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Future of Wheel of time


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RObert Jordan was planning on writing two more prequals and three out rigger novels. Its unlikly they would be any time soon, but on the SAnderson site, he does want to write more.

THe second Prequal was to be about Tam, it would show him in the Aiel war, finding RAnd and taking him back to the Two rivers. Its likly going to show how he become a Blademaster.

THe THird prequal was to be about Lan and Moiraine and how they ended up in emonds field. More about logain and his declaration and capture.

For the outrigger books, very little is known. It has been said one of the novels would be about Mat and Tuon and their activity in Seanchan. There were to be three books, with one about Seanchan so it makes sense if the other two would be about the two continets mentioned but never really seen, Shara and the Land of Madmen.

Mat will be reconquering Seanchan from the towers of midnight just like in the stories. The ogier seem to be the loyal type, so secure each steadding and join it by way gate for logistics, If he brings asha'man, be could bind the damane long enough to collar sul'dam, so take them out of the fight. If done right, they wiill never realise male channelers are there. Will mat be campaigning for or against tuon? Mat really doesnt like how parts of the empire is so will attempt to reshape them. Seanchan sound like it is full of choas so the peasant would be eager for the return of the empress.

If the out rigger novel is about the Land of mad mem, likly involving ashaman. It is said that male aes sedai headed here to contain the breaking, so likly their obects of power are there.

Shara could be the reteeling of jains journey, olver following his heroes tale and footsteps. we finally have all those stories from there explained.

With the destruction of aridhol, the cleansing of the taint and the new sealing, they ways should start to heal. If they return to what they once were, living growing walkways, filled with light, a place where the black wind would wither and die. The ways were made after the sealing of the bore, but before the end of the breaking. So could be possible there some hidden on other continets. As they were made for the ogier, they should be the ones in charge of them, as a neutral third party. Say each capital and city state are linked by them, as well as each steadding being givern back to them. If there are expeditions to other continets, could the talisman be lent to grow new ones far away, and link those steaddings to the ogier people. THey will likly also be used on islands to allow esier travel. Places that need a gate: Black tower, ruidan, the ghani tower, the top of dragonmount, tarwins gap, mayne, worlds end. I wonder would way gates be grown on ships.

Due to the Portals stones being used by the darkfriends, the aes sedai will have to explore them. Likly send an object or animal through, and use the channeling to track where it ends up. Changing dimension seems to be a different setting, than simple place location. Once mapped, would be kept watched by those who can channel as channeling is needed for it to work. Also need to make sure that shadow spawn dont escape via them.

I wonder if mat may one day convince the need of a keep to keep watch on the tower, of fox and snakes, as well as place the remaining gate way there. Is it only mats weapon that would act as a way to break out, or would any power wrought weapon do? Will they attempt to recreate the second gateway.

Will the tinkers ask to use the memory pillars to find their ancient song.

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Brandon tweeted recently that none of these are likely ever to happen. They don't want to risk exploiting Jordan's legacy. Also, it wasn't stated, but reading between the lines, I believe Brandon wants to be done with the Wheel of Time so he can have all of his time for his own projects again.

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I recall watching an interview where Brandon Sanderson was talking about these prequals and Mat and Tuon's story. I think he said that he could perhaps explore doing them in the future, but that it was something Harriet and him would have discuss. I'm probably remembering the interview wrong.

However, I can understand how writing these books could run a risk of exploiting Robert Jordan's legacy so perhaps they won't be done.

At least we got the end of the Wheel of Time though. Unfortunately Robert Jordan wasn't able to finish them but at least Brandon Sanderson has done an excellent job of writing the last three books. So at least there's that.

Edited by Cesc_Entreri
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They could turn WoT into sort of a Star Wars universe, maybe, and have a bunch of authors write stories in there. That's about the only reasonable way I see for them to continue publishing things in that world.

Sanderson has his own ideas, stories, and career. It wouldn't be fair to the world if he bottled that up to continue writing in Randland.

