If Inhanna is our mark, I can see her as having ulterior motives for wanting the tunnels connected.


I don't have time today to further follow up this possibility, so I leave it to you guys.

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Hm. I'm not feeling it. Copper isn't much help here because copper really is quite valuable. Access to it has been a real bone of contention, historically.


Entry into the priesthood is a bit of a long commitment, I think. Recall: she's not just a priestess, but a High Priestess. That implies years if not decades of experience before gaining that position.

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Hm. I'm not feeling it. Copper isn't much help here because copper really is quite valuable. Access to it has been a real bone of contention, historically.

That is fair enough. Copper does seem a... suggestive... choice from a narrative perspective, though I admit I am shamelessly reaching here.

Entry into the priesthood is a bit of a long commitment, I think. Recall: she's not just a priestess, but a High Priestess. That implies years if not decades of experience before gaining that position.

Yes she is. But if she's pre-LR-Ascension, she's been around a fair while. What is decades to an immortal? Time to study something in depth, like the nature of Returned.

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