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Favourite Character in Cosmere?

Straff Venture

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This one is a toughie. Kelsier or Vin are the obvious choices for me. Next would probably be Sarene, Hrathen, Raoden (yes, I liked Elantris), Siri, Shallan, or Jasnah (in no particular order).

Oooo, favorite minor character is definitely Lady Kliss or Yeoman.

And I forgot about TenSoon and Ruin... and the Lord Ruler, and Alendi.... who I also enjoy.

This is more difficult than I initially expected.

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Hmmm- Vin is probably my overall favorite, with Elend, Sazed, and Lightsong also up there. Hrathen and Vivenna both have development I really enjoyed, even though as people I don't care much for either of them, and I do look forward to where Vivenna's arc ends up going when Warbreaker 2 eventually comes out. I'm rather fond of most of the principle cast of Way of Kings as well, but since we're going to be spending approx. nine more books with these people, I'm currently withholding judgment in terms of placing them with my favorites. That about covers it :)

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Zane would be my favourite if he didn't whine like a little girl, I would have to say Vivenna or Jasnah. I'm currently rereading Elantris and am thoroughly enjoying the characters of Sarene and Shuden. Also in the lightsong fangirl clan.

Edited by Shardblade Envy
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Hmmmmm.... Mistborn has the most for me. Vin, Kelsier and Sazed are probably my 3 favorite. Dalinar really grew on me, so he goes in the second tier. The Lord Ruler is fascinating to me as a concept rather than a character, but i'll put him in anyway. Out of all those, I'm going to have to go with Vin. I really enjoy rooting for characters with psychological damage, and Vin was the exact right combination of vulnerable and badass.

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Ah yes, the King's Wit. Hoid was pretty good her, and I think we've seen him doing his crazy lightweaving here, along with Warbreaker. This guy has me worried though, whether he's good or not is irrelevant, it comes down to whether what he's doing is good or not. I guess only time (or a similarly revealing SA book) will tell.

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I didn't think it until Comatose mentioned it, but Lightsong. Definitely Lightsong. He's probably the one I would enjoy hanging out with the most.

Nothing but this. The opportunity to be somewhat made fun of?

This guy, Shallan, and a few other wisecracks...

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  • 6 months later...

Quick speculation:Who would win in a verbal battle between Hoid(as Wit) and Lightsong?


I honestly think they would both start out insulting each other (or someone else), but then they'd start throwing out bits of nonsense and the whole argument would devolve into a nonsensical battle, particularly because of Hoid's fondness for "Gibberish" ...


“Nonsense. Balderdash. Figgldygrak. Isn't it odd that gibberish words are often the sounds of other words, cut up and dismembered, then stitched into something like them—yet wholly unlike them at the same time? 

I wonder if you could do that to a man. Pull him apart, emotion by emotion, bit by bit, bloody chunk by bloody chunk. Then combine them back together into something else, like a Dysian Aimian. If you do put a man together like that, Dalinar, be sure to name him Gibberish, after me. Or perhaps Gibletish”


That would be hilarious. I want in.


As for characters, I'd say Lightsong, Hoid, Shallan and Jasnah. Probably Lightsong wins. I love him so much. And in combination Llarimar he's just fantastic.

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