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I feel like if a world doesn't start off with multiple authors, it could be completely disastrous to do it part way through. Star Wars only works because every major plot change actually has to be approved by Lucas before it can go into print. With Jordan deceased though... Also, if multiple writers start taking over, I feel like Randland would cease to be Jordan's legacy, he wrote WoT like it was just ONE REALLY LONG book split into volumes, so.

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  • 1 month later...

They could turn WoT into sort of a Star Wars universe, maybe, and have a bunch of authors write stories in there. That's about the only reasonable way I see for them to continue publishing things in that world.

Sanderson has his own ideas, stories, and career. It wouldn't be fair to the world if he bottled that up to continue writing in Randland.

I really hope that doesn't happen.

I wouldn't mind something like what they did with Songs of a Dying Earth though.

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They could turn WoT into sort of a Star Wars universe, maybe, and have a bunch of authors write stories in there. That's about the only reasonable way I see for them to continue publishing things in that world.

Brandon has said in past interviews that he doesn't want that to happen. He's also said that whether or not he writes anything other WoT books is up to Harriet and company. They haven't decided yet if they want anything else done (other than the complete WoT encyclopedia) and I wouldn't expect a decision on that until well after AMoL is finished. They have all their attention focused on that, and rightly so.

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As good as the series is, you have to eventually say enough is enough. Wrap up the loose ends in AMOL and then include little extras in the WoT encyclopedia as a fitting end.

Garion was a good character through 12 books. Flute was great in 6. Richard is still going, but eventually he will reach the end of his cycle (some think he already has with the new style.) As long as it is wrapped up neatly with no cliffhangers or major questions remaining, Rand, Avi, Mat, and Perin deserve a rest. Still, I would not mind seeing Egwene getting spanked for a few more books.

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Even more reason to spank them.

You know, all this talk of spankings has me reminiscing about the Castle Anthrax. (sigh) Good times. ;)

Sounds like someone has been setting alight the grail-shaped beacon. wink.gif

Though, i agree, Egwene being spanked was a high part of recent books for me. Egwene and Elayne are two of my most hated characters (but the other two wonder girls, Aviendha and nynaeve are two of my favorites. And, funny enough, originally when i started the series I started completely opposite, preferred Egwene and Elayne, but couldnt stand the other two.)

I also would not like to see the series star wars-ized.

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Well, I feel that Egwene did a fundamental shift when Sanderson took over. It may just be me on that one though. I really started wishing for her to get spanked once she was just out of Two Rivers and decided to abandon her feelings for Rand.

The outrigger and prequel novels would be a nice little continuation, but they are hardly necessary. Eventually, you get to just exploiting the legacy without adding much to the universe. Sanderson has done a remarkable job of finishing out the main storyline. As long as he finishes it up by wrapping up most of the loose ends, I feel that the characters should be laid to rest. They have all been through so much for their ages. Sanderson is busy with his own work now. Adding another author for the prequels and outriggers just would not seem right at this point. Robocop one was a decent movie, but can we really say the same about Robocop 3?

One of the things I dislike most about the series is that major characters just disappear for books at a time. When was the last time we actually saw Rhuarc on stage? He was a major character for several books, but then just disappeared. Perin, Mat, and Avi have all basically disappeared for at least one book. It has been a while since I read through them, but didn't Rand effectively disappear for one book? To me this is equal to SLA2 not mentioning Kaladin or Dalinar at all. Goodkind basically left Richard out of Pillars of Creation, and to most people that is the worst book. Eddings restricted some of the original companions in the Mallorean, but at least they did make several appearances.

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Well, I feel that Egwene did a fundamental shift when Sanderson took over. It may just be me on that one though. I really started wishing for her to get spanked once she was just out of Two Rivers and decided to abandon her feelings for Rand.

