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Little help with WoA needed


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So as many of you know, I read The Final Empire out loud to my little sister so that I could censor out for her.( Mostly just parts like when Straff took Elend to the whorehouse and other discussions like that)

So we finished the book a month or so ago and I finally got WoA for her to read. I was just going to paper clip the pages shut this time as it'd be a lot easier for me. I know I need to do the scene with Straff getting poisoned by Zane and calling in his skaa concubine. Does anyone remember where else I should paper clip?

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Eh... it all depends on your particular censorship decisions. When Vin fights Zane, he stabs her in the breast. It's non-sexual, but do you just want to avoid mentions of breasts?


When Vin and Elend meet Straff the first time, the turning point in their conversation is when Straff talks about bedding Vin.


It looks from your choices that you're censoring things of a sexual nature, not excessive violence, yeah?


When Elend and Vin are on the run, she wakes up naked next to him.


After Zane gets all his half-brothers killed, Straff thinks to himself how making them was decades of "pleasurable work."


There's a scene of Breeze waking up naked next to Allriane, and one earlier than that, our first Breeze viewpoint, where she walks up to him and he experiences her Rioting his desire.


Vin is talking to Sazed at one point and we learn about Tindwyl's past as a Terris Mother.

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Thanks for the responses! And yeah, violence isn't a problem really. She's read the two stormlight books by herself, so looks like I'll probably just cut the Straff stuff, and maybe the part with Sazed. I'll need to reread those parts.

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