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Hoid's Purpose


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So I have been thinking about what Hoid is doing. He has a specific purpose and his wanderings always have a secret agenda. He helps people but he also gets what he wants. He has the Moon Scepter, a bead of Lerasium, he probably has Breaths and who knows what he is after on Roshar.


Many on the Forums think Hoid has a Shard or wants a Shard or even doesn't want a Shard. I think Hoid does want a Shard but the right Shard. Each Shard has a specific Intent which shapes the bearer. Odium does not want any Shard that is not his because it would corrupt his original Intent which fits his plans. Hoid is looking for a Shard that will have the same Intent as him. In order to have a Shard that has the same Intent as him, Hoid is going to create a new Shard. The magic systems are basically condensed versions of each Shard. Hoid already has access to several magic systems. He is going to create a 17th Shard using the basic components of each Shard. Magic that has Invested an object makes it harder to manipulate with other magics but if you forced all of the magics together the amount of power would create a Shard. Vin had a similar experience. When she absorbed the Mists of Preservation she ascended because as the power forced itself into her, it rewrote her sDNA and ripped troughs through her soul and caused her to ascend.


Hoid might concentrate all of the magic of all the Shards into one object causing it to become a Shard. He could then take up this Shard which because it is built from all Shards would be a smaller version of Adonalsium. Hoid could then continue his battle for the Universe and his original purpose. I think the gathering of magic systems is a means to an end not the end itself. Also the recipient of the letter knows about Hoid's plans. He created a group called the 17th Shard just to mock Hoid as the group is dedicated to finding him.

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Hoid definitely doesn't have a shard.


True, but I think the OP is saying that Hoid is trying to make a new shard by combining the appropriately potent bits of some of the old ones.  That he 'currently" isn't one isn't relevant.


My biggest problem with this theory is that I don't think that the things Hoid have been collecting are potent enough to come anywhere near adonalsium, or anything close, at least on their own.  However, he is probably collecting parts of the magic system for something related to a combination of powers in some form.

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The concept seems similar to stuff that's been discussed about compounding feruchemic investiture to syphon all of Preservation into yourself.

Better example: Brandon says eating enough lerasium would make you a sliver.

Now find a way to do this with the magic of 16 different shards. Presumably, this would permanently remove a chunk of their power (think The Trust), which would make even Harmony reluctant to deal with him.

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Well, not exactly a sliver.  Lerasium savatage is the same as ascension, but...

Interview: Sep, 2012

What about a Lerasium savant? Or would that require so much Lerasium that the person attempting it would ascend to become a new Shardholder?
Brandon Sanderson
Basically, this is what ascension is.
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So this is my little theory on Hoid, OK maybe not a theory but musings, and bare in mind that this is coming from someone who has only yet read Mistborn and Stormlight, and is only slowly learning about the cosmere from reading this forum, while at the same time trying to avoid blundering onto too many spoilers from the books I've yet to read.


Here it goes:


I think that when Adonalsium was whole Hoid was either created to be, or always was the conscious cognitive aspect of Adonalsium, and when it was shattered into 16 pieces and spread throughout the galaxy Hoid as we know him know is what was left.


I think he's on a mission to reunite the shards for whatever Adonalsium's purpose was, maybe only Hoid knows. Maybe he's the one who shattered it in the first place because he couldn't fulfill it's purpose in the state it was in, and so is attempting to reforge Adonalsium into a form to achieve this.  


He could be collecting little pieces of the different shards essence, i.e. the lerasium bead, so that he can attune himself to the power of that shard as it is now, so that when the time comes he can wield the new Adonalsium that he creates.


Like I said, these are just some idle musings from someone who doesn't know much about the cosmere yet.  

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So this is my little theory on Hoid, OK maybe not a theory but musings, and bare in mind that this is coming from someone who has only yet read Mistborn and Stormlight, and is only slowly learning about the cosmere from reading this forum, while at the same time trying to avoid blundering onto too many spoilers from the books I've yet to read.


Here it goes:


I think that when Adonalsium was whole Hoid was either created to be, or always was the conscious cognitive aspect of Adonalsium, and when it was shattered into 16 pieces and spread throughout the galaxy Hoid as we know him know is what was left.


I think he's on a mission to reunite the shards for whatever Adonalsium's purpose was, maybe only Hoid knows. Maybe he's the one who shattered it in the first place because he couldn't fulfill it's purpose in the state it was in, and so is attempting to reforge Adonalsium into a form to achieve this.  


He could be collecting little pieces of the different shards essence, i.e. the lerasium bead, so that he can attune himself to the power of that shard as it is now, so that when the time comes he can wield the new Adonalsium that he creates.


Like I said, these are just some idle musings from someone who doesn't know much about the cosmere yet.  



I've been re-listening to The Way of Kings and I just got done with Hoid's conversation with Kaladin. Kaladin asked what Hoid's name was and Hoid replied that he has many names, even one named after a rock. 


"I've many." The Man shook Kaladin's hand... "Another time I was named for a rock." Page 999 of the paperback.


Maybe Hoid was Adonalsium's bearer for a short time? 

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