Well, initially when i started reading WoT, egwene seemed like a pretty good character because she was the general "strong, independent tomboy", but later on she starts getting too over opinionated, and bull headed. She basically just auto assumes "i'm right and everyone else is wrong", which honestly, in my opinion, makes her wholly unfit for any position of leadership. Also, her just abandoning rand to become Aes sedai did sort of irk me, but at the same time, rand pretty well acknowledged they drifted apart, so it wasn't too bad.

One of the things I dislike most about the series is that major characters just disappear for books at a time. When was the last time we actually saw Rhuarc on stage? He was a major character for several books, but then just disappeared. Perin, Mat, and Avi have all basically disappeared for at least one book. It has been a while since I read through them, but didn't Rand effectively disappear for one book? To me this is equal to SLA2 not mentioning Kaladin or Dalinar at all. Goodkind basically left Richard out of Pillars of Creation, and to most people that is the worst book. Eddings restricted some of the original companions in the Mallorean, but at least they did make several appearances.

Well, some characters are left out of certain books intentionally, according to RJ. Mat and Perrin were left out of two (separate) books after they had taken injuries in the prior book to allow them some down time. But there's usually a "behind the scenes" reason why the person never shows up for a few books. Not saying its necessarily good form or endorsing that particular writing style, just that there's reasons why they do a disappearing act.

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Well, initially when i started reading WoT, egwene seemed like a pretty good character because she was the general "strong, independent tomboy", but later on she starts getting too over opinionated, and bull headed. She basically just auto assumes "i'm right and everyone else is wrong", which honestly, in my opinion, makes her wholly unfit for any position of leadership. Also, her just abandoning rand to become Aes sedai did sort of irk me, but at the same time, rand pretty well acknowledged they drifted apart, so it wasn't too bad.

Egwene suffers from Two Rivers Woman Syndrome. Two Rivers women, you see, are overbearing and ridiculous, and every single last one of them always knows best. Seriously, read the beginning of The Eye of the World again. Pay attention to how the women act.

Fortunately, (IMO at least), Egwene gets mellowed out by the Aiel, overcomes her overbearing ridiculousness, and goes on to bring much awesome into the world. She does mistreat Gawyn, but that doesn't annoy me as much as it should, because Gawyn pisses me off in the middle books.

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Egwene suffers from Two Rivers Woman Syndrome. Two Rivers women, you see, are overbearing and ridiculous, and every single last one of them always knows best. Seriously, read the beginning of The Eye of the World again. Pay attention to how the women act.

Fortunately, (IMO at least), Egwene gets mellowed out by the Aiel, overcomes her overbearing ridiculousness, and goes on to bring much awesome into the world. She does mistreat Gawyn, but that doesn't annoy me as much as it should, because Gawyn pisses me off in the middle books.

yeah, i'm quite aware of how the two river women are, but Egwene seems worse than any of them to me. Nynaeve at least can listen to reason when needed and does what she does to HELP others, where as Egwene seems to only do things that fit her purposes (and yes, she does mistreat Gawyn, but i agree, i don't like him either, so that's ok.) and further her goals, and screw anyone else's ideas, goals, or hopes. As Amyrlin she rubs me as only slightly better than Elaida (which is another person i hate....holy heck i hate a lot of characters in this series, though this one i feel is justified for anyone to hate), because at least she isnt outright abusive of power

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Even though I'm not a huge fan of Egwene, the people that bug me the most are the rest of the Aes Sedai (with a few exceptions). They are all like hundreds of years old and they have the mentality of teenagers! Oh, and I have yet to see anything impressive from the "legendary" Cadsuane... Grumble... Wait, what was this thread about?

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Cadsuane has an amazingly high opinion of herself, I don't recall her ever admitting that she was overly honored. However, you can't see anything amazing from her because she has been surpassed. Cadsuane suffers strongly from The Worf Effect, in fact, that essentially seems to be her primary purpose (since Jordan moved Moraine away, she wasn't able to do that).

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