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The Way of Kings Typos list:


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UK iBooks edition has many instances of hyphenated words which should not be e.g shard-blade/plate/bearer and high-prince. Shard-blade/plate/bearer occurs 17 times (from a search) and high-prince occurs 15 times. High-storm and Storm-father appears once and Storm-light appears 17 times.

They do not affect the reading but I thought you might want to know.

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  • 2 months later...

I have only ever listened to the audiobooks for the series, so I can't point to a page number and don't know if the error exists inside the book itself or only on the audiobook version I heard, but during a scene where Kaladin is having a flashback to the day he saved Amaram, his Sargent Tukks, was telling someone who thought they saw a guy wearing Shardplate "No, that's just regular plate, thank the Almighty. Stormbearers are rare. There won't be one for just a minor boarder dispute. They are all fighting on the shattered plains."
I am paraphrasing, but the part I am sure about is the term "Stormbearer". It may have been in another part of the same scene setting. It caught me as odd and wasn't sure I heard correctly until I re-listened to the book a few more times. It may not be a mistake but a colloquialism. One that is used where Tukks is from. I just never heard anyone else say it, nor was it addressed by anyone as anything odd. Which made me think it was a slip up. I kinda like it though. Like someone who is the owner to both Shardplate and a Shardblade isn't called just a Shardbearer, but a Stormbearer. It's a fitting distinction. Let me know if anyone else found this or knows the reasoning behind it, if it isn't a mistake.

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone looked at the archived pages? I don't know what date would work or if this was the correct thread, but this was a snapshot from OCT 2010. I know there were two other taken at the end of Nov 2010 as well. 



Edited by Dun Sphere
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  • 3 weeks later...

In the audiobook. The dialogue between Ranarin and Kaladin, when Ranarin is asking to join Bridge 4.

Ranarin makes the statement, "...they say the afterlife is a big battle to reclaim the Tranquiline Hills..." 

I am paraphrasing the exact wording. I just heard him say "hills" and wanted to point it out. I don't know if this is intentional. As I haven't heard any other reference to them being called "hills" instead of "halls" I figured I would point it out. I don't know if it appears in the text as well. I have only listened to the audiobook.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is technically not a typo, but on page 972, he says, "Next, he Lashed himself upward with a subtle Lashing that left him weighing only a tenth his normal weight. He leapt onto the rock, and his lessened weight pushed the rock down slowly. He rode it down into the room below."


I understand what he was trying to accomplish but gravity is a constant and, as such, Szeth should've fallen at the same velocity despite reducing his weight.

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That's just an issue of phrasing. As Lashings work by creating localized gravitational forces (don't think, it's magic :P) it would have created a localized gravitational force of approximately 0.63Gs upwards relative to Szeth's current position on Roshar, which after competition from Roshar's 0.7Gs of gravity, would have left Szeth feeling only 0.07Gs, or, one tenth of the regular gravitational force.  


In the end, it's just a lot easier for people to conceptualize "one tenth of his weight," than "one tenth of Roshar's relative gravitational attraction." 

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  • 3 months later...

My Way of Kings lists the quality of Skybreakers as Learned and of Truthwatchers as Just, but my Words of Radiance switches those two. Was that intentional, like how the Allomancy chart kept updating throughout the books? Was it meant to reflect the Artist Arcanum learning more as time went on? Or is it a simple typo?


(These are both the Nook version. Perhaps it will update if I delete my copy and re-download it?)

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That's just an issue of phrasing. As Lashings work by creating localized gravitational forces (don't think, it's magic :P) it would have created a localized gravitational force of approximately 0.63Gs upwards relative to Szeth's current position on Roshar, which after competition from Roshar's 0.7Gs of gravity, would have left Szeth feeling only 0.07Gs, or, one tenth of the regular gravitational force.  


In the end, it's just a lot easier for people to conceptualize "one tenth of his weight," than "one tenth of Roshar's relative gravitational attraction." 

No. Lashing is not a vector addition to the planet's gravity. When you use a Lashing, you dismiss the planet's gravity's influence on you entirely.


The "the the" typo was fixed.


Jost and Jest are brothers.

Edited by PeterAhlstrom
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So it would have been a 9/20ths (45%) Lashing, then? :P (0.7-0.7*0.45*2=0.07)


Or do Lashings completely cancel out gravity and then reapply the gravitational force at a different strength?

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Very possible typo in the Ars Arcanum is that the 4th/5th rows basically don't match up and should be swapped, based on our spren seeing in WoR. Compare Ym's spren and Wyndle and the orders belonging to those rows of the AA. The divine attributes and numbers should stay as they are, and maybe everything else be swapped. (This also implies a big error on the Surgebinding chart. Maybe I'm crazy.)

Edited by Moogle
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This runs afoul of another thought I've had for a while... the Soulcasting Property of the first order is clear air. Syl looks like windspren. The property associated with Elsecallers is oil. Ivory looks like oil. Shallan's property is blood, and her spren travels just under the surface of things.


Yet, Edgedancers are associated with crystal, and Truthwatchers with plants. Why then does Ym's spren look like prismatic light, and Windle looks like a growing vine? There is the fact that Windle grows crystals, and the light of Ym's spren grows like a plant, but still, they seem more naturally to be swapped.

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There's also the fact that that chart is in-world, and subjected to the shift of history. These are associations of Vorin symbolism, which may not correlate perfectly with the Radiants. A lot of biases and accidental changes can skip in over the years. We already know that the body focuses on there are basically meaningless. The chart is even labeled "imperfect".

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So it would have been a 9/20ths (45%) Lashing, then? :P (0.7-0.7*0.45*2=0.07)


Or do Lashings completely cancel out gravity and then reapply the gravitational force at a different strength?

The general rule when you do a Basic Lashing is that it replaces all other Basic Lashings (including the planet's gravity) on you or the object. The default Basic Lashing strength is 1 Roshar gravity.


As you get more practiced you can use partial lashings or multiple Lashings, or (Kaladin does this accidentally one time) NOT dismiss the previous Lashings entirely, so that different Lashings are pulling in different directions. But usually when someone does a Lashing, you should assume that Lashing's effect is the only "gravity" that currently exists for that person or thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is pretty nit-picky, but out of a sense of completeness:


Chapter 1. "The warm wind blew in Cenn's face, thick with the watery scents of last night's highstorm."


Chapter 47, Kaladin's flashback to that same battle. "The battlefield was nearby, and, with no highstorms expected, the army had spent the night in tents."

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I haven't searched for the old TWG thread so this could have been mentioned already.

Chapter 28 Decision, page 415, US Hardcover, reads:

And yet, thinking about killing was starting to sicken him. It had grown worse since that last bridge assault.

Shouldn't that be plateau assault?

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